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Pemf Home Biobalance Mat System With Rife Frequencies Aided My Stroke Recovery

Pemf Home Biobalance Mat System With Rife Frequencies Aided My Stroke Recovery

Pemf Home Biobalance Mat System With Rife Frequencies Aided My Stroke Recovery

Pemf Home Biobalance Mat System With Rife Frequencies Aided My Stroke Recovery

Pemf Home Biobalance Mat System With Rife Frequencies Aided My Stroke Recovery

Pemf Home Biobalance Mat System With Rife Frequencies Aided My Stroke Recovery

Pemf Home Biobalance Mat System With Rife Frequencies Aided My Stroke Recovery

Pemf Home Biobalance Mat System With Rife Frequencies Aided My Stroke Recovery

The BioBalance is a pulsed magnetic field device that produces strong natural frequencies that resonate with those of the bodys own cells. The magnetic field coming from 21 copper coils inside the large mat applicator penetrates your whole body , reinforcing functional cycles in a natural way. It restores cell functioning and allows the body to recover its self healing capabilities, thus protecting your health and improving your wellness and performance. Safe and effective, only 15-30 minutes, twice a da y. Treatment is quick and easy to use. No need to remove clothing or jewelry. BioBalance was designed to be a less expensive comprehensive option ;to other full body PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) systems like MAS, Bemer, iMRS, etc. BioBalance also produces higher frequency modulated signals that provide more stimulation to the cells and tissues. The magnetic fields emitted from the BioBalance mat and pad are significantly stronger than for example OMI, Bemer, and iMRS. This allows for a more usable energy deeper into the body. Overall Health and Wellness. More people these days are attracted to a lifestyle of wellness and prevention to combat disease. Wellness consumers voluntarily choose to become wellness patrons given the drive to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, minimize conditions associated with aging, and avoid preventable illness. This shift has created the demand for a variety of wellness related products referred to as bio-energetic technologies. Pulsed electromagnetic fields(PEMFs), which are artificially produced to stimulate natural healing and balancing actions of the body, have various proven prevention actions. If you understand the concept behind pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs), you can understand how you can help yourself and your family for a lifetime. One of the main actions of BioBalances PEMF s, is that they activate the autonomic nervous system (ANS). What is the ANS? It is the part of our brain and nervous system that is responsible for controlling many varied functions of the body and therefore our health. It controls our breathing, heart rate, sweating, digestion and all vital functions. If this system is impaired or not functioning properly, there will be major dysfunction in the body and can increase the risk of disease and speed aging. PEMFs activate and balance the ANS , which then supports these vital functions and brings relaxation to the body. Research has shown the following benefits. · Reduction of pain. · Muscle relaxation and performance. · Reduction of swelling. · Improved oxygenation in the tissues. · Enhanced cellular repair and recovery. · Joint cartilage repair. Stimulates and promotes neuroplasticity in Stroke recovery. Additionally, PEMFs clear the bodys energy circuits, the acupuncture and chakra system, as shown by meridian stress assessment testing. Reducing the stress responses in the body will allow individuals to be proactive in slowing the aging process. Who knows what future health problems you could prevent for you and your family by minimizing your stress and maximizing your rest and recovery? Daily use of the Biobalan ce also augments the results of exercise, yoga & meditation, the body better receives and uses nutrients, detoxification is increased, and water absorption improved. Ongoing self-care is maximized with PEMFs through supporting. · A healthy heart, with reduction in heart-damaging inflammation. · Improved concentration and memory. · Stabilization of blood sugar levels. · Healthy joints, with a decrease in pain and symptoms associated with arthritis. · Fighting the damaging effects of aging. Healthy brain and nervous system function and development. · Protection for cell membranes. · Improvement in cholesterol and other blood lipid levels. · Healthy liver function. · Relief of PMS symptoms and painful menstrual periods. · Bolstering the immune system. From a physics perspective, the energy foundations of Life, and that sustains us, is based onElectro-Magnetism. In spite of the fact that contemporary families in developed industrial countries live in abundance, we suffer from chronic energy deficiency. From a physics perspective, the energy foundations of life, and that sustains us, is based on Second Force of Nature Electro-Magnetism. The currents, voltages, and magnetic fields, which man produces in the form of nerve and muscle potentials, are of vital importance. Lack of exercise, incorrect nutrition, and the effect of stress and the environment damages mans organism. He loses his energy balance. The cells can no longer fulfill their tasks. As a result, a negative, downward spiral has begun, manifesting itself in decreased performance, early aging, degeneration and chronic diseases. Therefore, healthy choices are the key to maintaining vital life-long energy. Daily use of the Biobalance , alongside other healthy choices, r egulates energy and thus optimal cell function. If an imbalance or lack of subtle energy occurs, the cell does not function optimally and therefore cannot contribute to vibrant health or when recovery is warranted. Electromagnetic pulses can also jump-start the repair of a wide spectrum of tissues and the remission of diseases. The subtle energy produced by the Biobalance imitates a range of natural neuro-electrical frequencies that the body produces or absorbs to facilitate optimal cell function. Eastern traditions describe this energy as Life Force, Prana or Chi. This Life Force comes from three sources. It comes from the vital energy reserve we inherit from our parents, we absorb it through the foods we eat and we receive it directly from the environment. According to theories of traditional Chinese medicine, illness or sub-optimal performance is mainly a result of an imbalance in the flow of Chi energy to the organs of the body. Many people lack sleep due to the stress of daily life. Many others lack sleep due to specific health conditions such as insomnia, pain or many other diseases. Regularly catching only a few hours of sleep can hinder metabolism and hormone production in a way that is similar to the effects of aging and the early stages of diabetes. Chronic sleep loss may speed the onset or increase the severity of age related-conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and memory-loss. The Biobalances pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) help balance your bodys bio-energy system and resolve some of the emotional stresses that are contributing to the insomnia at a very deep level. The RELAX program, preferably used 15-30 minutes at night just before sleep, sends the right sleep frequencies to the brain drawing the brain to its deepest state. The response is typically immediate, especially in children. With long standing sleep issues, the improvement can take longer, even up to 2-3 weeks. One of the most common feelings people describe when using the Biobalance is relaxation or drowsiness. Since a large percent of the causes of sleep problems are not directly sleep control related, treatment of the rest of the body is needed. To this end, use of magnetic therapies for most other health conditions will also tend to help with sleep as a side benefit. This is from the major actions of magnetic therapies in relaxing muscles, improving circulation and decreasing stress. We live in an increasingly toxic environment. Most of the food that is provided to us, unless organic, has been grown with pesticides, injected with hormones, or includes chemicals. With the increase in pollution all around us, the water that we drink and the air we breathe has become more toxic. Chemicals found in detergents, shampoos, deodorants, etc, have been found to be harmful. Research has shown that the accumulation of harmful toxins that we are being subjected to have been affecting the biochemical processes within the body. Toxins in the body cause us to feel exhausted, to age, and become ill. Cell regeneration is the key to removal of waste, toxins, and free radicals in the body. How is this done? Alongside general detoxifying agents or specific detoxification programs, the Biobalance assists the bodys ability to release toxins from within by enhancing cell membranes and allowing the cells in the body to continually regenerate. It is evident in research that pulsed-electromagnetic fields cause the membrane of the cell to open which further supports the cells removal of toxins. Daily Biobalance treatment is a proactive approach for long-term health support. Lying on the mat using theBALANCE or RECOVERY Program for 15-30 minutes in the morning sends the anti actions of pulsed electromagnetic fields throughout the entire body, making the person more alert. Then, using the RELAX Program right before bed ensures the sleep we all need for optimal health. Statistics indicate people are living longer. There is a concern among people about the quality of life they can expect with living longer. Their health concerns go beyond heart disease and cancer. They are interested in taking care of themselves, looking and feeling youthful, and having an active lifestyle. They especially want to enjoy and care for their children and grandchildren. Savvy individuals know that solutions that are legitimate develop more of a following and scientific legitimacy. Knowing their bodies are electrochemical in nature, they are investigating pulsed electromagnetic research, PEMF. PEMF technology is backed by decades of research on a wide range of conditions. The frequencies used in the Biobalance are biologically identical to frequencies in the human body. Shortage or breaks in the bodys electrical system cause problems with cell communication and cell metabolism. With pulsed electromagnetic fields, the breaks are repaired and restored and with daily use, maintained. Pulsed magnetic fields actually promote the bodys production of its own energy source, ATP, which activates the cellular antioxidant defenses across the whole body, optimizes functioning and repair and numerous other benefits. · PEMFs (Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields) help to restore neuron-transmitters, cellular communication and brain function. · PEMFs increase blood oxygen levels 80 to 90%, thus creating an alkaline state in the body. · PEMFs dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow. · PEMFs experience in Europe has shown that daily use over 4 to 6 weeks can begin to balance blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol level. · PEMFs benefit arthritis due to the ability to decrease pain and inflammation in the joints. The Arthritis Foundations Guide to AlternativeTherapies reports two studies showing the benefits of PEMFs with osteoarthritis(OA) of the knee. One was done at Yale University, a double blind, placebo-controlled pilot study involving 18 people with OA of the knee. It showed that those who got 18 half-hour treatments had an average improvement of23 to 61 percent in pain, joint tenderness and discomfort. The placebo group getting fake treatments had only two to 18 percent improvement A later Yale study with 167 patients with OA of the knee or cervical spine showed similar, significant improvements. Another double blind, placebo-controlled study was also done at Johns Hopkins University where 78 patients with OA of the knee had four weeks of treatments or a placebo. The treated group had significantly better results in terms of pain, function and physician assessment than the placebo group. PEMFs give cells energy so as to boost immune system function. PEMFs combined with whole food supplementation, maintains a healthy metabolism and also helps promote the general feeling of wellness by avoiding the chronic illnesses related to insulin resistance, such as diabetes, heart disease and even depression. PEMFs are well documented to increase cellular uptake of macro and micro nutrients due to a gating of the cell membrane. BioBalance PulsedElectromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy is truly unique. BioBalance works inharmony with your body, enhancing your cells ability to heal themselves. The result is a safe and effective full-body wellness treatment. In addition to overall health, the BioBalance will help to improve energy and sleep, provide gentle and effective detoxification, and promote healthy aging. By laying on the BioBalance PEMF therapy mat for just 15-30 minutes twice a day, its pulsed electromagnetic fields stimulate cell metabolism, increase oxygen assimilation, and accelerate the removal of toxins in the body. BioBalance PEMF swill not overwhelm or assault your body with poorly-defined waveforms derived from outdated technologies as is the case with most other PEMF therapy devices today. Why the BioBalance is technologically superior than any other PEMF mat-type system. Comfortable large PEMF Mat and Small Pillow Pad applicators. Two Ports allowing both applicators to be used simultaneously without the typical loss of power like other PEMF devices. Ability to use either AC power or Battery operatio n. Precise control of programs and intensity for up to 12 hours. Maximum intensity of 5 Gauss [500 microTesla] using the whole body PEMF mat & 10 Gauss [1000 mT] using the Small Pillow Pad applicator. Upgrade software using USB port. Modulated carrier waves 300, 600, 800, 1000 Hz deliver energy deeper into the body. Bright color display on theControl unit describes the program being used. Sweep program from 1.0 1000 Hz in 0.5 Hz increments emulates Rife frequencies. Intensity adjustment during Operation. Display languages: German, Dutch, English. The BioBalance PEMF therapy system is quick and easy to use. Place the full body PEMF therapy mat on the floor, carpet, couch, recliner, lounge chair, chair or bed. Simply lay down on the mat and select 1 of the 6 programs available. If needed, place the Small Pillow Pad applicator on the area of your body that needs additional, localized treatment. This can be done before or after a full-body PEMF therapy session or both applicators can be used simultaneously. While running a program, the control unit sends a low voltage (10 volts) signal to the mat, which translates it through 21 copper coils into 21 concentrated pulsating magnetic fields. This magnetic field penetrates the entire body in a very gentle way. Most people will not feel anything during treatment, but some will feel a light sensation or a feeling of warmth. Pulsed electromagnetic fields work on a cellular level and we cant perceive events happening at acellular level. The warm sensation is from improved circulation. As the number of stimulated cells increase and interact with each other, the astounding wellness benefits of BioBalance PEMF become noticeable. Youll have 30-days to try the BioBalance. · Lesser Pain & Inflammation. · Enhanced Learning & Concentration. BALANCE PROGRAM carrier frequencies 300,600, 800, 1000 Hz. Theta band frequency (7.8 Hz) the so called Schumann resonance. This is the planetary frequency by which the brain is most consistently stimulated. Theta band is a great frequency for meditation, relaxation, light sleep, for healers, pre-performance jitters, and just generally mildly quieting down the brain. If one doesnt know what program to choose, this is our number two choice after the Recovery program. ALERT PROGRAM carrier frequencies 300,600, 800, 1000 Hz. Beta band frequencies (13-23 Hz). Frequencies are spread out evenly over the course of the chosen treatment time. Beta band is the frequency of the brain in an alert state. In this state we are wide-awake, learning, thinking, judging, memorizing, reacting quickly, integrating our thoughts, and many other functions. TheAlert Program is like a cup of coffee without the caffeine it makes you alert but not over-revved or over-stimulated. RELAX PROGRAM carrier frequencies 300,600, 800, 1000 Hz. Alpha/Theta(13 4 Hz) descending from alpha (13-8 Hz) through theta (4-8 Hz) bands. Useful program for basic relaxation (wind me down program) and stress reduction. Alpha band is the resting state of the brain and a good program for those who are hyper, anxious, restless, or with ADD/ADHD. Theta is for deep relaxation and the lighter stages of sleep, including REM sleep. It can help with falling asleep and can be used before using the SLEEP PROGRAM to more effectively slow brain activity before going to sleep. This can be an especially useful program for people with chronic pain. This program can help with theta learning and creativity and enhance meditation. 4 0.5 Hz Descending Delta frequencies. These are the slowest but loudest brainwaves (low frequency and deeply penetrating, like a drum beat). They a regenerated in deepest sleep. Healing and regeneration are stimulated in this state, and that is why this deep restorative sleep is so essential to the healing process. The sleep program may be used for part of the night or through the whole night. It can be combined with both the whole body pad and the small pad. The small pad may be placed under the pillow. The best results may be seen with the maximum intensity, used for the whole night. The sleep program may also be used more effectively for deep relaxation when there is too much brain arousal. 10Hz is in the alpha brainwave frequency band (8-13 Hz). People in alpha are relaxed, meditative, mindful. 10Hz stimulation has been studied by NASA on stem cells and discovered about a 400% increase in neural stem cells and a large increase in various tissue repair growth factors. So 10 Hz is a useful signal for tissue and cell regeneration in general and especially for brain and nerve tissues. Other research found that 10 Hz stabilizes circadian rhythms, so this will help with restoring jet lag, other sleep disturbances and recovery from major stress or illness. SWEEP PROGRAM 1 1000 Hz in 0.5 Hz increments. TheSweep Program is designed to give the body multiple frequency choices. We dont always know which frequencies the body needs at any given time. The body will listen to whichever frequencies it needs some frequencies are ignored and some are listened to. Each time a sweep program is run, different frequencies are likely to be heard, activating the cells that hear them. This way many cells can be activated with each sweep this is like a having a banquet vs a single food. This is a good broad-spectrum physiologic tuning program. It is added to provide abroad spectrum of Rife-like frequencies. It may be ideal to do at least one daily treatment with the sweep program. The item “PEMF HOME BIOBALANCE MAT SYSTEM WITH RIFE FREQUENCIES AIDED MY STROKE RECOVERY” is in sale since Tuesday, June 4, 2019. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Magnetic Therapy Devices”. The seller is “charles2doves” and is located in Towson, Maryland. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Gender: Unisex
  • Modified Item: No
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Unknown
  • Custom Bundle: No
  • Non-Domestic Product: Yes
  • Type: Magnetic Field Mat
  • Purpose: Pain Relief
  • Metal: Copper

HNC Home Nail Cleaner Fungus Laser Treatment Device Toe Nail Painless Ships Free

HNC Home Nail Cleaner Fungus Laser Treatment Device Toe Nail Painless Ships Free

HNC Home Nail Cleaner Fungus Laser Treatment Device Toe Nail Painless Ships Free

HNC Home Nail Cleaner Fungus Laser Treatment Device Toe Nail Painless Ships Free

HNC Home Nail Cleaner Fungus Laser Treatment Device Toe Nail Painless Ships Free

HNC Home Nail Cleaner Fungus Laser Treatment Device Toe Nail Painless Ships Free

HNC Home Nail Cleaner Fungus Laser Treatment Device Toe Nail Painless Ships Free

HNC Home Nail Cleaner Fungus Laser Treatment Device Toe Nail Painless Ships Free

HNC Home Nail Cleaner Fungus Laser Treatment Device Toe Nail Painless Ships Free

HNC Home Nail Cleaner Fungus Laser Treatment Device Toe Nail Painless Ships Free

HNC Home Nail Cleaner Fungus Laser Treatment Device Toe Nail Painless Ships Free

HNC Home Nail Cleaner Fungus Laser Treatment Device Toe Nail Painless Ships Free

HNC Home Nail Cleaner Fungus Laser Treatment Device Toe Nail Painless Ships Free

PAIN FREE AND EASY TO USE. The lightweight, compact the Nail Cleaning Laser Device will not hurt or cause pain when treating tinea onychomycosis; no more embarrassing visits to the doctor; no more creams, sprays, prescriptions, or medicines; using it mere minutes a day in the comfort of your home, you can get rid of unsightly toenail and fingernail fungus once and for all; its portable and charges with the electrical plug-in adapter for 3 to 4 hours. USE SELECTIVE PHOTO THERMOLYSIS. The light uses selective photo thermolysis to eliminate the infection; it automatically shuts off after 7 minutes;laser produces coherent light energy of a sufficient strength and and of a specific wavelength which when projected into tissue is differentially absorbed by the target material , producing heat and hence tissue destruction. Other tissue compensation is unaffected and so spared. 100 PERCENT SATISFACTION GUARANTEE. The item “HNC Home Nail Cleaner Fungus Laser Treatment Device Toe Nail Painless Ships Free” is in sale since Wednesday, May 23, 2018. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Light Therapy Devices”. The seller is “intertwined.shopping” and is located in Folsom, California. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Non-Domestic Product: No
  • Modified Item: No
  • Custom Bundle: No
  • Brand: HNC

Acoustic Wave Therapy Shockwave Machine Pain Relief Ultrasound for Home Use

Acoustic Wave Therapy Shockwave Machine Pain Relief Ultrasound for Home Use

Acoustic Wave Therapy Shockwave Machine Pain Relief Ultrasound for Home Use

Acoustic Wave Therapy Shockwave Machine Pain Relief Ultrasound for Home Use

Acoustic Wave Therapy Shockwave Machine Pain Relief Ultrasound for Home Use

Acoustic Wave Therapy Shockwave Machine Pain Relief Ultrasound for Home Use

This Oceanus PhysioLITE is a therapeutic ultrasound device that generates deep heat through ultrasound energy. The pulsed sound waves travel deep into the tissue and induce vasodilation, which helps increase blood flow to the treated area and is found to help relieve pain and reduce muscle spasms. Equipped with a head warming feature on an ergonomically designed sound head for increased patient comfort. With three output intensities and three treatment time selections, this device can provide a wide range of therapy treatments. Sound head is watertight for use in underwater therapy (for 30 mins at depth of 1 meter). Complete with hard carrying case, ultrasound gel, AC/DC adapter, instruction manual and a quick start guide. Operates in continuous mode (100% Duty Cycle). Head warming feature pre-heats up to 95°F the sound head applicator for increased patient comfort. Watertight for use in underwater therapy for 30 mins at a depth of 1 meter (Ultrasound head only – IPX7). Three output intensities selections. Three treatment times (5 min, 10 min or 15 min). Small, ergonomic design that is easy to hold and portable. Comes complete with device, ultrasound gel, AC/DC adapter, hard carrying case, quick start guide and instruction manual. FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS:Working Frequency: 1.0MHz+-10%. Max Value Power Output: 9.60W+-20% (Duty Cycle 100%). Power Output: L 2.88W, M: 3.84W, H: 4.80W. Modulate Duty Cycle: Adjustable, L (30%), M (40%), H (50%). Effective Radiation Area: 4.0cm. Maximum Effective Sound 2.4W/cm2+_20% (Duty Cycle: 100%). Intensity: Max RBN 5.0. Material of US Head: Aluminum. Working Current: less than 1.0A. Static current less 80 A. Working Time: Adjustable 5 min, 10 min, 15 min. Max Controlled Temperature of 42+-2º C (36º F). Ultrasound Size: 202mm(L)x49mm(W)x0mm(H) (8x2x2 3/ 4). 202mm(L)x49mm(W)x0mm(H) 8x2x2. Safety Style: Class IIa, BF-typ e. The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. The item “Acoustic Wave Therapy Shockwave Machine Pain Relief Ultrasound for Home Use” is in sale since Tuesday, February 5, 2019. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Light Therapy Devices”. The seller is “cintrin” and is located in Largo, Florida. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Model: PhysioLITE
  • Brand: Oceanus

Shock Wave Therapy Machine for Pain Relief Ultrasound Pain Machine for Home Use

Shock Wave Therapy Machine for Pain Relief Ultrasound Pain Machine for Home Use

Shock Wave Therapy Machine for Pain Relief Ultrasound Pain Machine for Home Use

Shock Wave Therapy Machine for Pain Relief Ultrasound Pain Machine for Home Use

Shock Wave Therapy Machine for Pain Relief Ultrasound Pain Machine for Home Use

Shock Wave Therapy Machine for Pain Relief Ultrasound Pain Machine for Home Use

This device is a therapeutic ultrasound device that generates deep heat through ultrasound energy. The pulsed sound waves travel deep into the tissue and induce vasodilation, which helps increase blood flow to the treated area and is found to help relieve pain and reduce muscle spasms. Equipped with a head warming feature on an ergonomically designed sound head for increased patient comfort. With three output intensities and three treatment time selections, this device can provide a wide range of therapy treatments. Sound head is watertight for use in underwater therapy (for 30 mins at depth of 1 meter). Complete with hard carrying case, ultrasound gel, AC/DC adapter, instruction manual and a quick start guide. Operates in continuous mode (100% Duty Cycle). Head warming feature pre-heats up to 95°F the sound head applicator for increased patient comfort. Watertight for use in underwater therapy for 30 mins at a depth of 1 meter (Ultrasound head only – IPX7). Three output intensities selections. Three treatment times (5 min, 10 min or 15 min). Small, ergonomic design that is easy to hold and portable. Comes complete with device, ultrasound gel, AC/DC adapter, hard carrying case, quick start guide and instruction manual. The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS:Working Frequency: 1.0MHz+-10%. Max Value Power Output: 9.60W+-20% (Duty Cycle 100%). Power Output: L 2.88W, M: 3.84W, H: 4.80W. Modulate Duty Cycle: Adjustable, L (30%), M (40%), H (50%). Effective Radiation Area: 4.0cm. Maximum Effective Sound 2.4W/cm2+_20% (Duty Cycle: 100%). Intensity: Max RBN 5.0. Material of US Head: Aluminum. Working Current: less than 1.0A. Static current less 80 A. Working Time: Adjustable 5 min, 10 min, 15 min. Max Controlled Temperature of 42+-2º C (36º F). Ultrasound Size: 202mm(L)x49mm(W)x0mm(H) (8x2x2 3/ 4). 202mm(L)x49mm(W)x0mm(H) 8x2x2. Safety Style: Class IIa, BF-typ e. The item “Shock Wave Therapy Machine for Pain Relief Ultrasound Pain Machine for Home Use” is in sale since Saturday, January 26, 2019. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Light Therapy Devices”. The seller is “cintrin” and is located in Largo, Florida. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Model: PhysioLITE
  • Brand: Oceanus

Shockwave Therapy Machine Oceanus PhysioLITE for Pain Relief Home Use

Shockwave Therapy Machine Oceanus PhysioLITE for Pain Relief Home Use

Shockwave Therapy Machine Oceanus PhysioLITE for Pain Relief Home Use

Shockwave Therapy Machine Oceanus PhysioLITE for Pain Relief Home Use

Shockwave Therapy Machine Oceanus PhysioLITE for Pain Relief Home Use

Shockwave Therapy Machine Oceanus PhysioLITE for Pain Relief Home Use

This device is a therapeutic ultrasound device that generates deep heat through ultrasound energy. The pulsed sound waves travel deep into the tissue and induce vasodilation, which helps increase blood flow to the treated area and is found to help relieve pain and reduce muscle spasms. Equipped with a head warming feature on an ergonomically designed sound head for increased patient comfort. With three output intensities and three treatment time selections, this device can provide a wide range of therapy treatments. Sound head is watertight for use in underwater therapy (for 30 mins at depth of 1 meter). Complete with hard carrying case, ultrasound gel, AC/DC adapter, instruction manual and a quick start guide. Operates in continuous mode (100% Duty Cycle). Head warming feature pre-heats up to 95°F the sound head applicator for increased patient comfort. Watertight for use in underwater therapy for 30 mins at a depth of 1 meter (Ultrasound head only – IPX7). Three output intensities selections. Three treatment times (5 min, 10 min or 15 min). Small, ergonomic design that is easy to hold and portable. Comes complete with device, ultrasound gel, AC/DC adapter, hard carrying case, quick start guide and instruction manual. The sale of this item may be subject to regulation by the U. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies. FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS:Working Frequency: 1.0MHz+-10%. Max Value Power Output: 9.60W+-20% (Duty Cycle 100%). Power Output: L 2.88W, M: 3.84W, H: 4.80W. Modulate Duty Cycle: Adjustable, L (30%), M (40%), H (50%). Effective Radiation Area: 4.0cm. Maximum Effective Sound 2.4W/cm2+_20% (Duty Cycle: 100%). Intensity: Max RBN 5.0. Material of US Head: Aluminum. Working Current: less than 1.0A. Static current less 80 A. Working Time: Adjustable 5 min, 10 min, 15 min. Max Controlled Temperature of 42+-2º C (36º F). Ultrasound Size: 202mm(L)x49mm(W)x0mm(H) (8x2x2 3/ 4). 202mm(L)x49mm(W)x0mm(H) 8x2x2. Safety Style: Class IIa, BF-typ e. The item “Shockwave Therapy Machine Oceanus PhysioLITE for Pain Relief Home Use” is in sale since Saturday, January 26, 2019. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Light Therapy Devices”. The seller is “cintrin” and is located in Largo, Florida. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Model: PhysioLITE
  • Brand: Oceanus

Vaginal Steaming Kit (For Home V-Steams, Yoni Steam, Vaginal Steams)

Vaginal Steaming Kit (For Home V-Steams, Yoni Steam, Vaginal Steams)

Vaginal Steaming Kit (For Home V-Steams, Yoni Steam, Vaginal Steams)

A Vaginal Steaming Kit, intended for home use, offering a personal Vaginal Steam (V-Steam, Yoni Steam) experience. 5 bags of Steaming Herbs (General Blend). Hot plate not included. We suggest an Oster hot plate, available at Target. What’s a Vaginal Steam? Vaginal steaming, V-steams and/or Yoni Steams, is an ancient form of natural healing. With the use of organic herbs, V-Steams aid in restoring and renewing optimal vaginal health! V-Steams have been known to aid in the following. Soothing Painful Menstrual Cycles. What is the process? A V-Steam is performed by steaming natural herbs to release their medicinal properties. Sitting over the warm steam, allows the porous lining of the vagina to carry the benefits of this natural, non-invasive, remedy throughout the vaginal area and the uterus. 1 to 2 times per month for maximum benefits. 1 week prior to, or 1 week after, your cycle. 1 to 3 times per week following birth, to aid in healing. When not to steam. Have a present infection. Have open vaginal sores or blisters. Please note, each stool, drape and pack of steaming herbs are custom made. THIS PROCESS CAN TAKE UP TO THREE WEEKS!!!! Once your order is placed, we will begin processing. The item “Vaginal Steaming Kit (For Home V-Steams, Yoni Steam, Vaginal Steams)” is in sale since Monday, May 14, 2018. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Health Care\Sexual Wellness\Sexual Remedies & Supplements”. The seller is “shopthevspot” and is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Gender: Female
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
  • Brand: The V Spot
  • Primary Use: Detox
  • Bundle Listing: Yes

Vaginal Steaming Stool/Chair (For Home V-Steams, Yoni Steam, Vaginal Steams)

Vaginal Steaming Stool/Chair (For Home V-Steams, Yoni Steam, Vaginal Steams)

Vaginal Steaming Stool/Chair (For Home V-Steams, Yoni Steam, Vaginal Steams)

A Vaginal Steaming Kit, intended for home use, offering a personal Vaginal Steam (V-Steam, Yoni Steam) experience. What’s a Vaginal Steam? Vaginal steaming, V-steams and/or Yoni Steams, is an ancient form of natural healing. With the use of organic herbs, V-Steams aid in restoring and renewing optimal vaginal health! V-Steams have been known to aid in the following. Soothing Painful Menstrual Cycles. What is the process? A V-Steam is performed by steaming natural herbs to release their medicinal properties. Sitting over the warm steam, allows the porous lining of the vagina to carry the benefits of this natural, non-invasive, remedy throughout the vaginal area and the uterus. 1 to 2 times per month for maximum benefits. 1 week prior to, or 1 week after, your cycle. 1 to 3 times per week following birth, to aid in healing. When not to steam. Have a present infection. Have open vaginal sores or blisters. Please note, each stool is custom made. THIS PROCESS CAN TAKE UP TO THREE WEEKS!!!! Once your order is placed, we will begin processing. The item “Vaginal Steaming Stool/Chair (For Home V-Steams, Yoni Steam, Vaginal Steams)” is in sale since Wednesday, July 18, 2018. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Health Care\Sexual Wellness\Sexual Remedies & Supplements”. The seller is “shopthevspot” and is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Gender: Female
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
  • Brand: The V Spot
  • Primary Use: Detox
  • Bundle Listing: Yes

Ultimate Home Colonic Board Withmatching Container SALE, returns allowed withcontact

Ultimate Home Colonic Board Withmatching Container SALE, returns allowed withcontact

Ultimate Home Colonic Board Withmatching Container SALE, returns allowed withcontact

To thank you for purchasing my unit, I will include free, a PDF version of Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Managemet, by Dr. This is a great book on cleansing at home. It includes very useful information including ingredients you can add to your solution. INCLUDED with your order is the Deluxe Home Colonic Board, 5 gallon custom rectangular, fullye plumbed solution container, tubing, 1 tip(plus and extra one for free), easy to follow instructions and the free gift book PDF. Each family member would need their own tip. If taken care of, the tips are reusable, no need to pay for extra. My grandfather designed and patented the Ultimate Deluxe Colonic Unit. We are always happy to help with any questions you may have, so please do not hesitate to ask. We have heard it all. The unit is made to be used simply and safely in the privacy of your own home. Much easier and more effective than an enema. Will clean the whole large intestine. This unit works with gravity and requires no plumbing hookup. One piece unit, no assembly required. Use whenever you feel like it without scheduling appointments or the hassle of loss of time driving to a Dr’s office takes. Very simple to use. One end of the board is placed on the toilet and the other on a chair. It can be turned any angle around the toilet. The board is sturdy enough to support up to 300 lbs and more if a chair is used in at the center. The pail is plumbed so tubing is directly connected during use. No need to ever siphon to start the flow. Once the tip(smaller around than a pencil) is inserted and the flow is started, there is never a need to remove the tip or stop the flow to evacuate. Y ou just lay back, relax, read a book, watch tv or even work on a lap top. All evacuations move around the flexible tip and drop directly into the toilet. Most therapists agree that the results are as effective as the big professional tables because you are more likely to use our unit it on a regular basis. We know you will have a great cleansing experience with our board. It is made from a High Impact Plastic. No cracks or seams. Will not de-laminate, split or weather. Catch Basin is a rounded sloping area gradually turning downward into toilet. Fecal matter glances away from you into the toilet. The edges of the board are raised – All unwanted liquid is guided into the toilet. Easy to sterilize and rinse. Weighs only 13 pounds. Tubing is surgical grade, will not mildew or allow bacteria to hide, No deep pores. Tip is flexible with holes on the side only. Much safer and more comfortable than stiff hard tips that could perforate the Colon wall. The board measures 21 5/8 inches wide by 40 inches long. Wide enough to totally relax on, you do not have to hold arms across your chest to keep them from falling. Wide enough to lay on your side or back for comfortable massage, reading, relaxing, etc. With lid and seat up you are able to turn the board 90 degrees around the toilet to enable fit in to even very small bathrooms. 40 x 12 x 22 inches. If you do instead of a return request you will be opening a case that can drag on and on. I rarely get a return request, but when I do, it is generally because something is not set up correctly. If you have an issue please get hold of me and we can try to work things out. We stand behind our product and have for many years. Also, we have a lifetime guarantee if the board should it break during normal usage we would replace it free of charge. You will not find any other company that even comes close to backing the quality of the unit they sell with the guarantees that we offer. Pail tubing and tips are too personal in nature for a return. The item “Ultimate Home Colonic Board Withmatching Container SALE, returns allowed withcontact” is in sale since Friday, August 24, 2018. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Other Natural Remedies”. The seller is “madissali” and is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. This item can be shipped to North, South, or Latin America, all countries in Europe.
  • Brand: Ultimate Trends/Colenz

PEMF8000 MINI PEMF Device for Home and Animals-Best Affordable PEMF Device

PEMF8000 MINI PEMF Device for Home and Animals-Best Affordable PEMF Device

PEMF8000 MINI PEMF Device for Home and Animals-Best Affordable PEMF Device

PEMF8000 MINI PEMF Device for Home and Animals-Best Affordable PEMF Device

PEMF8000 MINI PEMF Device for Home and Animals-Best Affordable PEMF Device

PEMF8000 MINI PEMF Device for Home and Animals-Best Affordable PEMF Device

PEMF8000 MINI PEMF Device for Home and Animals-Best Affordable PEMF Device

This is our newest addition to the PEMF WELLNESS TECHNOLOGY FAMILY! Be amazed by our newest PEMF8000 device for home and Small and Large animals. PEMF8000 Mini is created with our best 10,000 Gauss technology! PEMF8000 Mini exhibits 10000 Gauss (1.0 Tesla) and is a perfect device in particular for the home use and small animals. Due to the lightweight design of this device, the PEMF8000 Mini can be your travel companion so you never have to be without PEMF. Our new technology is implanted in an exceptionally durable military grade suitcase, which makes it easy to be carried around. The device is very user-friendly so anybody can operate it. It has a power on/off switch and a start and stops button beside the combined intensity/frequency knob. All one has to do is, plug in the needed attachment and start treating by dialing slowly to the desired intensity is reached. Are optional, but also available! Innovation comes with sheer necessity and our engineers well known to bring an idea into reality. The new version of PEMF 8000 comes from absolute engineering process. Every loophole is managed and recovered by our engineers to provide you with excellence. Our product offers super pace in induction to provide speedy recovery in the patients. In these conditions, the body tissues react actively and regenerate more energy with tissue repairing. Our company, PEMF Wellness Technology LLC came into existence in 2012 and is rapidly increasing with innovative products and technologies. We run a family owned business and are successful in operating the finest manufacturing with a sole purpose to serve humanity with the finest. Our engineers and technicians have the expertise in this technology of over 20 consecutive years and are still developing the technology. At PEMF Wellness Technology, our team applies continuing efforts in developing this technology to provide the best and to achieve the best. It becomes our responsibility to provide products with a motive to properly treat the patients worldwide. From offices of the leading doctors, physicians, caring centers and veterinary labs, you can easily find our product which is effectively treating the patients across the globe. The company assures you best results with respect to any minor or major bodily problems in the patients. We have faith in our engineering and innovation and proudly present you with the leading product called the PEMF 8000. PEMF 8000 Oxidizes Unhealthy Blood. PEMF pulsed energy, Creates Instant, healthy Blood Flow! PEMF improves the immune system! SAM DUCETTE- Stopped cancer pain quickly! Stopped cancer pain quickly! By SAM DUCETTE I bought the PEMF8000 Deluxe device because I’m recovering from Stage 4 prostate cancer that spread to my bones including my spine and I was in debilitating pain. The PEMF8000 has never, ever failed to completely remove the pain with just a 30 to 60 minutes session. Many thanks, Sam Ducette. Will Mason Back pain gone in 3 weeks! I’m so excited to report that I’m free from back pain after only three days of using the PEMF8000. I’ve also had improvements in clarity, focus and energy. I’ve lent it out to 3 of my friends who have also had amazing results. I was a huge skeptic to begin with so I’m really amazed. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy works! Regards, Will Mason Long Island, NY. Michelle O Cant Live Without the PEMF8000! Cant Live Without the PEMF8000! By Michelle O I have to say that I cannot imagine having to live without my PEMF8000. I have suffered from diabetic neuropathy pain for over 17 years and I have tried every medication out there to treat that pain. After about 2-3 weeks of using my gel loop, not only did a lot of the pain subside but I started getting sensations in my feet and toes that I hadn’t had in many years. After another 2-3 weeks, I then noticed that my fibromyalgia pain was easing up too. That was just a great side benefit to using the PEMF8000 Mattress. I now use my loop faithfully twice a day, every day! Like I said, I couldn’t imagine going without this amazing device. I well received the PEMF8000 last Friday, and I was able to start using it last Saturday. I tested it on me, on my girlfriend, many patients, and clients. This machine is simply amazing, my friend! I will give you a detailed report on how, where, when, etc. During this next weekend when I will have some time to write down how I love your wonderful machine! Thank you again for your wonderful, genius, extraordinary, fantastic machine, Charlie! Keep you in touch with detailed reports. My Parkinsons symptoms have improved dramatically since using the PEMF8000 daily for the past three months. I no longer need naps, my tremors have slowed down and my energy level is great. The item “PEMF8000 MINI PEMF Device for Home and Animals-Best Affordable PEMF Device” is in sale since Thursday, August 23, 2018. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Magnetic Therapy Devices”. The seller is “rosefarm88″ and is located in Guilford, Connecticut. This item can be shipped to North, South, or Latin America, all countries in Europe, all countries in continental Asia, Australia.
  • Magnetic Product Type: PEMF
  • Model: Mini
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
  • Purpose: Pain Relief, Wellness Device- Home Use
  • MPN: P8P-Mini
  • Brand: PEMF Wellness Technology LLC

Ultimate Deluxe Home Colonic Board Complete Package SALE save now

Ultimate Deluxe Home Colonic Board Complete Package SALE save now

Ultimate Deluxe Home Colonic Board Complete Package SALE save now

I would be happy to answer any questions you may have, so please do not hesitate to ask. I will include for free, a PDF version of Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Managemet, by Dr. This is a great book on cleansing at home. It includes very useful information such as ingredients you can add to your solution. With your order is the Deluxe Home Colonic Board, fully plumbed solution container, tubing, 1 tip(plus 1 extra for free), easy to follow instructions and the book PDF. TIPS CAN BE REUSED. Each family member needs their own tip. My grandfather designed and patented the Ultimate Deluxe Colonic Unit. We are always happy to help with any questions you may have, so please do not hesitate to ask. We have heard it all. The unit is made to be used simply and safely in the privacy of your own home. Much easier and more effective than an enema. Will clean the whole large intestine. This unit works with gravity and requires NO plumbing hookup. One piece unit, no assembly required. Use whenever you feel like it without scheduling appointments or the hassle of loss of time driving to a Dr’s office takes. One end of the board is placed on the toilet and the other on a chair. It can be turned any angle around the toilet. The board is sturdy enough to support up to 300 lbs and more if a chair is used in at the center. The pail is plumbed so tubing is directly connected during use. No need to ever siphon to start the flow. Once the tip(smaller around than a pencil) is inserted and the flow is started, there is never a need to remove the tip or stop the flow to evacuate. Y ou just lay back, relax, read a book, watch tv or even work on a lap top. All evacuations move around the flexible tip and drop directly into the toilet. Most therapists agree that the results are as effective as the big professional tables because you are more likely to use our unit it on a regular basis. We know you will have a great cleansing experience with our unit. It is made from a High Impact Plastic. No cracks or seams. Will not de-laminate, split or weather. Catch Basin is a rounded sloping area gradually turning downward into toilet. Fecal matter glances away from you into the toilet. The edges of the board are raised – All unwanted liquid is guided into the toilet. Easy to sterilize and rinse. Weighs only 13 pounds. Tubing is surgical grade, will not mildew or allow bacteria to hide, No deep pores. Tip is flexible with holes on the side only. Much safer and more comfortable than stiff hard tips that could perforate the Colon wall. The board measures 21 5/8 inches wide by 40 inches long. Wide enough to totally relax on, you do not have to hold arms across your chest to keep them from falling. Wide enough to lay on your side or back for comfortable massage, reading, relaxing, etc. With lid and seat up you are able to turn the board 90 degrees around the toilet to enable fit in to even very small bathrooms. We are currently making a switch from the blue pail pictured with the unit to a natural white pail. We are doing this because buyers have let us know that they cannot see the water level through the blue pail. We have chosen the natural white because the water level can easily be seen. 40 x 12 x 22 inches. We stand behind our product and have for many years. Also, we have a lifetime guarantee if the board should it break during normal usage we would replace it free of charge. You will not find any other company that even comes close to backing the quality of the unit they sell with the guarantees that we offer. Pail tubing and tips are too personal in nature for a return. The item “Ultimate Deluxe Home Colonic Board Complete Package SALE save now” is in sale since Wednesday, August 1, 2018. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Other Natural Remedies”. The seller is “madissali” and is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Brand: Colenz/formerly Ultimate Trends