Double Horse Brand Pure Shilajit Mumio PRODUCT DESCRIPTION This is an authentic purified Himalayan Shilajit (Mineral Pitch) which is Double Horse Brand Product. It gives strength, stamina, strengthens immune system. (She-la-jeet/ Asphalt) Shilajit is exudates that are pressed out from layers of rock in sacred mountains in Himalayan. It is composed of humus and organic plant material that has been compressed by layers of rock. The active principle of Shilajit is fulvic acid. Humus is formed when soil micro organisms decompose animal and plant material into elements usable by plants. Unlike other soil humus, Shilajit humus consists of 60 – 80% organic mass. The trapped layers of Shilajit become exposed due to the freezing winters, hot summer sun and erosion from monsoon rains. Shilajit will “flow” out from between the cracks in the layers of rock during the summer when the temperature of the mountains gets warm enough and the Shilajit becomes less viscous. The native people then climb the mountains, repel down cliffs to collect the Shilajit. The primary active ingredients in Shilajit are Fulvic Acids, Dibenzo Alpha Pyrones, Humins, Humic Acids and trace minerals. These are produced by microbial action on humus. A similar extract from the Caucasus Mountains is called Mumijo and is considered similar to the Himalayan Shilajit. How much should I take? The recommended amount for general use and to maintain optimal health is around 300-500Mg/day with warm milk or warm water. There is approximately a 6-8 week period for the therapeutic effects to be noticed. Please consult your Physician before using it. We do not have any hidden charges. Please repack the item carefully. WE CLAIM 100% SATISFACTION CONTACT If you have any issues Please let us know. We will be very happy to assist you. Track Page Views With. Auctiva’s FREE Counter.
Pure Shilajit Double Horse Brand Himalayan Silajit Mumiyo Mumio Asphaltum Resin
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asphaltum, brand, double, himalayan, horse, mumio, mumiyo, pure, resin, shilajit, silajit
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