Is a painless medical method of treatment based on simultaneous exposure to several types of radiation: infrared pulsed laser (850 nm, 5 mW), static magnetic field (up to 50 mT) and continuous visible red laser radiation (650 nm, 5 mW) on acupuncture points, tissues and cells of the body. Quantum therapy is used both in medical institutions and at home. Unlike conventional drugs, this method of treatment eliminates not the symptoms, but the cause of the diseases. Prevents their exacerbation, it is effective with weakened immunity. Apparatuses of quantum therapy are widely used even in cosmetology and when preparing athletes for competitions, for the treatment of pets: dogs, cats, parrots. Their contraindications are minimal. Each of the types of radiation described above has its own properties, and acting simultaneously, they mutually reinforce each other. Under the influence of IR-therapy in humans and animals, according to numerous clinical studies, blood flow is activated, and as a consequence, metabolic processes are accelerated. Scientifically proven that infrared rays have analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, circulatory, stimulating effect on the body, its tissues, cells. Under the action of a static magnetic field, the capillary channel extends, and infrared radiation penetrates into the tissue. The magnetic field has the following clinical effects: analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative (restorative). First of all, this kind of visible radiation is necessary to reduce the intensity of local inflammatory processes, it penetrates into a relatively small depth. The clinical effects, thus, include: local anesthesia; improvement of microcirculation, but only in the area affected; anti-edema effect. Device it is effective at treatment of more than 50 deseases. Acute and chronic bronchitis. Acute and chronic rhinitis. Arthritis, arthrosis of phalanges of hand and foot. Arthritis, hip joint arthrosis. Arthritis, wrist joint arthrosis. Disruption and hydrops of mamilla. Dyskinesia of bile passages. Laser radiation power of the red bandwidth (650 nm). Laser radiation power of the infrared bandwidth (810-880 nm). Time of operating conditions set up. Overall dimensions of the apparatus. 100-240 V , 50-60 Hz (EU plug). Power consumption, not more than. Frequency of impulsive red radiation. Frequency of impulsive infra-red radiation. 12.5 Hz. Weight, no more then. 0.8 kg. For Australia and other non EU/US/UK mains need plug adapter to. Included: Vityas Cold Laser device, nozzle set, protection googles, box, +. “Manual on Reflexotherapy” links to download. + free EU/US or EU/UK plug adapter. The item “Cold Laser Quantum Therapy for pain relief + Laser Acupunctur. Full set” is in sale since Tuesday, November 21, 2017. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Light Therapy Devices”. The seller is “zvaiv73″ and is located in Minsk. This item can be shipped worldwide.
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