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Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Avazzia Life Evolution

Please, before purchasing this product, see all the photos for better details to make sure it is the product you want, thank you very much. Vagus Nerve Stimulation – Systemic anti-inflammatory treatment through the Vagus Nerve is a safe neurofeedback technique capable of flipping the switch on pain. At approximately half the price of the next closest device featuring the appropriate PROVEN algorithm for this treatment, the Evolution is hands-down the most cost-effective microcurrent machine for the purpose. Anti-Inflammatory programs – The Avazzia Life Evolution microcurrent device features a collection of anti-inflammatory frequency sets to ensure that pain – no matter its source – can be tackled simply and effectively. Scar Tissue – Electrical scar build-up can have a profound negative effect on our body. Not only can the Evolution break up scar tissue and cause visible scars to fade, but it can be used to restore electrical potential to the skin and restore neural communication pathways throughout the body. Stimulation algorithms: Capable of stimulating acupuncture points for non-invasive health benefits.

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