Homerodin › Rodin coil torus 4 inch with shungite orgonite amplifier built-in

Rodin coil torus 4 inch with shungite orgonite amplifier built-in

Rodin coil torus 4 inch with shungite orgonite amplifier built-in

Rodin coil torus 4 inch with shungite orgonite amplifier built-in

Rodin coil torus 4 inch with shungite orgonite amplifier built-in

Rodin coil torus 4 inch with shungite orgonite amplifier built-in

Orgonite torus shungite rodin coil. The Torus is a vortex coil that generates a large center pedal pulsating electromagnetic field (PEMF). For PEMF therapy, these great fields are quite beneficial for both the mind and body! In addition to the pulsating electromagnetic fields, this orgonite emanates orgonic and tachyonized fields, this toroidal-shaped orgonite contains crystals of quartz, shungite and black tourmaline within it, as well as a variation of metal filings, such as aluminum. Cable for audio conection.

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