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Tesla Antenne Teslaantenne MWO Oszillator Schwingkreis Polarisation Chakra

Tesla Antenne Teslaantenne MWO Oszillator Schwingkreis Polarisation Chakra

Tesla Antenne Teslaantenne MWO Oszillator Schwingkreis Polarisation Chakra

Tesla Antenne Teslaantenne MWO Oszillator Schwingkreis Polarisation Chakra

Tesla Antenne Teslaantenne MWO Oszillator Schwingkreis Polarisation Chakra

Tesla Antenne Teslaantenne MWO Oszillator Schwingkreis Polarisation Chakra

Tesla Antenne Teslaantenne MWO Oszillator Schwingkreis Polarisation Chakra

Tesla Antenne Teslaantenne MWO Oszillator Schwingkreis Polarisation Chakra

Tesla Antenne Teslaantenne MWO Oszillator Schwingkreis Polarisation Chakra

Tesla Antenne Teslaantenne MWO Oszillator Schwingkreis Polarisation Chakra

-Leben basiert auf Schwingung und existiert durch Schwingung. Leben wird zerstört durch die Störung harmonischer Schwingung. Jede Zelle ist auf für sie harmonische Frequenzen angewiesen. Dieser stromlose Lakhovsky Oszillator erzeugt ein wohltuendes und harmonisierendes Schwingungsfeld und. Kann dabei unterstützend sein, energetische Störfelder zu neutralisieren. Das Schwingungsniveau kann somit. Auf natürliche Weise erhöht werden, in dem man sich zwischen die Scheiben setzt. MWO steht für Multi Wave Oszillator, das von Georges Lakhovsky in den frühen. 30er Jahren des 20. Dass jede lebende Zelle ihre eigene Resonanzfrequenz hat, mit der sie oszilliert. Wenn die Zelle beschädigt ist, verliert sie ihre Festigkeit und die Schwingungen. Werden schwächer oder verzerrt. Um die Zellen wieder in einen gesunden Zustand. Zu versetzen, entwickelte Herr Lakhovsky mit Hilfe von Nikola Tesla das MWO Gerät. Das MWO Gerät wird heute wieder sehr oft genutzt. Sobald das Energieniveau im. Körper gesunken ist – aufgrund verschiedenster Störungen und Blockaden – könnte. Es zum Einsatz kommen. Die Frequenzen unserer Zellen. MWO-Antennen erhöhen die Lebensenergie (auch bekannt als Chi und Bioenergie). Die in unseren Körper fließt. MWO-Antennen emittieren Vibrationen in einem breiten. Somit sind alle Frequenzen der Zellen im menschlichen Körper abgedeckt. Da sich alle Lebewesen auf zellulärer Ebene ähneln, hat die MWO auch positive. Auswirkungen auf Tiere und Pflanzen. Dieses MWO Gerät hat auch ohne Strom ein starkes Schwingungsfeld. Das Gerät besteht aus 2 blauen 30cm Lakhovsky-Antennen-Scheiben. Rückseite wurden 4 Symbole nach Erich Körbler angebracht (Homöopathie). Es wurde vor einigen Jahren festgestellt, dass Lakhovsky MWO Antennen mit Durchmesser 30cm auch im passiven Modus sehr wirksam sein können. Des Weiteren kann dadurch JEDER das Gerät nutzen, auch Kinder. Ob ein “Kribbeln” oder auch das Spüren von “Wärme” – das wird oft beschrieben. Das angebotene Produkt ist kein Medizinprodukt. Es ist wissenschaftlich keine anerkannte Methode und daher kein Ersatz für den Besuch beim Arzt oder Heilpraktiker, wenn es um Erkrankungen geht. The item “Tesla Antenne Teslaantenne MWO Oszillator Schwingkreis Polarisation Chakra” is in sale since Friday, October 15, 2021. This item is in the category “Beauty & Gesundheit\Natur- & Alternativheilmittel\Sonstige”. The seller is “energiemedizin” and is located in Reinsfeld. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Marke: Christian Haag
  • Produktart: Radionik
  • Formulierung: Bioresonanz
  • Hauptverwendungszweck: Energie & Ausdauer

Teslaantenne Tesla Antenne EMF Schutz Skalarwellen Bioenergie Bioresonanz

Teslaantenne Tesla Antenne EMF Schutz Skalarwellen Bioenergie Bioresonanz

Teslaantenne Tesla Antenne EMF Schutz Skalarwellen Bioenergie Bioresonanz

Teslaantenne Tesla Antenne EMF Schutz Skalarwellen Bioenergie Bioresonanz

Teslaantenne Tesla Antenne EMF Schutz Skalarwellen Bioenergie Bioresonanz

Teslaantenne Tesla Antenne EMF Schutz Skalarwellen Bioenergie Bioresonanz

Teslaantenne Tesla Antenne EMF Schutz Skalarwellen Bioenergie Bioresonanz

Teslaantenne Tesla Antenne EMF Schutz Skalarwellen Bioenergie Bioresonanz

Teslaantenne Tesla Antenne EMF Schutz Skalarwellen Bioenergie Bioresonanz

Lakhovsky Multiwellen-Oszilator Scheibe 30cm. Aktuell ca 1 Woche Lieferzeit. Die “Unters Bett Scheibe”. Diese neue Lakhovsky Generatorscheibe mit 7 goldenen MWO Antennen Kreisen. Ist ein Turbolader für Essen, Getränke, sonstige Flüssigkeiten und Lebensmittel. Darüber hinaus eignet sie sich sehr gut zum Strukturieren und Laden, zum reinigen. Und aktivieren von Pyramiden, Kristallen, Steine, Schmuck, Globolis, ähterische Öle. Auch für Meditationen sehr gut geeignet. Metallisch mit ihrem Getränk (oder Tasse Kaffee, Tee, Milch, Säfte) auf die Scheibe. Auch Lebensmittel (Obst, Gemüse) können sie mit der Organom Scheibe strukturieren. Um die Frische länger erhalten zu können. Je länger etwas darauf bleibt, desto besser. Wasser energetisieren als Lebenselixier. Sobald Wasser energetisiert ist, fühlt es sich vom Geschmack an wie ein “Frühlingswasser”. Als Lebenselixier bringt energetisiertes Wasser unendliche Vorteile. Wahrscheinlich sofort den leichten, glatten und erfrischenden Geschmack. Des Wassers wird somit sinnvoll optimiert. Wasser trinken – Energie fühlen. Schon früher nutzten viele Menschen das energetisierte Wasser, um ihren Körper zu reinigen. Den vielen Berichten nach fühlte man sich revitalisiert und mit frischer, neuer Energie geladen. Verwenden sie die Organom Scheibe in ihrer Nähe zum meditieren. Es kann ihnen helfen, ihr. Energiefeld auszurichten und den Körper mit positiven Harmoniewellen zu kleiden. Wenn sie einen schlechten Schlaf haben, dann legen sie die Organom Scheibe unter ihr Bett. Oder in die Nähe des Bettes, um wieder einen erholsamen Tiefschlaf mit luziden Träumen zu haben. Geopathische Störzonen / Erdstrahlen & Wasseradern. Legen sie eine Organom Scheibe in die Küche, ins Wohnzimmer oder dort, wo sie sich lange. Die offenen Schwingkreise der 7 Lakhovsky Antennen sind gut einsetzbar bei Störzonen. Wie Elektromagnetische Strahlung und Wasseradern. Hier findet eine Neutralisierung und somit eine. Die 7 MWO Spulen nach Lakhovsky (Multi Wave Oszillatoren) sorgen für ein starkes. Legen sie zusätzlich für Meditationen Heilsteine, Heilkristalle etc. Darauf und verstärken sie damit die Leistung für die Balanceeigenschaften und die. (Meine Erfahrungen und meine Eindrücke). Umwandlung negativer Energie in Positive. Revitalisierung der Atmosphäre. Aufladen, reinigen, strukturieren und energetisieren von. Wasser, Getränke, ätherische Öle usw. Löschen und laden Sie Ihre Kristalle, Steine, Schmuck. Neutralisieren von elektromagnetischer Strahlung. Steigert unsere Intuition. Steigerung der Produktivität in unserer Arbeit. Stärkung der Kreativität und Verbesserung unserer Fokussierung. Balance – Blockaden – die Energie in unserem Körper versöhnen. Kann unsere negativen Emotionen und Gedanken auflösen. Förderung des Pflanzenwachstums. Der Mehrwellen-Oszillator (MWO) von Lakvovsky, hier 7mal auf einer 30cm großen Scheibe (Platine) kann die Zellen des Körpers mit Energie sättigen. Im Gegenzug könnten die chemischen Prozesse jeder Zelle wieder ins Gleichgewicht gebracht werden. Ich freue mich über unsere neue Organom-Scheibe, die mit ihren 30cm Durchmesser und den 7 MWO Antennen. Bereits heute schon ein zusätzlich wichtiges “Werkzeug” geworden ist. Wir sind angehalten, darauf hinzuweisen, das es sich hierbei um ein wissenschaftlich nicht anerkanntes Produkt handelt bzw. Sie erhalten ein “Wellnessgerät”, welches die Selbstheilungskräfte anregen kann und dies alles beruht auf meinen eigenen persönlichen Erfahrungen und nachlesbare Informationen über Georges Lakhovsky und Nikola Tesla. The item “Teslaantenne Tesla Antenne EMF Schutz Skalarwellen Bioenergie Bioresonanz” is in sale since Sunday, October 10, 2021. This item is in the category “Beauty & Gesundheit\Natur- & Alternativheilmittel\Sonstige”. The seller is “energiemedizin” and is located in Reinsfeld. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Herstellernummer: nicht zutreffend
  • Marke: Vital Antenne
  • Produktart: EMF Schutzgerät
  • Herstellungsland und -region: Deutschland
  • Formulierung: Schwingkreis
  • Hauptverwendungszweck: Erschöpfung

Tesla Clinic Edition rife

Tesla Clinic Edition rife

Tesla Clinic Edition rife

Tesla Clinic Edition rife

Tesla Clinic Edition rife

Tesla Clinic Edition rife

Tesla Clinic Edition rife

Tesla Clinic Edition rife

Tesla Clinic Edition rife

Tesla Clinic Edition rife

Tesla Clinic Edition rife

Tesla Clinic Edition rife

Tesla Clinic Edition rife

Made for use by global clinics and able to treat 1 or 2 persons at one time. Recover your investment in 1 week if you have a busy clinic or related health business. Tesla life rife machine, also known as rife zappers yet very advanced. This is our top professional units and can be found in many private homes. The Tesla Elite has a large screen to see which therapy you are running and able to treat 1 or 2 persons at 1 time and probably the best equipment on the market. If you select to have the photon light will reduce therapy time using both ultrasound by the Tens pads and Photon Light emitting healing frequencies into the body by Ultrasound and light which is 100% safe and effective. Professional design from top USA Engineers in this field. 100% accuracy and results–Fully Automatic. Runs 10 precise frequency in sweep mode. Reprogram at any time. To be used on 1 or 2 persons at 1 time. Built in timer and each disease can be seen on the large screen. Top 200 forms of disease treatment. 129 are pre-loaded and another 21 can be changed when ready. You can ask us to load up to 10 types for you, free of charge. Sub space is more subtle so direct use with the pads and light is many times more effective. These units have 80 years of research in health and energy healing at home, ideally while you sleep so you not only have a good nights rest while the healing frequencies repair the mind body and spirit. The Tesla 200 has 150 setting to deal with 200 forms of healing such as Asthma, Insomnia, back pain etc. So far less programming time as already pre-loaded for you. 129 are fixed in memory and 21 can be changed at any time and simple to do. Many of the sets can deal with 6 forms of illness such as Virus will cover several types of virus at 1 time. All units run in full automatic mode non stop so you only need push the’run’ or stop button. We only use Tens pads not needles and simple to use as they gently transmit the right frequencies into the body for healing at home. Every unit can be re-programmed over time and easy to do or you can ask us to program your unit with up to 10 issues so the unit arrives ready to use for you. This is our most advanced unit in technology and innovation. All units are safe and gentle yet 100% effective in restoring health and are dynamic natural healing-all units are made in the USA/UK with quality parts, microcomputers by European engineers. What can Tesla deal with? 3500 forms of health and healing and we send you the A-Z list. In 15 years in this field we have never seen ill effects as these are 100% Natural Alternative healing and advanced Rife or Tesla frequency healing proven since 1932. The key to rife technology is run the right frequencies for the right diagnosis 6 to 18 hours to remove it on a cellular level and best while sleeping. If using this 1 hour a day will bring slow results. For serious issues such as dementia to autism therapy can take weeks to months and use the right supplements. List of the first 50 treatments on the Elite and this is 100% natural therapy. 1-Addiction alcohol, 2-Addiction drug/stop smoking 3-AIDS/HIV 4-Allergy5-Alzheimers and Dementia. 6-Anti-Aging and Energy boost 7-Arthritis, Rheumatism and Osteoporosis, includes Headaches, joint & neck pain. 8-Asthma & Allergies Comprehensive 9-ADD with Hyperactivity 10-Autism-Dementia 11-Back Pain. 12-Bacterial Infections and Mycoses 13-Balance Mind Body Spirit 14-Cold & flu inc. 15-Bob Beck Blood Cleanser 16-Blood Pressure, High 17-Blood Pressure, Low 18-Bone Loss, Age-Related. 20-Bubonic Plague 21-Focus on Leukemia, Lymphoma, Brain, Sarcomas, Blood, Bone. 26-Candidiasis 27-Cardiovascular Diseases 28- Chakra Balance all 7 29-Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. 30-COPD 31-Cystic Fibrosis 32-Dengue 33-Dental Comprehensive, Oral Health, includes Periodontal. Disease 34-Depression, Bipolar 40-Dysentery 41-Dyslexia 42-Ear Diseases 43-Eating Disorders. 44-Emphysema, Pulmonary 45-Epileptic Seizures 46-Eye Infections 47-Fever 48-Fetal diseases. (General)49-Fibromyalgia 50-Food Poisoning and there is 79 more built in with 21 open. Feel free with any questions and we are glad to assist those who have been living with problems for 10 or 20 years remove the issue naturally at home while you sleep. If using a unit just 1 hour a day will have much slower effects. Please only order if serious to use this or you have a clinic wanting the best equipment. We do not sell or stock any used equipment. Not suggested for persons with a heart pacemaker. We are adding the Wireless Quantum remote to this unit which makes it an everything in one package. The Tens pads give the fastest power and speed in healing and simple to use under the feet and you would feel nothing as the frequencies flow from feet to brain in automatic safe mode. The Photon light is used on the upper body and emits the same frequencies into the body so a double therapy= faster healing and 100% safe. The Quantum distance healing is ideal for persons who want wireless and simple to run 12 or 24 hours a day, this is also the lazy way to use this technology in today’s busy world. We have noticed some persons would love to have this technology yet are of low confidence to use it so we include now a call when your unit arrives to help you setup and use the Tesla and become confident as they are so easy to use, an average person takes 5 minutes to be using this like a pro or we can do a call to assist you and happy to help at any time since 2005. Please do not order this equipment to play with as a toy. This is the latest technology and we have over 600 customers in 40 countries as our equipment is working perfectly over 7 years. QUICK START to use an Automatic Tesla in 5 minutes. 1- Plug the unit into power and it is ready to work. 2- Select the program you want to use by using 2 to scroll up or 8 to go down, when the cursor > is at the set or program you want to use push the Red key # to start and after therapy the other Red key to stop. The unit runs in full automatic mode until you stop it. 3- Place the Tens pads below your feet in the middle of the foot on each, or if you have the wireless Quantum, place a full teaspoon of hair and nails between the copper plates and plug into the Tesla unit. We love to work with normal people with an open mind and ready to use the latest technology. This is not suitable for grumpy people who want results in 5 minutes. If you feel you cannot use this equipment with the 3 steps above is fine and no need to order. Hi Alan received the Tesla used it last night while I slept and slept like a baby the whole night which is a first for me. Used the morgellons setting as we all have them. I cant believe the change in my sleep pattern for a start. Thank you so much for such an amazing product. I have currently unplugged myself from it, I have shared my experience on social media and Im sending others your way lol. I had a fall about four weeks ago and couldnt lift my arm, have good movement in it this morning and cast pain reduction. I cant thank you enough. The item “Tesla Clinic Edition rife” is in sale since Saturday, July 3, 2021. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Other Health & Beauty”. The seller is “albr_4674″ and is located in London. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United Kingdom
  • Type: rife machine
  • Main Colour: Beiges
  • Brand: Tesla Clinic Edition

MWO Lakhovsky Erdung Schwingkreis Skalarwellen Chakra Tesla Harmonie Energie

MWO Lakhovsky Erdung Schwingkreis Skalarwellen Chakra Tesla Harmonie Energie

MWO Lakhovsky Erdung Schwingkreis Skalarwellen Chakra Tesla Harmonie Energie

MWO Lakhovsky Erdung Schwingkreis Skalarwellen Chakra Tesla Harmonie Energie

MWO Lakhovsky Erdung Schwingkreis Skalarwellen Chakra Tesla Harmonie Energie

MWO Lakhovsky Erdung Schwingkreis Skalarwellen Chakra Tesla Harmonie Energie

MWO Lakhovsky Erdung Schwingkreis Skalarwellen Chakra Tesla Harmonie Energie

MWO Lakhovsky Erdung Schwingkreis Skalarwellen Chakra Tesla Harmonie Energie

MWO Lakhovsky Erdung Schwingkreis Skalarwellen Chakra Tesla Harmonie Energie

MWO Lakhovsky Erdung Schwingkreis Skalarwellen Chakra Tesla Harmonie Energie

Bestrahler mit Skalarwellen u. Das Organom Gerät ist das Neueste seiner Art. Die durch den stromlosen Generator. Fließenden Skalarwellen können genutzt werden, um verschiedenste. Testen Sie es selbst mal. Damit der Körper wieder “entladen” kann und somit unnötigen Ballast. Abwirft, nutzt man die Handsonde zur “Erdung”. Mit der anderen Hand. Nimmt man den Bestrahler und kann die Energiewellen auf verschiedene. Körperstellen / Körperzonen einstrahlen. Manche verspüren Wärme oder. Auch oftmals ein Kribbeln. Das ist ein Zeichen für die Energiezufuhr. Der besondere Griff des Bestrahlers ist durch einen mit Kristallen befüllten. Schlauch mit dem Hauptgerät verbunden. Im Hauptgerät ist eine spezielle Mischung aus Natur und Technik vereint. Alles zusammen wurde mit reinem Naturgips umhüllt, welcher mit dem. Bekannten Heilwasser der hiesigen Heilquelle Schweich-Meulenwald. Gerade all diese Komponenten vereinen ein starkes. Welches sich durch die aufgesetzte Skalarscheibe verbreiten kann. Ein ehrliches und kostengünstiges Energiewellengerät! Die Forschung hat einen positiven und übersehenen Umweltfaktor für die Gesundheit. Aufgedeckt: direkten physischen Kontakt mit der riesigen Menge an Elektronen auf der. Der moderne Lebensstil trennt den Menschen von einem solchen Kontakt. Unsere Körper machen ihre eigene Elektrizität; Atome, die aus positiv geladenen Protonen. Geladenen Elektronen und neutral geladenen Neutronen bestehen, schweben in uns herum. Die moderne Technologie ist jedoch in der Lage, diese elektrische Energie abzuwerfen. Kann die ständige Exposition gegenüber Schadstoffen und elektromagnetischen Feldern. Dazu führen, dass sich freie Radikale (oder ungepaarte positive Ionen) in unserem. Glücklicherweise kann die Wiederverbindung mit der Erde uns wieder in einen ausgeglichenen. Mit dem Erdungskontakt können negative Ionen von der Oberfläche ihren. Körper finden und die freien Radikale freisetzen, die wir angesammelt haben. Mit vorzeitiger Alterung, Entzündungen und Krankheiten in Verbindung gebracht. Lesen Sie mehr unter. Was sind die Vorteile der Erdung? Die Wiederverbindung mit den Elektronen der Erde wurde gefunden, um faszinierende physiologische. Veränderungen und subjektive Berichte über Wohlbefinden zu fördern, wie z. Neutralisierung freier Radikale, die durch Entzündungen, Infektionen. Beitrag zu besserer Immunität. Die oben genannten Effekte sind tiefgreifend, systemisch und grundlegend und entwickeln sich. Erdung ist so einfach wie routinemäßig barfuß im Freien zu gehen und/oder Erdungs. Systeme drinnen zu verwenden, während sie schlafen oder sitzen, Praktiken, die eine verlorene. Und benötigte elektrische Verbindung mit der Erde wiederherstellen. Studien haben bisher faszinierende Beweise für breite und signifikante physiologische Verbesserungen berichtet, wenn der Körper geerdet /. Die Forschung, zusammen mit zahlreichen anekdotischen Berichten zeigt, dass Erdung eindeutig die Aufnahme in die klinische Praxis der Präventiv-, Alternativ- und Lifestyle-Medizin verdient. Und ein großes Potenzial hat, diese Ansätze effektiver zu machen. Die hier angebotenen Artikel ersetzen keinesfalls den Besuch bei Ihrem Arzt oder Heilpraktiker, wenn es um gesundheitliche Beschwerden geht. Heilversprechen dürfen wir keine machen und sollte eine Formulierung so verstanden werden, so ist diese haltlos mit der Bitte, uns darauf aufmerksam zu machen. Wir werden das dann umgehend abändern. The item “MWO Lakhovsky Erdung Schwingkreis Skalarwellen Chakra Tesla Harmonie Energie” is in sale since Tuesday, July 13, 2021. This item is in the category “Beauty & Gesundheit\Natur- & Alternativheilmittel\Sonstige”. The seller is “energiemedizin” and is located in Reinsfeld. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Besonderheiten: Erdung des Körpers
  • Marke: Christian Haag
  • Hauptverwendungszweck: Energie & Ausdauer
  • Produktart: Erdungsmatte
  • Formulierung: Bioresonanz

ITorus 2 Heart Stone Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2 Heart Stone Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2 Heart Stone Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2 Heart Stone Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2 Heart Stone Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2 Heart Stone Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2 Heart Stone Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2 Heart Stone Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2 Heart Stone Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2 Heart Stone Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2 Heart Stone Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2 Heart Stone Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2 Heart Stone Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

Portable 5G Protection Is Here! Be sure to check out all of our more than a dozen Gemstone Crystal Mix offerings! Comes with a FREE Ultra Hi-Def MP3 Player Pre-Loaded with Biophotonic Therapeutic Frequencies installed. Silent, portable and powerful; the iTorus 2 offers go-anywhere quantum energy healing with real-time 5G protection, producing a 6 ft diameter ionic shield for the car, office or wherever you travel! If youre heading into the city, dont forget your iTorus Tesla Shield! Our cutting-edge Vortex PEMF therapy devices come from decades of development of the Nicola Tesla (Bifilar) Coil to produce pulsing square-waves , then furthered yet for interstellar travel health by NASA to keep astronauts fit in zero gravity, perfected even further yet by Jason Stiles of iPyramids who has introduced the additional power of genuine orgone ion amplification producing a fully counter-rotational quantum Vortex field to this technology that entrains the body’s bioelectrical field into what is known as anionic quantum coherence that has been proven in independent studies to generate new stem cells , reversing time in the human DNA that allows it to revert back to its original genetic signature prior to the trauma (see section below on JASONS JOURNEY back to health using Vortex PEMF therapy). The iTorus 2 (2.8-inch diameter). Comes in a multitude of different mineral/quartz options to choose from. See more about the player and the biophotonic frequency playlists under Additional Information below. Gemstone Crystals Mix Orgone iTorus: Heart Stone is constructed using ultra-premium green-technology high pressure UVPoxy (Ecopoxy) orgonite torus body infused with a scientific mixture of piezoelectric SIO2 semi-precious quartz crystals. This unique blend of heart chakra stones and minerals includes Malachite, Fuschite, Aventurine, Chrysoprase, Green Calcite, Emerald, Chrysocolla, Peridot and Rose Quartz to stimulate the heart chakra and support healing and balance. Playing the heart chakra frequency 512hz through the iTorus will help support healing, stimulate and assist in removing blockages in combination with the stones resonant frequencies. Malachite is a stone of balance, abundance, manifestation and intention. Malachite absorbs energy and draws emotions to the surface. It clears and activates all Chakras, and is especially helpful in the stimulation of the Heart and Throat Chakras. Emerald Fuchsite assists in the process of clearing/healing the various levels of consciousness, helping to achieve mental/emotional balance, tranquility, and a deepened sense of compassion, understanding and acceptance. The energy of Fuchsite is such that, when combined with other crystals, will intensify said energy. It brings loyalty and provides for domestic bliss while enhancing unconditional love, unity and promotes friendship. Keeps partnerships in balance and can signal unfaithfulness if it changes color. Emerald Fuchsite stimulates the heart chakra, having a healing effect on the emotions as well as the physical heart. Chrysocolla is first and foremost a stone of communication. Its very essence is devoted to expression, empowerment and teaching. The serenity of its turquoise-blue color discharges negative energies, calms, and allows truth and inner wisdom to surface and be heard. Chrysoprase is a delightful stone of the green ray. It has metaphysical properties for healing as well as being a stone to attract new love, abundance and prosperity. It promotes joy and happiness and brings through the vibration of divine truth, while helping to heal the heart of the energy of depression and anxiety. Physically, Green Aventurine is an all-around healing stone with benefits for the lungs, liver, sinuses, and heart. Use Green Aventurine to loosen and release negativity and energy blockages, including disease. Some wear or carry Green Aventurine to increase intelligence, perception and creativity. Green Calcite brings a renewed sense of purpose and vitality and a desire to make positive change in ones life. It encourages forgiveness of oneself and others and brings softness to the heart, stimulating compassion. In ancient Egyptian times Peridot was often set in gold jewelry, worn around the neck or bound to the left arm as a charm against evil spirits, sorcery and magic as well as to ward off night terrors and even madness. It was thought to increase bravery while calming anger, as well as sharpening mental acuity. Peridot is still revered for these same qualities and also to protect ones aura; purifying the physical and light bodies while alleviating karmic burdens, guilt, jealousy and obsessions. Replaces melancholy feelings with Divine Feminine confidence and unconditional love and compassion. Pink Rose Quartz is known as the Yin in the balance between the forces of darkness and light. The soothing energies of this special crystal fosters empathy, reconciliation, and forgiveness of others while lowering stress and tension in the heart. Rose Quartz clears out anger, jealousy, and resentment of others, removing the dis-ease associated with holding on to such negative emotions. THIS IS AN ORGONE GENERATOR. An orgone device uses a special ultra-hard resin that shrinks when it sets up under its own self-generated extreme heat, placing everything inside that area under at least 0.1% pressure which activates all species of SiO2 Silica Quartz Crystal, opening the flow of this energy that can readily be measured with a spectrometer or an air-ion counter as Life Force Meters and the like use to measure Orgone energy. Our devices are serious tools from. Quantum Mechanics technology , not fictional or pseudoscientific gadgets. See our many videos online for demonstrations of how the iTorus is a fully-functioning VPEMF room-temperature superconductor that is able to suspend the laws of gravity with the press of a button and produces intense readings of Anion Ions (Positive Orgone energy) as measured by laboratory ion meters. Woowoo cant do that. This Crystal Mix iTorus functions as a stand-alone, self-energized orgone device producing anion ions that ionize the field, producing pure oxygen and cancelling harmful electromagnetic radiation that when amplified by switching on the device increases to roughly a 6 ft radius that can be left on your nightstand or next to your wifi router to absorb harmful EMF waves anytime (both while on or off). Included with each Mini iTorus Portable 5G Protection Tesla Coil. Chakras and earth-based PEMF Therapy frequencies. Custom medical velcro strap. 1/8-inch (3.5 mm) audio cable. Sphere neodymium magnet for testing field vibrations. Included 2.4-inch Ultra High Def Hi-Fi Theater Bluetooth MP3 Player Features. Play MP3, MP4 Files. 2.4-inch TFT Ultra-High Def 4000 Pixel (4x Higher Than 1080P) Theater Screen. Bluetooth Connectivity (wired connection to iTorus only). Built-in HiFi Speaker W/ 6 Channel Audio Equalizer. 7 Day Battery Life / 24 Hrs Continuous Therapy Use. Billet Aluminum Alloy Metal Frame. Compact: 1.8-inch Wide x 4.2-inch High x 3/8-inch Thick. Light Body Chakras PEMF 35 Mins. 512Hz (C) Heart Chakra. 3rd Eye (Pineal Gland) Chakra 5 Mins. Solar Plexus Chakra 5 Mins. Earth Based PEMF 165 Mins. 2Hz Nervous System Support / Delta Wave. Respiratory Support / Delta Wave. 7.83Hz Bones Support / Theta Wave. 10Hz Ligaments Support / Alpha Wave. 20.8Hz Circulatory System Support / Beta Wave. Audible Recording of the Sun As Taken By NASA 1 Hr. Binaural Beat of Tara Earth (Schumann Resonance) 30 Mins. Be sure to look for our Specialty Biophotonic Therapeutic Frequencies Preloaded to Micro SD Card that will slip right into this MP3 Player. WHAT IS THE iTORUS? Room Temperature PEMF Superconductor. Pioneered by Nicola Tesla and perfected in iPyramids laboratories, the. State of the art. Counter-rotational Tensor-wrapped and scalar-balanced toroidal vortex wave generator known in particle science as a. That generates a large pulsing electromagnetic Central Pedal field. In well-established and non-invasive PEMF biotherapy of the human body as well as in tests with both flora and fauna, the powerful, symmetrically-stabilized coherent energy field produced within such devices has been shown in clinical studies over decades of research to promote wellness for both the mind and body, as it mirrors the same pattern of energy as found within every living cell including the blood. Gold plated neodymium magnetic sphere suspended in zero point levitation trapped in a. Produced by the perfectly counterbalanced energy vector field of the iTorus. The iTorus is a. On a recently televised production, PEMFs work to: reduce pain and inflammation, the effects of stress on the body, and vascular platelet adhesion. PEMF can improve energy, circulation, blood and tissue oxygenation, sleep quality, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It works to increase the uptake of nutrients, cellular detoxification and the ability to regenerate cells. Oz, it has also been shown to help balance the immune system and stimulate RNA which authors DNA cell commands to accelerate the repair of bone and soft tissue while relaxing the muscles see video of iTorus inventor Jason Stiles explaining how. A copper pyramid fitted with an iTorus. Literally regrew his leg back to its original length in just one year during sleep that had been shortened more than ½ inch by a disastrous 60-ft fall from a helicopter while in the military service. The magic behind the iTorus is in the fact that a counter-woven double bifilar wave field generates a particle-spin (quantum rotation) known in science as. Where the energy is in perfect balance, whereas the normal spin state of atoms (fermions) in nature are in some varying degree of out-of-balance (always trying to get back to perfect form), known as. Like a tire that is out of balance that causes distortion while it is turning that only amplifies the faster it goes, half-spin or partial-spin particles are never really in perfect shape, or what we might call health. Rodin Coils (highly advanced Bifilar-based technology) can produce. Torus magnetic fields which on the other hand can reach the ultimate health in the same way. Do -that carry the highest energy of all particles. This field counter-rotates in. With all of its nucleus energy waves. And what is commonly-known in quantum and particle science is the fact that any larger magnetic energy field such as a. High-energy toroidal magnetic field automatically assimilates, or turns the weaker. Field (thats you) into the same vector-spin signature of the prevailing field. So when you place a perfect-spin energy field close to your cells, it causes the smaller cells to spin in the. Same pattern and direction. Triplet Spin happens to be the signature of the element science has nicknamed the God Particle. Higgs Boson , because that perfectly-harmonized particle is the carrier of the strongest (and self-aware) force of energy known within all fields of science. The Higgs Boson is equated directly to. Itself in quantum mechanics. Color is the visible representation of certain energy signatures. The color of red vibrates within the upper end of the visible field in electromagnetic oscillation which is a fission (hot) thermal reaction in particle science. Fission is another word for fire. It is a powerful, overwhelming energy, whereas the color of ultraviolet is on the opposite end of the scale which is a fusion (cool) reaction, representing calmness energetically-speaking. For eons of time spiritual healers and shamans have referred to certain colors of crystals as having clear effects on the human body and mind; now science understands that because crystals do in fact vibrate at the same color value we see with our eyes (and with scalar frequency-enhanced spectrography), this is no longer merely spiritual speculation but rather a matter of. The crystals you choose to surround yourself with really will target different energetic circuits and therefore emotional spectrums, within your. Cold Fusion Bioelectret field. A Vortex torus coil generates ultraviolet frequency, or the actual color of cold fusion. THE POWER OF VPEMF. It is now well-known within the field of medicine just how encompassing pulsed magnetic fields can be for the human body now endorsed by the FDA for further open use for general wellness and experimental development without direct oversight with evidence that not only did the father of medicine, Hippocrates, use magnetic fields to alleviate pain and help patients thousands of years ago, but Cleopatra herself wore magnetite (natural magnet) around her neck to keep herself from aging, so this is hardly. What is news are the advances made in the PEMF field within just the last few years, such as the breakthrough of. Natural orgone Vortex energy. To amplify the power of. For addressing symptoms as varied as headaches and lowering high blood pressure to blocking EMF radiation for overall wellness. Prompting the production of new stem cells. Reducing tension in the muscles. Improving red cell clotting. Strengthening the immune system. Increasing oxygen in the blood. Improving the uptake of nutrients. Balancing the acupuncture meridians. Increasing restorative REM sleep time. Adding plasticity to soft tissue. Is the inventor of iPyramids (Accelerated Biorejuvenation Chambers) , the iTorus (orgone VPEMF Therapy coils) and founder of a New Earth tech-based company called iPyramids which is devoted to developing and promoting personal growth and healing self-help tools that aid in accelerating the hidden health potential of every human. At the young age of 19 and just barely out of school, Jason began his adult journey by joining the United States Air Forces. Special Tactics Pararescue Team , the most highly advanced and well-trained Combat Search and Rescue unit in the world. After 12 years in this elite organization, yet still very much a young man, he was involved in a traumatic helicopter accident where he became permanently disabled due to extenuating injuries to three of his four limbs, including the permanent. Lengthening of his right leg by roughly ½ inch. Due to the placement of the steel rod reinforcement. Shortly after this his life changed forever after an abrupt spiritual awakening and light body activation in 2010. Soon afterward he dropped out of a full scholarship through medical school and began dedicating his life to developing alternative technologies that might assist the mind/body/spirit complex to heal itself at an optimized or accelerated rate in an effort to salvage his own future. Through a complex series of advancements in bioengineering breakthroughs, he spent 2015 sleeping each night inside of the prototype of the highly-advanced. ARC I Accelerated Bio-Rejuvenation Chamber. He had developed and noticed he no longer needed to visit his chiropractor each week and his badly deformed gate had disappeared. After a complete MRI medical imaging scan it was clear. His leg had simply regrown itself back down to its normal length. By combining both Vortex PEMF accelerated stem cell regrowth along with sacred pyramid vortex energy he had literally. To command the human DNA. To revert back to its original genetic template. Accelerated (Bio) Rejuvenation Chamber. Was designed following the sacred quantum geometry of the Great Pyramid of Cheops and coupling that to the pulsing electromagnetic. Vortex coils he calls the. Designer bioelectric magnetic fields. Devices are often referred to as time machines because participants having short 25 minute sessions have profound experiences, transformations, out of body experiences, time travel, multi-dimensional awareness, third eye activations, pain relief, and spontaneous remissions, just to name a few common reports. Own research showing PEMFs to. Regrow new stem cells. Within the human body, they truly can be called not just time machines, but quite literally something of the otherwise mythical. Sharing these never-before-seen healing technologies that gave him a second lease on life has now become the all-encompassing purpose in Jasons life. These are copies of the actual MRI reports generated over Jasons journey. Due to how badly mangled his right leg was after the accident, a stainless steel rod was screwed into place in order to reset the bone fragments. 7 years later when the rod was removed his leg bone was now massively fused together at the ½+ length longer than the left of the original set. But over the course of spending a year underneath his prototype vortex pyramid the molecules of his body retrained to adjust back to the length of both legs identical to each other. This is what a coherent vortex pulsed orgone signal can do within the bioelectrical field of living organisms. How To Use Your iTorus and Mini iTorus – YouTube. The information has not been evaluated by U. Food and Drug Administration. Worldwide, there are no governmental health agencies that recognize a need to supplement natural magnetic fields using pulsed electromagnetic fields. IPyramids LLC makes no medical claims, real or implied, as to benefit of our device and methods. Our product is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals relating to their health and well-being. Readers accept all responsibility for self-experimentation. The item “ITorus 2 Heart Stone Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator” is in sale since Tuesday, June 16, 2020. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Magnetic Therapy”. The seller is “ipyramids” and is located in Sedona, Arizona. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Model: iTorus Mini: Heart Stone
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
  • Custom Bundle: Yes
  • Main Purpose: Pain relief/wellness
  • Material: Gold, silver, copper
  • Gender: Unisex
  • Type: Velcro versatility anywhere
  • Magnetic Product Type: Tesla coil pulsed magnetic Torus field
  • Modified Item: No
  • MPN: 177iT2HS
  • Brand: iPyramids
  • Manufacturer Warranty: 1 year
  • Bundle Description: Mini includes: Chakras and earth based PEMF therapy frequencies. Lanyard, velcro strap, 3.5mm audio cable. Sphere neodymium magnet for testing field. Travel case 1 Year Warranty

BioChargerNG, Frequency Healing, Rife Machine, Tesla Coil, Resonance Healing

BioChargerNG, Frequency Healing, Rife Machine, Tesla Coil, Resonance Healing

BioChargerNG, Frequency Healing, Rife Machine, Tesla Coil, Resonance Healing. The pandemic caused serious financial problems and we are forced to sell our prized BioChargerNG. Take advantage of our misfortune! It comes with access to hundreds of recipes for almost every ailment. New recipes are regularly offered! Need a boost of energy? Need to recover from an injury? Biocharger NG Voltage pemf Pain Relief Lyme Workout Fitness Light Therapy. The BioCharger NG is a hybrid subtle energy revitalization platform. The transmitted energy stimulates and invigorates the entire body to optimize and improve potential health, wellness, and athletic performance. The BioCharger NG is completely non-invasive, and has proven to restore strength, stamina, coordination and mental clarity. This unprecedented technology represents more than 25 years of research, development, and validation that builds upon more than 80 years of documented research by internationally acclaimed scientists and early energy healing pioneers such as Nikola Tesla, Georges Lakhovsky and Royal Rife. It is the worlds first software based, solid state, mobile & cloud compatible high voltage multi-frequency, resonant transformer (modified Tesla Coil) that wirelessly and simultaneously transmits pulsed waves of electromagnetic, electrodynamic and photonic energy. The result is a precisely controlled radiant energy field that wirelessly delivers the energy to revitalize and restore balance to the body. The item “BioChargerNG, Frequency Healing, Rife Machine, Tesla Coil, Resonance Healing” is in sale since Thursday, June 3, 2021. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Other Natural Remedies”. The seller is “axheather” and is located in Montpelier, Vermont. This item can’t be shipped, the buyer must pick up the item.
  • Brand: biocharger
  • Main Purpose: Aches & Pains
  • Administration: Systemic
  • Formulation: Balm
  • Features: Anti-Infection

Official Vortex Coil Mishin S Medicine Device Full Kit Disk Tesla Treatment TGS

Official Vortex Coil Mishin S Medicine Device Full Kit Disk Tesla Treatment TGS

Official Vortex Coil Mishin S Medicine Device Full Kit Disk Tesla Treatment TGS

Official Vortex Coil Mishin S Medicine Device Full Kit Disk Tesla Treatment TGS

Official Vortex Coil Mishin S Medicine Device Full Kit Disk Tesla Treatment TGS

Official Vortex Coil Mishin S Medicine Device Full Kit Disk Tesla Treatment TGS

Official Vortex Coil Mishin S Medicine Device Full Kit Disk Tesla Treatment TGS

Official Vortex Coil Mishin S Medicine Device Full Kit Disk Tesla Treatment TGS

Official Sertified Brand New Vortex Coil Mishin S Medicine Device Full Kit Disk Tesla Treatment TGS-7A. For the treatment of many chronic human diseases. The list of diseases that can be cured, of which the most significant are: Oncology. Arthritis, arthrosis of the joints. Ankylosing spondylitis Crohn’s disease. Female and male infertility. Restoration of functions: nervous, vascular, hematopoietic, endocrine, lymphatic and immune systems. Obliterating endarteritis and atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. Ulcerative colitis and many others.. Specifications: – TGS-7A: Weight 660g. Dimensions 100x190x125 – Coil : 245g. Diameter 150mm, thickness 18mm – Tor: 120 gr. Diameter 75mm, thickness 35mm – Indicator: 22g. Diameter 66mm, thickness 16mm – The whole set of TGS-7A in the package: 1350g. Dimensions 240x120x215mm Additional characteristics: – Model: TGS-7A – Output Frequency: 200-450kHz – Minutes of the timer: 5, 15, 30, 60 minutes – Network adapter input frequency: 50-60Hz – Supply Voltage: 220V. For 100V-120V you will need to use the power adapter converter 100V-120V to 220V-240. The power consumed from a network, no more: 20VA – Electrical Class: Class I – Degree of electrical protection: IP54 – Dimensions of the device, mm: 190x150x100. The device’TGS-7A’ is a small-sized device, made in a durable plastic case. Inside the housing there is an electronic microprocessor control unit, a sinusoidal oscillator with a flexible cable connected to it by coils – emitters. The principle of operation of the TGS-7A apparatus is the healing effect of the electrostatic field on the cells. The device consists of a sine wave generating circuit, which generates a current with a frequency of 250 to 400 kHz, and a resonant circuit. All coils and the apparatus housing are made of high quality, non-toxic ABS plastics. The generator circuit can provide a signal to the coils with the effect of field rotation. The device is equipped with a Min-Max power switch button. In Min mode, the output power of the signal is limited to 50% of the maximum value. Calibration of the generator to the resonant frequency of the connected capacitive coil is performed automatically. At the same time a stable wave is formed, which is easily determined by the field indicator included in the basic set. The operation of the capacitive coil can be checked at any time by raising the field indicator to it, while the LEDs will change the brightness of the glow depending on the distance to the coil. How to use (INSTRUCTION) as well as some list of diseases and recommendations. The action of the Mishin coil causes a significant amount of toxins to be released, which must be excreted by the kidneys through the urine. The mission for for the kidneys to cope this amount with the help of «vortex» medicine is not simple, so it is necessary to start the treatment with the coil from the lumbar region. There is the main human filter – the kidney. Every second person has difficulty in working the kidneys. We begin with the purification of the kidneys, which in the future must cope with the purification of the entire body. The basic rule for first use: ALWAYS START WITH KIDNEYS! The duration of the treatment session is determined by personal feelings after and during the applying of the coil. For example, we put Mishin’s disk half an hour into the kidney area. If after the application you have a malaise, some pain, the temperature rises – it means the coil Mishina began to act. If the malaise is tolerable, you can leave this exposure dose for tomorrow. If you are too bad, take a break for a day or two. For those who have excess weight, the coil acts weaker at first. Penetrating through adipose tissue the field loses some extent intensity. These people usually do not feel anything for 3-5 days at all. On local diseases, for example pains in the knee, head, etc. We can act differently. Torus (“donut”) has localized effect and remarkably adapted for these purposes. Thor acts approximately in diameter 10 cm. A flat coil acts “in area”, not as deep as a torus and softer than a torus, but captures a large area. It is useful to use when exposed to the kidneys and for general tone (on the lower back or slightly lower and on the chest at the level of the nipples). There are things in action of the coils which for most seem strange and inexplicable. The coil also operates in the off state, but only about 20% of the power. In addition, the effect is not only to the person on which the coil lies, but also on those who are within a radius of 3 and even 7 meters. Therefore, if you treat someone to not get an overdose, you need to move away from the patient at this distance. When a person completely gets free of all toxins and other mucks, the coil ceases to function on the body. You can sleep on a coil, sit on it at least 24 hours a day, no health effect will be. This is also the indicator that you are healthy. How safe is the method of treating coils? If certain standards are observed, it is completely safe. Even if the norms are exceeded, the hazard is 10%, which is a low indicator. It is better to follow safety precautions if an unauthorized person is in the same room with you. Members of the same family are not affected, except for children, because they have increased sensitivity to exposure. It is better to keep them away from the coils. It should be at a distance of 2-3 meters from the person undergoing treatment. After treatment with Mishin’s coil, a deep-lying disease can intensify for several days. For example, a persistent cough or sore throat may develop into a powerful angina within a few days, as the disease must be taken out somewhere. Electrostatics in the body can not affect healthy cells, since it is not induced on them. Take off all metal products chains, rings, etc. And remove all metal products away. You need to start from the disk coil, applying alternately to the back and chest in short sessions for 15-60 minutes per day or every other day (we follow the sensations). This is important for very sick people who are very sensitive to coils. The main thing is not to overdo it so as not to get a “overdose”. Self-control over the well-being and color of urine. If the urine has darkened, then take a break to prevent the kidneys from overloading due to the abundant withdrawal of “destroyed” toxins and other debris. Acquaintance with coils for sick people can be sensitive tingling, numbness, drowsiness, chills or heat, etc… Healthy people do not feel the work of the coils. We smoothly work with flat coils, from large diameter to small (if several disks from different wires were made), just by changing its diameter we change and the density parameter. Up to 60 minutes a day is enough for the process of removing the sore. It is possible to increase the time to 2 and 3 hours, but this is if all the main toxins are already removed and there is no interaction of the organism with the static field of the coil. The main thing is not to “overdose”, so that the body can regenerate and remove waste products. To help the kidneys (they are usually clogged), 10 minutes for each kidney by a torus per day. For coil sensitive people, you can play around not only with the session time, but also with power (if implemented in the generator). Attention: if there are tumors in the head, then there should be maximum caution, because Static-destroying tumor first increases, and then is excreted by the body. An increase in the tumor in the head is dangerous… Everything should be in moderation. For heart: after the procedure. It can be whining. 2-3 days, but not tingle or ache, or just a nagging ache – this is normal, because. The muscle is constantly working. If you have a pacemaker, then use the device only under the supervision of the hospital, since implosion easily “sucks” the charge out of the battery! There is also an opinion that coils in different places work differently (stronger, weaker or no effect at all). Maybe this is due to the radiation of the Earth Hartmann grid, etc. We continue to experiment and test. User’s Manual Read the instructions for using the generator and coils. What is Mishin’s coil. Mishin’s coil is an electronic device that can cure many diseases. Its action is based on the application of electrostatics. Applying the coils (torus and disk) of Mishin to different places of our body, we are cured of very many diseases. The principle of this medical Mishins device – the effect of a variable electrostatic field on the sore spots. Here it is called vortex medicine. This is the same electrostatic attraction that we studied in physics lessons at school, when we rubbed the wool with an ebonite wand and it began to attract small objects. In the coil, the same thing happens, except that the electrostatic field is created not by friction, but electronically. In this case, we need an alternating electrostatic field. The action of Mishin’s disks and coils on man manifested itself of healing in an extreme degree. The kit includes two coils. A large disk for general effects on the body (it gently affects the body) and a small one, called a torus or donut (a more severe and concentrated effect). By donut we treat problem areas. In the off state, the torus and disk work at 20%. Known experience with roses, which stood in the same water for one month and did not fade. Behind the vase on the rib stood a disc turned off. The second case shows the effective operation of the disc and torus to remove fatigue during a long 9-hour bus ride, during which the disconnected disc was placed on the abdomen, and the torus on the chest. After the trip, the body state is vigorous, although usually such a trip caused headaches. How to work with Mishin coils. Since you have decided to use Mishin’s coils for the recovery of your body, you have to argue that you have health problems. Then follow the simplest rules. Keep the principle of gradual exposure of coils to the body. So that the body could manage to remove slags. Before embarking on the main problem (disease) of the body, prepare the ways of removing slags and “dirt” that will start to leave you. 20-30 minutes before using the coils, drink clean water 250-400 ml. On an empty stomach. Clean water is necessary for washing out of the body of slag and salts, which will “liquefy” under the influence of coils. Tea, coffee, juices do not replace clean water. It is known that you can not wash your hands of tea or coffee, juice. Remove all metal objects from yourself. The presence of metal braces after surgery does not interfere and does not harm. Persons with a pacemaker can work with a coil on the thoracic center (5-10 minutes), but make sure that there is no discomfort. The use of coils is best between meals. After 1 – 1.5 hours after meals and 1 hour before meals Coils should be placed flat to the body, either side, because the action of the coils is two-sided. Thor or donut is used to treat organs, the disc can also be treated with the body. The torus has more concentrated waves in its center, while at the disk or flat coil the waves more evenly distributed. It is advisable to turn on the disk at a distance of 2 meters from the patient in addition to the main treatment time by the torus, in addition for 2-3 hours a day. For example, between interruptions of treatment with a torus. Or leave overnight at a distance of 2 meters. It is recommended to start using a coil (torus) around the waist and kidneys. The action of the Mishin coil causes the release of a significant amount of toxins, which must be excreted by the kidneys. To cope with those toxins with the help of vortex medicine is not a simple mission for the kidneys, so it is necessary to start the treatment with the coil from the lumbar region. The main filter of the human body is the kidneys. 5 minutes on each kidney, per day. After three days of use, take a break 2 -3 days. It is necessary that the body has time to clear toxins. Then add pressure to the centers of vascular systems (blood and lymphatic) – these points are under the knees and under the arms. At this time there is an improvement in blood, oxygen is better tolerated by blood, blood supply improves. Improves the quality of blood and lymph. If you have specific kidney diseases, then start applying coils necessarily from the kidney area. But do not overdo it! Place the coil on the sore spot. If pain occurs, move the coil to another part of the body. The treatment time in one place is 20-30 minutes, the maximum time is 1 hour. For the head – no more than 10 minutes, but it is permissible to keep for headaches up to 20 minutes, if there is no discomfort. Do not put an excessively long time on the head, work first with the energy centers of the chest and abdomen alternately. This is a mandatory and important step in the treatment. It is better to alternate, put a flat coil or torus on the chakras of the chest, abdomen, then on the diseased organ and repeat again. The total amount of interaction time with the coils is 15 – 25 minutes for the first day and from 1.5 to 5 hours per day thereafter. Sessions can be 1,2, or 3 times per day. Duration of treatment in days – choose how you feel. If the cleaning is active and the urine is dark, interrupt the use of the coils for 3-7 days. Symptoms of cleansing the body. Do not be frightened by the symptoms of cleansing, but rather, welcome. Since the disease comes out of the body and all kinds of decay products. A famous proverb says – there is no healing without exacerbation. Symptoms of body cleansing. Chills, cold, heat, drowsiness, body pulsation, metallic taste in the mouth, stuffiness in the throat, cough, sputum, sneezing, hiccoughs, scratching, red skin rash, numbness of the extremities, short-term heartburn, abdominal cramps , a dark and cloudy color of urine with a bad smell. One case of observed symptoms in heart disease is tingling or aching in the heart, pressure jumps, numbness in that part of the body that could become paralyzed in the future because of a possible stroke, temporary impairment of coordination, speech impairment (“stumbling”), dizziness. After a week of this condition, the patient came back to normal and got rid of problems with cardiac activity. During the development of such pronounced symptoms, it is necessary to reduce the effect of coils on time up to 1 hour per day, or put them. Variants of treatment regimens can be such. Kidneys 10 minutes, chest 10 minutes, stomach 10, chest 20, stomach 20, chest 10, stomach 10. Kidneys 10 minutes, stomach 20, chest 10, stomach 30, chest 20, stomach 20. Kidneys 10 minutes, under the knees for 10min, under the arms for 10 minutes, liver 10min, stomach 10min. Kidneys for 10 minutes, sacrum 15-30 minutes. If there are problems with the. , the lower abdomen is 15 minutes. You can act by torus on the chakra points for the general treatment of the organism alternately for 10-20 minutes for each point. The first chakra – is the location of the breast center – in the middle of the chest between the nipples. The second chakra – is the location of the center of the abdomen – two fingers wide below the navel. The use of coils should be started with the kidneys. Because kidneys are the main filter of the body and, as a rule, they all have slags, which must be cleaned first. You can use a disc at night. The distance must be 2 meters from the child. If the disc is placed closer, then reduce the exposure time from 4 hours to 30 minutes. Thor must be using at one location for 5 to 20 minutes, the total time is from 20 minutes to 2 hours a day. Time to choose according to age, well-being and severity of diseases. For pregnant women, the dose will be the same as for children. Experiments on plants showed that after treatment with coils, sick plants quickly recover. But especially this influence is noticeable on the germination of seeds. This process is significantly accelerated and the seeds are given the necessary strength for further growth and development. The disc over the plants should be placed so that the thick part of the plywood lining is on top. It is enough to process 1 time per day for 1 hour. You can charge water in a glass container by placing the disc on top or bottom for 10 minutes. The charge in the water remains for 3 hours. This treatment cleans and charges water. Drink charged or spring water in an amount of 1 to 2 liters per day during treatment. It is important to clean the body with a sufficient amount of liquid. The answer of the coil inventor and researcher Alexander Mishin. Diseases of the blood. In particular, lymphoid leukemia. Yes, it’s okay, a flat coil should break the mutants. Start a standard treatment of 30-60min per day, 5-7 days in a row. It is necessary to monitor the sensations in the kidneys and the color of urine. Flat coil alternately apply to the chest and back. It treats the entire body from sores. If someone used drugs, it removes toxic dependence. But you can get high after the procedure. I had such cases It helps with hangovers, but vodka will act on you a little differently… This is from the feedbacks… But users were very satisfied. Yes, it’s easy, put a disk on your back. Toxic dependence can be removed in an hour, can cause a cough, well, and then will you pull a cigarette into your mouth or not depend on the ability to control your body. Yes, in the process of research. Improving patients are slow. Herniation, protrusion of the spinal discs. Pain must remove, but we can not restore to mechanics with the immediate deformation of the hernia. Here the question is more exotic, there were cases when fresh hernias of such a plan drastically reduced. In a week, but there were also cases when the process was very weakly exposed to the static of the coil… In principle this problem can be caused by direct mechanical deformation and we will not greatly help here. You need to do a couple of sessions of a flat coil for 30 minutes, it was already. Probability is very small, because now the body is vortical. Mechanical damage does not lead to damage to the vortex and vice versa, damage to the vortex provokes distortion in the normal. So, here you can estimate yourself, depending on the specific case. Growing up may be gradually going away… Statics will try to return it back to normal, but much depends on the body itself. The change in the morphology of the body occurs only because of distortions in the vortex field, otherwise there would be no regeneration in the problem area of the body. Titanium in the body. Nothing is wrong, as with dentistry If suddenly there is an abscess, it hurts and climbs out, that’s all. You can feel chills for the first time. Physical trauma of the eye in childhood, namely the lens as a thorn. First, use a flat coil on the lower back 2-3 sessions, then use the torus o. N each eye for 3-5 minutes. One day use, then one. This is quite enough. Recovery will take a long time. Diseases of the skin. Specifically – Vitiligo, when the skin appears white spots. Such things are usually purely vortical, should help quite quickly. With the melanin there is the experience of “communication”, it can be removed partially from the heavily sunburned skin for 30-40min, but it then comes back. Arthrosis, Osteoarthrosis, Osteoporosis, Arthritis. These are diseases that often result from insufficient blood supply to the joints. Everything depends on the specific case. We work with flat coils, and almost never where to apply. Flat coils of wire coated with varnish can already be applied to problem areas. Is it possible to use a coil if the woman is on the seventh month of pregnancy? I would say yes, but I can not… For reasons quite understandable… With flu, you can apply a torus for 3-5 minutes at the throat, this should be enough to prevent it from progressing. Start with a flat coil, and then further all along the way.. There was such a patient, in a week – he is healthy Recovery took place with a slight increase in tick after a week without it, then 2 days of temperature and then the patient was healthy. Lymphostosis (removed lymph node, cancer) impaired lymph circulation in hand. All that concerns tumors, including some that can not be irradiated and massaged – all this is for us an indication for action. It will take 5-10 days to stop the development of such processes in the initial stage. On the throat, 15-20min morning and evening. Hether a thrombus can come off. When applying the flat coil. It is clear that from such an undesirable effect there is no 100% guarantee, but acting on a blood clot with a density fluctuation, we do not move it, but force it to slowly dissolve. One confirmed case already exists, a person for 3 months (according to the results of ultrasound) reduced the blood clot from 80% to 20%. It is worth mentioning separately about the cause of the formation of a thrombus!!! This is a superfluous twist of blood, which is caused precisely not by the correct formation of vortex flows. In most cases this problem is not the body. Separate cases are after operations, after the seam a vortex is formed and a thrombus is growing. But here we reduce the amount of scar tissue, which also leads to a positive result. Papillomas, polyps, warts Colorless moles and outgrowths on the legs of the skin. Dry and fall off And just after the flat coil on the body. Specifically, they were not affected by the torus, but I know for sure that a friend told me that he had warts fallen off. Asthma of allergic origin. 2 times within an hour. All major problems have disappeared. During 3 weeks the disease was not manifested. Application – chest / back. Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. In the morning, at lunch and in the evening, half an hour before meals, take a glass of water at room temperature, dissolve three teaspoons of dry potato starch and add five to six drops of pharmacist 5% iodine stir and drink. Use three times a day for a glass in a week. By the coil with ulcers, we only remove the bacteria from the wound. The cause of prostatitis and similar problems (personally my opinion) is the problem of filtration of blood by the kidneys and, as a consequence, accumulation of toxins, which causes additional irritation of the prostate. It’s like a sponge that “absorbs” everything… You have to start the filtration of the body in any case with a flat coil, 2-5 times 30-60min breast / loin, well, and then if it remains that you already have to process the causal place. With the prostate there in some cases in general very quickly everything passes Very often the problem is in the clogged. Use a flat coil on the lower back / tailbone and everything will be ok. Ischemic stroke of the brain. After strokes there is a rapid recovery of a person. Complication of the heart after the flu. All the heart problems that were encountered at that time were successfully solved. I had a similar case. “Healthy”, from his words, person fell sharply in the left side the next day after the procedure, and almost black urine went… Any sprouts usually in a week or two can be withdrawn, or sent to resorption, depends on the size. Multiple sclerosis and scleroderma. I would classify all such “diseases” with the supersaturation of the body with tablets gorged for life… The toxins are removed within 3-7 days, because much depends on the state of the person at this point, after which there is a significant improvement (from personal experience). Feel free for 5 days on flat coils, then break for 2 days and repeat until it recedes.. If there is pain in the organs or muscular systems (including the heart), wait until it passes and again work with the coil. Tumor in the lung (lung cancer) malignant the size of a tennis ball. For 2-3 hours in the first week, start processing, you have to slow down the process. In this case, you can use 2 frequency mode, one torius on the chest, the second coil on the back. Flat coil is necessarily in the first 2-3 days. Carefully follow the sensations in the kidneys and the color of urine until dark pee goes. Then break for the time of derailing… Drink a little more at this time, add inhalation with the addition of a quart of a spoonful of soda. Meander wave can be used when the tumor stops responding to the sine wave. There are very subtle nuances in this procedure! You can use a coil with a pacemaker only under the supervision in a hospital, a static coil field will drain the battery. Within a week, work with flat coils, then you can use thorr about an hour a day for about a week… For the first time there will be a drawing pain, but the attacks will dramatically decrease in duration and severity. Use the flat coils made of lacquered wire. Diabetes mellitus I and II. The most rapid effect is achieved with the blocking of insulin in the body, with a lack of production there is already a more complex process, but goes for the better. In some cases, sugar came back to normal within 3-4 days. With sugar coils works normally, if not a very neglected stage, sugar can very quickly return to normal range. For those who take insulin short-term sugar jumps are possible, this is the first sign that the insulin taken is not working properly in your body. Diseases of the thyroid gland, nodes on the thyroid gland. Coils uniquely help when hyperfunction, when hypofunction, in theory, will help too but. The girl was diagnosed with hyperfunction, plus her thyroid gland began to become inflamed… For half a year healed with antibiotics and received multiple seals… They were going to prescribe radioactive iodine… After 6 times per hour of working with the torus, purulent angina developed sharply, and after 2-3 weeks ultrasound showed multiple. At the moment, this girl has thyroid hormones almost normal, except for one, which is apparently produced by these centers, it almost does not produce by thyroid gland… In general, all the body’s functions have stabilized. If not mistaken, the TSG hormone is almost absent. Cataract, macular degeneration of the retina. Often there is an improvement in the first week, but if the problem has not been removed yet it may take a longer time… I recommend to work on head by the flat coil made of lacquered wire. To work with a coil for a very long time is not necessary, enough 5-10min per day. Retinal dystrophy: the processes of recovery of vision are slow and at the current time there are only a few cases where a person began to see better after a brief exposure. Rombosis of the venous sinus of the brain. Flat coil disperse gradually. Neuralgia of the facial trigeminal nerve. I have one patient with such a problem, severe pains, she could not even sleep… In addition to all she had metastases and 2 chemotherapy behind… When first time I saw her, she was all shaking and could not even speak normally… After 3 treatment sessions of an hour with a flat coil the main neurology began to decline, and pains from the ternary nerve significantly decreased after 20-30min of statics. Idneys, kidney stones, pyelonephritis. The color and smell of urine indicates the amount of toxins in the blood, take breaks in treatment with a sufficiently strong darkening of the urine. If the back hurts, then use a flat coil for 20-30 minutes on the lower back. It hurts the kidneys. You can use a torus on each kidney for 10min, and they will normally work. Large stones will start to thin and gradually scatter into small ones. Now I know about 2 cases of stones in diameter 5mm that came out. Interestingly, the static field relieves pain caused by movement of the stone from the kidney along the duct. Also there was a case when in the morning from the person at an emiction the sand simply poured out!!!!!! By the way, the kidney is an ordinary hydrodynamic system with centrifugal filtration. Therefore, the main problem is the physical clogging of the walls of the capillaries of the kidney nodules. To eliminate such problems, you just need to shake it all up, like in a coarse filter… The specific case: a person passed with. For 25 years, he applied a torus for 3 minutes to the kidney in the morning and in the evening for a week, on the 3rd day he already felt fine , and a week later signs of the inflammatory process disappeared!! There will be the same as with kidney stones. Use torus, slowly, but systematically. Is also curable, but it may be necessary to. With the parameters of the coils. While there are no. Usually all sorts of sprouts in a week or two can be removed, or sent to resorption, depends on the size. My friend at the moment comes with an ovarian cyst, the “doctors” said to remove the pipe together with. After the first time she began to stab and pull in this place, in the middle of March I will send for a repeated ultrasound, so do not be ill For local problems use either a torus or a flat coil made of thin lacquered wire, a large flat one will have little effect in such cases. I checked the effect of a flat coil on mushrooms: in the paper, for a month, oyster mushrooms were grown, after germination of the mycelium I processed them for 20 minutes with flat coil, after 2 days the whole mycelium underneath (where it was closer to the coil) turned into a transparent mucus. The same thing happens with many types of cancers under the influence of static coil field! Teeth, gums, periodontal disease. If there is an abscess under the tooth, then it breaks into the gums and leaves. In addition to removing abscesses and reducing the formation of yellow plaque on the teeth, I can not say anything more… I approached a dentist I knew to test the coils.. He said that I’m crazy. He sent me far away in general. I took a 20-volt generator for my arrhythmia, since the generator is limited to them Approximately 10-15 minutes was required. After that, I quickly fell asleep for 3 hours Flat coil made of lacquered wire for your case should not exceed in diameter 20-21cm, 40-60min on the chest, 3-5 days should be fine. All cases were treated with a flat coil 30-40 minutes 1-2 days until complete recovery. For 2 weeks it is easy to turn in the direction of extinction. With cancer, we use a coil made of lacquered wire for 1 hour in the morning and in the evening on problematic areas. A flat coil can be used alternately with a torus. At the beginning applying the torus for 2-3 days, the mycelium must be “fried” and then gently removed with a flat coil. And the body will be good and nice. As practice shows, the allergy is manifested as a consequence, to remove it means to find the reason in the body… The flat coils with periodic application must cope. I personally observed even more serious neurology. 3 sessions per hour was enough to sufficiently reduce their manifestation. Begin to work coils from the waist and abdomen, you can try for 2 hours a day, if the body is not very acutely respond… Also the disk can be put under the foot… In general, act to avoid amputations. Here everything happened as I said, the static field from the coil reacts very much with the scar, but as shown by the experimental effects, we prevent the formation of scar tissue, which accelerates the healing 2-3 times. There is even alignment of the tissues of old stitches. The effect of accelerated regeneration is obtained even with partial absence of tissues. After mechanical damage, there are situations where we can not help much. What coil and how much to treat? If the flat coil does not feel for 20-30min, then the torus can also be treated. Throughout the body, use a flat coil for a week. Many problems with headaches are associated with improper blood supply. If the headaches do not go away: the kidneys for 10min a day are treated with a torus. Epilepsy (child 7 years old). Flat coil and generator for 20V to 30min in the evening… The child very quickly regenerates… Apply the standard – back / chest. It helped in many similar cases, but you should not expect a very fast rate of. 2-3 months or more. My friend diagnosed with thyroid cancer, a tumor of 28mm, how to treat? It is necessary to start with a neat and very gentle cleansing of the body. You can not touch the thyroid gland yet. Use a flat coil or a torus of 15min per day at the waist. Cancer is a sign that the body is heavily polluted. At an early stage it is necessary to fight not with tumors, their body itself can win if it comes back to normal. We will try our best to avoid such situations, however, please understand that some of these situations are beyond our control, and we are not reponsible for them. Please DO NOT leave Negative or Neutral feedback without any contact. The item “Official Vortex Coil Mishin S Medicine Device Full Kit Disk Tesla Treatment TGS” is in sale since Friday, July 31, 2020. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Magnetic Therapy”. The seller is “lucklev87″ and is located in Ulan-Ude. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Model: TGS-7A Mishin’s Vortex Coil
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Russian Federation
  • Main Purpose: Chronic Diseases
  • Material: Copper
  • Gender: Unisex
  • Type: Vortex Medicine
  • Magnetic Product Type: Static field
  • Brand: Jukond

BASIC SET Official Mishin’s Coil TGS-3A Vortex Medicine Device 220V Tesla Disk

BASIC SET Official Mishin's Coil TGS-3A Vortex Medicine Device 220V Tesla Disk

BASIC SET Official Mishin's Coil TGS-3A Vortex Medicine Device 220V Tesla Disk

BASIC SET Official Mishin's Coil TGS-3A Vortex Medicine Device 220V Tesla Disk

BASIC SET Official Mishin's Coil TGS-3A Vortex Medicine Device 220V Tesla Disk

Here is the set of 220V BASIC SET – Official Mishin’s Coil Vortex Medicine Device for Treatment of Diseases TGS-3A for sale! The list of diseases that can be cured, of which the most significant are: Oncology. Arthritis, arthrosis of the joints. Ankylosing spondylitis Crohn’s disease. Female and male infertility. Restoration of functions: nervous, vascular, hematopoietic, endocrine, lymphatic and immune systems. Obliterating endarteritis and atherosclerosis of the lower extremities. Ulcerative colitis and many others.. Basic SET : UKOND TGS-3A sine generator (220 V) with two coils included: Torus and flat coil. The device can operate from a 220-240 Volt outlet! If you need a device for 100-120V, then look at all of my listings. There is a device for the American market of 110V. An electric device for generating a high-frequency sinusoidal signal is designed to power a load of a capacitive or inductive type. Actual generation frequency range from 250kHz to 400kHz. The device is equipped with a output switching button 100% – 50%. Coil housing made of medical ABS. How to use (INSTRUCTION) as well as some list of diseases and recommendations. The action of the Mishin coil causes a significant amount of toxins to be released, which must be excreted by the kidneys through the urine. The mission for for the kidneys to cope this amount with the help of «vortex» medicine is not simple, so it is necessary to start the treatment with the coil from the lumbar region. There is the main human filter – the kidney. Every second person has difficulty in working the kidneys. We begin with the purification of the kidneys, which in the future must cope with the purification of the entire body. The basic rule for first use: ALWAYS START WITH KIDNEYS! The duration of the treatment session is determined by personal feelings after and during the applying of the coil. For example, we put Mishin’s disk half an hour into the kidney area. If after the application you have a malaise, some pain, the temperature rises – it means the coil Mishina began to act. If the malaise is tolerable, you can leave this exposure dose for tomorrow. If you are too bad, take a break for a day or two. For those who have excess weight, the coil acts weaker at first. Penetrating through adipose tissue the field loses some extent intensity. These people usually do not feel anything for 3-5 days at all. On local diseases, for example pains in the knee, head, etc. We can act differently. Torus (“donut”) has localized effect and remarkably adapted for these purposes. Thor acts approximately in diameter 10 cm. A flat coil acts “in area”, not as deep as a torus and softer than a torus, but captures a large area. It is useful to use when exposed to the kidneys and for general tone (on the lower back or slightly lower and on the chest at the level of the nipples). There are things in action of the coils which for most seem strange and inexplicable. The coil also operates in the off state, but only about 20% of the power. In addition, the effect is not only to the person on which the coil lies, but also on those who are within a radius of 3 and even 7 meters. Therefore, if you treat someone to not get an overdose, you need to move away from the patient at this distance. When a person completely gets free of all toxins and other mucks, the coil ceases to function on the body. You can sleep on a coil, sit on it at least 24 hours a day, no health effect will be. This is also the indicator that you are healthy. How safe is the method of treating coils? If certain standards are observed, it is completely safe. Even if the norms are exceeded, the hazard is 10%, which is a low indicator. It is better to follow safety precautions if an unauthorized person is in the same room with you. Members of the same family are not affected, except for children, because they have increased sensitivity to exposure. It is better to keep them away from the coils. It should be at a distance of 2-3 meters from the person undergoing treatment. After treatment with Mishin’s coil, a deep-lying disease can intensify for several days. For example, a persistent cough or sore throat may develop into a powerful angina within a few days, as the disease must be taken out somewhere. Electrostatics in the body can not affect healthy cells, since it is not induced on them. Take off all metal products chains, rings, etc. And remove all metal products away. You need to start from the disk coil, applying alternately to the back and chest in short sessions for 15-60 minutes per day or every other day (we follow the sensations). This is important for very sick people who are very sensitive to coils. The main thing is not to overdo it so as not to get a “overdose”. Self-control over the well-being and color of urine. If the urine has darkened, then take a break to prevent the kidneys from overloading due to the abundant withdrawal of “destroyed” toxins and other debris. Acquaintance with coils for sick people can be sensitive tingling, numbness, drowsiness, chills or heat, etc… Healthy people do not feel the work of the coils. We smoothly work with flat coils, from large diameter to small (if several disks from different wires were made), just by changing its diameter we change and the density parameter. Up to 60 minutes a day is enough for the process of removing the sore. It is possible to increase the time to 2 and 3 hours, but this is if all the main toxins are already removed and there is no interaction of the organism with the static field of the coil. The main thing is not to “overdose”, so that the body can regenerate and remove waste products. To help the kidneys (they are usually clogged), 10 minutes for each kidney by a torus per day. For coil sensitive people, you can play around not only with the session time, but also with power (if implemented in the generator). Attention: if there are tumors in the head, then there should be maximum caution, because Static-destroying tumor first increases, and then is excreted by the body. An increase in the tumor in the head is dangerous… Everything should be in moderation. For heart: after the procedure. It can be whining. 2-3 days, but not tingle or ache, or just a nagging ache – this is normal, because. The muscle is constantly working. If you have a pacemaker, then use the device only under the supervision of the hospital, since implosion easily “sucks” the charge out of the battery! There is also an opinion that coils in different places work differently (stronger, weaker or no effect at all). Maybe this is due to the radiation of the Earth Hartmann grid, etc. We continue to experiment and test. User’s Manual Read the instructions for using the generator and coils. What is Mishin’s coil. Mishin’s coil is an electronic device that can cure many diseases. Its action is based on the application of electrostatics. Applying the coils (torus and disk) of Mishin to different places of our body, we are cured of very many diseases. The principle of this medical Mishins device – the effect of a variable electrostatic field on the sore spots. Here it is called vortex medicine. This is the same electrostatic attraction that we studied in physics lessons at school, when we rubbed the wool with an ebonite wand and it began to attract small objects. In the coil, the same thing happens, except that the electrostatic field is created not by friction, but electronically. In this case, we need an alternating electrostatic field. The action of Mishin’s disks and coils on man manifested itself of healing in an extreme degree. The kit includes two coils. A large disk for general effects on the body (it gently affects the body) and a small one, called a torus or donut (a more severe and concentrated effect). By donut we treat problem areas. In the off state, the torus and disk work at 20%. Known experience with roses, which stood in the same water for one month and did not fade. Behind the vase on the rib stood a disc turned off. The second case shows the effective operation of the disc and torus to remove fatigue during a long 9-hour bus ride, during which the disconnected disc was placed on the abdomen, and the torus on the chest. After the trip, the body state is vigorous, although usually such a trip caused headaches. How to work with Mishin coils. Since you have decided to use Mishin’s coils for the recovery of your body, you have to argue that you have health problems. Then follow the simplest rules. Keep the principle of gradual exposure of coils to the body. So that the body could manage to remove slags. Before embarking on the main problem (disease) of the body, prepare the ways of removing slags and “dirt” that will start to leave you. 20-30 minutes before using the coils, drink clean water 250-400 ml. On an empty stomach. Clean water is necessary for washing out of the body of slag and salts, which will “liquefy” under the influence of coils. Tea, coffee, juices do not replace clean water. It is known that you can not wash your hands of tea or coffee, juice. Remove all metal objects from yourself. The presence of metal braces after surgery does not interfere and does not harm. Persons with a pacemaker can work with a coil on the thoracic center (5-10 minutes), but make sure that there is no discomfort. The use of coils is best between meals. After 1 – 1.5 hours after meals and 1 hour before meals Coils should be placed flat to the body, either side, because the action of the coils is two-sided. Thor or donut is used to treat organs, the disc can also be treated with the body. The torus has more concentrated waves in its center, while at the disk or flat coil the waves more evenly distributed. It is advisable to turn on the disk at a distance of 2 meters from the patient in addition to the main treatment time by the torus, in addition for 2-3 hours a day. For example, between interruptions of treatment with a torus. Or leave overnight at a distance of 2 meters. It is recommended to start using a coil (torus) around the waist and kidneys. The action of the Mishin coil causes the release of a significant amount of toxins, which must be excreted by the kidneys. To cope with those toxins with the help of vortex medicine is not a simple mission for the kidneys, so it is necessary to start the treatment with the coil from the lumbar region. The main filter of the human body is the kidneys. 5 minutes on each kidney, per day. After three days of use, take a break 2 -3 days. It is necessary that the body has time to clear toxins. Then add pressure to the centers of vascular systems (blood and lymphatic) – these points are under the knees and under the arms. At this time there is an improvement in blood, oxygen is better tolerated by blood, blood supply improves. Improves the quality of blood and lymph. If you have specific kidney diseases, then start applying coils necessarily from the kidney area. But do not overdo it! Place the coil on the sore spot. If pain occurs, move the coil to another part of the body. The treatment time in one place is 20-30 minutes, the maximum time is 1 hour. For the head – no more than 10 minutes, but it is permissible to keep for headaches up to 20 minutes, if there is no discomfort. Do not put an excessively long time on the head, work first with the energy centers of the chest and abdomen alternately. This is a mandatory and important step in the treatment. It is better to alternate, put a flat coil or torus on the chakras of the chest, abdomen, then on the diseased organ and repeat again. The total amount of interaction time with the coils is 15 – 25 minutes for the first day and from 1.5 to 5 hours per day thereafter. Sessions can be 1,2, or 3 times per day. Duration of treatment in days – choose how you feel. If the cleaning is active and the urine is dark, interrupt the use of the coils for 3-7 days. Symptoms of cleansing the body. Do not be frightened by the symptoms of cleansing, but rather, welcome. Since the disease comes out of the body and all kinds of decay products. A famous proverb says – there is no healing without exacerbation. Symptoms of body cleansing. Chills, cold, heat, drowsiness, body pulsation, metallic taste in the mouth, stuffiness in the throat, cough, sputum, sneezing, hiccoughs, scratching, red skin rash, numbness of the extremities, short-term heartburn, abdominal cramps , a dark and cloudy color of urine with a bad smell. One case of observed symptoms in heart disease is tingling or aching in the heart, pressure jumps, numbness in that part of the body that could become paralyzed in the future because of a possible stroke, temporary impairment of coordination, speech impairment (“stumbling”), dizziness. After a week of this condition, the patient came back to normal and got rid of problems with cardiac activity. During the development of such pronounced symptoms, it is necessary to reduce the effect of coils on time up to 1 hour per day, or put them. Variants of treatment regimens can be such. Kidneys 10 minutes, chest 10 minutes, stomach 10, chest 20, stomach 20, chest 10, stomach 10. Kidneys 10 minutes, stomach 20, chest 10, stomach 30, chest 20, stomach 20. Kidneys 10 minutes, under the knees for 10min, under the arms for 10 minutes, liver 10min, stomach 10min. Kidneys for 10 minutes, sacrum 15-30 minutes. If there are problems with the. , the lower abdomen is 15 minutes. You can act by torus on the chakra points for the general treatment of the organism alternately for 10-20 minutes for each point. The first chakra – is the location of the breast center – in the middle of the chest between the nipples. The second chakra – is the location of the center of the abdomen – two fingers wide below the navel. The use of coils should be started with the kidneys. Because kidneys are the main filter of the body and, as a rule, they all have slags, which must be cleaned first. You can use a disc at night. The distance must be 2 meters from the child. If the disc is placed closer, then reduce the exposure time from 4 hours to 30 minutes. Thor must be using at one location for 5 to 20 minutes, the total time is from 20 minutes to 2 hours a day. Time to choose according to age, well-being and severity of diseases. For pregnant women, the dose will be the same as for children. Experiments on plants showed that after treatment with coils, sick plants quickly recover. But especially this influence is noticeable on the germination of seeds. This process is significantly accelerated and the seeds are given the necessary strength for further growth and development. The disc over the plants should be placed so that the thick part of the plywood lining is on top. It is enough to process 1 time per day for 1 hour. You can charge water in a glass container by placing the disc on top or bottom for 10 minutes. The charge in the water remains for 3 hours. This treatment cleans and charges water. Drink charged or spring water in an amount of 1 to 2 liters per day during treatment. It is important to clean the body with a sufficient amount of liquid. The answer of the coil inventor and researcher Alexander Mishin. Diseases of the blood. In particular, lymphoid leukemia. Yes, it’s okay, a flat coil should break the mutants. Start a standard treatment of 30-60min per day, 5-7 days in a row. It is necessary to monitor the sensations in the kidneys and the color of urine. Flat coil alternately apply to the chest and back. It treats the entire body from sores. If someone used drugs, it removes toxic dependence. But you can get high after the procedure. I had such cases It helps with hangovers, but vodka will act on you a little differently… This is from the feedbacks… But users were very satisfied. Yes, it’s easy, put a disk on your back. Toxic dependence can be removed in an hour, can cause a cough, well, and then will you pull a cigarette into your mouth or not depend on the ability to control your body. Yes, in the process of research. Improving patients are slow. Herniation, protrusion of the spinal discs. Pain must remove, but we can not restore to mechanics with the immediate deformation of the hernia. Here the question is more exotic, there were cases when fresh hernias of such a plan drastically reduced. In a week, but there were also cases when the process was very weakly exposed to the static of the coil… In principle this problem can be caused by direct mechanical deformation and we will not greatly help here. You need to do a couple of sessions of a flat coil for 30 minutes, it was already. Probability is very small, because now the body is vortical. Mechanical damage does not lead to damage to the vortex and vice versa, damage to the vortex provokes distortion in the normal. So, here you can estimate yourself, depending on the specific case. Growing up may be gradually going away… Statics will try to return it back to normal, but much depends on the body itself. The change in the morphology of the body occurs only because of distortions in the vortex field, otherwise there would be no regeneration in the problem area of the body. Titanium in the body. Nothing is wrong, as with dentistry If suddenly there is an abscess, it hurts and climbs out, that’s all. You can feel chills for the first time. Physical trauma of the eye in childhood, namely the lens as a thorn. First, use a flat coil on the lower back 2-3 sessions, then use the torus o. N each eye for 3-5 minutes. One day use, then one. This is quite enough. Recovery will take a long time. Diseases of the skin. Specifically – Vitiligo, when the skin appears white spots. Such things are usually purely vortical, should help quite quickly. With the melanin there is the experience of “communication”, it can be removed partially from the heavily sunburned skin for 30-40min, but it then comes back. Arthrosis, Osteoarthrosis, Osteoporosis, Arthritis. These are diseases that often result from insufficient blood supply to the joints. Everything depends on the specific case. We work with flat coils, and almost never where to apply. Flat coils of wire coated with varnish can already be applied to problem areas. Is it possible to use a coil if the woman is on the seventh month of pregnancy? I would say yes, but I can not… For reasons quite understandable… With flu, you can apply a torus for 3-5 minutes at the throat, this should be enough to prevent it from progressing. Start with a flat coil, and then further all along the way.. There was such a patient, in a week – he is healthy Recovery took place with a slight increase in tick after a week without it, then 2 days of temperature and then the patient was healthy. Lymphostosis (removed lymph node, cancer) impaired lymph circulation in hand. All that concerns tumors, including some that can not be irradiated and massaged – all this is for us an indication for action. It will take 5-10 days to stop the development of such processes in the initial stage. On the throat, 15-20min morning and evening. Hether a thrombus can come off. When applying the flat coil. It is clear that from such an undesirable effect there is no 100% guarantee, but acting on a blood clot with a density fluctuation, we do not move it, but force it to slowly dissolve. One confirmed case already exists, a person for 3 months (according to the results of ultrasound) reduced the blood clot from 80% to 20%. It is worth mentioning separately about the cause of the formation of a thrombus!!! This is a superfluous twist of blood, which is caused precisely not by the correct formation of vortex flows. In most cases this problem is not the body. Separate cases are after operations, after the seam a vortex is formed and a thrombus is growing. But here we reduce the amount of scar tissue, which also leads to a positive result. Papillomas, polyps, warts Colorless moles and outgrowths on the legs of the skin. Dry and fall off And just after the flat coil on the body. Specifically, they were not affected by the torus, but I know for sure that a friend told me that he had warts fallen off. Asthma of allergic origin. 2 times within an hour. All major problems have disappeared. During 3 weeks the disease was not manifested. Application – chest / back. Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. In the morning, at lunch and in the evening, half an hour before meals, take a glass of water at room temperature, dissolve three teaspoons of dry potato starch and add five to six drops of pharmacist 5% iodine stir and drink. Use three times a day for a glass in a week. By the coil with ulcers, we only remove the bacteria from the wound. The cause of prostatitis and similar problems (personally my opinion) is the problem of filtration of blood by the kidneys and, as a consequence, accumulation of toxins, which causes additional irritation of the prostate. It’s like a sponge that “absorbs” everything… You have to start the filtration of the body in any case with a flat coil, 2-5 times 30-60min breast / loin, well, and then if it remains that you already have to process the causal place. With the prostate there in some cases in general very quickly everything passes Very often the problem is in the clogged. Use a flat coil on the lower back / tailbone and everything will be ok. Ischemic stroke of the brain. After strokes there is a rapid recovery of a person. Complication of the heart after the flu. All the heart problems that were encountered at that time were successfully solved. I had a similar case. “Healthy”, from his words, person fell sharply in the left side the next day after the procedure, and almost black urine went… Any sprouts usually in a week or two can be withdrawn, or sent to resorption, depends on the size. Multiple sclerosis and scleroderma. I would classify all such “diseases” with the supersaturation of the body with tablets gorged for life… The toxins are removed within 3-7 days, because much depends on the state of the person at this point, after which there is a significant improvement (from personal experience). Feel free for 5 days on flat coils, then break for 2 days and repeat until it recedes.. If there is pain in the organs or muscular systems (including the heart), wait until it passes and again work with the coil. Tumor in the lung (lung cancer) malignant the size of a tennis ball. For 2-3 hours in the first week, start processing, you have to slow down the process. In this case, you can use 2 frequency mode, one torius on the chest, the second coil on the back. Flat coil is necessarily in the first 2-3 days. Carefully follow the sensations in the kidneys and the color of urine until dark pee goes. Then break for the time of derailing… Drink a little more at this time, add inhalation with the addition of a quart of a spoonful of soda. Meander wave can be used when the tumor stops responding to the sine wave. There are very subtle nuances in this procedure! You can use a coil with a pacemaker only under the supervision in a hospital, a static coil field will drain the battery. Within a week, work with flat coils, then you can use thorr about an hour a day for about a week… For the first time there will be a drawing pain, but the attacks will dramatically decrease in duration and severity. Use the flat coils made of lacquered wire. Diabetes mellitus I and II. The most rapid effect is achieved with the blocking of insulin in the body, with a lack of production there is already a more complex process, but goes for the better. In some cases, sugar came back to normal within 3-4 days. With sugar coils works normally, if not a very neglected stage, sugar can very quickly return to normal range. For those who take insulin short-term sugar jumps are possible, this is the first sign that the insulin taken is not working properly in your body. Diseases of the thyroid gland, nodes on the thyroid gland. Coils uniquely help when hyperfunction, when hypofunction, in theory, will help too but. The girl was diagnosed with hyperfunction, plus her thyroid gland began to become inflamed… For half a year healed with antibiotics and received multiple seals… They were going to prescribe radioactive iodine… After 6 times per hour of working with the torus, purulent angina developed sharply, and after 2-3 weeks ultrasound showed multiple. At the moment, this girl has thyroid hormones almost normal, except for one, which is apparently produced by these centers, it almost does not produce by thyroid gland… In general, all the body’s functions have stabilized. If not mistaken, the TSG hormone is almost absent. Cataract, macular degeneration of the retina. Often there is an improvement in the first week, but if the problem has not been removed yet it may take a longer time… I recommend to work on head by the flat coil made of lacquered wire. To work with a coil for a very long time is not necessary, enough 5-10min per day. Retinal dystrophy: the processes of recovery of vision are slow and at the current time there are only a few cases where a person began to see better after a brief exposure. Rombosis of the venous sinus of the brain. Flat coil disperse gradually. Neuralgia of the facial trigeminal nerve. I have one patient with such a problem, severe pains, she could not even sleep… In addition to all she had metastases and 2 chemotherapy behind… When first time I saw her, she was all shaking and could not even speak normally… After 3 treatment sessions of an hour with a flat coil the main neurology began to decline, and pains from the ternary nerve significantly decreased after 20-30min of statics. Idneys, kidney stones, pyelonephritis. The color and smell of urine indicates the amount of toxins in the blood, take breaks in treatment with a sufficiently strong darkening of the urine. If the back hurts, then use a flat coil for 20-30 minutes on the lower back. It hurts the kidneys. You can use a torus on each kidney for 10min, and they will normally work. Large stones will start to thin and gradually scatter into small ones. Now I know about 2 cases of stones in diameter 5mm that came out. Interestingly, the static field relieves pain caused by movement of the stone from the kidney along the duct. Also there was a case when in the morning from the person at an emiction the sand simply poured out!!!!!! By the way, the kidney is an ordinary hydrodynamic system with centrifugal filtration. Therefore, the main problem is the physical clogging of the walls of the capillaries of the kidney nodules. To eliminate such problems, you just need to shake it all up, like in a coarse filter… The specific case: a person passed with. For 25 years, he applied a torus for 3 minutes to the kidney in the morning and in the evening for a week, on the 3rd day he already felt fine , and a week later signs of the inflammatory process disappeared!! There will be the same as with kidney stones. Use torus, slowly, but systematically. Is also curable, but it may be necessary to. With the parameters of the coils. While there are no. Usually all sorts of sprouts in a week or two can be removed, or sent to resorption, depends on the size. My friend at the moment comes with an ovarian cyst, the “doctors” said to remove the pipe together with. After the first time she began to stab and pull in this place, in the middle of March I will send for a repeated ultrasound, so do not be ill For local problems use either a torus or a flat coil made of thin lacquered wire, a large flat one will have little effect in such cases. I checked the effect of a flat coil on mushrooms: in the paper, for a month, oyster mushrooms were grown, after germination of the mycelium I processed them for 20 minutes with flat coil, after 2 days the whole mycelium underneath (where it was closer to the coil) turned into a transparent mucus. The same thing happens with many types of cancers under the influence of static coil field! Teeth, gums, periodontal disease. If there is an abscess under the tooth, then it breaks into the gums and leaves. In addition to removing abscesses and reducing the formation of yellow plaque on the teeth, I can not say anything more… I approached a dentist I knew to test the coils.. He said that I’m crazy. He sent me far away in general. I took a 20-volt generator for my arrhythmia, since the generator is limited to them Approximately 10-15 minutes was required. After that, I quickly fell asleep for 3 hours Flat coil made of lacquered wire for your case should not exceed in diameter 20-21cm, 40-60min on the chest, 3-5 days should be fine. All cases were treated with a flat coil 30-40 minutes 1-2 days until complete recovery. For 2 weeks it is easy to turn in the direction of extinction. With cancer, we use a coil made of lacquered wire for 1 hour in the morning and in the evening on problematic areas. A flat coil can be used alternately with a torus. At the beginning applying the torus for 2-3 days, the mycelium must be “fried” and then gently removed with a flat coil. And the body will be good and nice. As practice shows, the allergy is manifested as a consequence, to remove it means to find the reason in the body… The flat coils with periodic application must cope. I personally observed even more serious neurology. 3 sessions per hour was enough to sufficiently reduce their manifestation. Begin to work coils from the waist and abdomen, you can try for 2 hours a day, if the body is not very acutely respond… Also the disk can be put under the foot… In general, act to avoid amputations. Here everything happened as I said, the static field from the coil reacts very much with the scar, but as shown by the experimental effects, we prevent the formation of scar tissue, which accelerates the healing 2-3 times. There is even alignment of the tissues of old stitches. The effect of accelerated regeneration is obtained even with partial absence of tissues. After mechanical damage, there are situations where we can not help much. What coil and how much to treat? If the flat coil does not feel for 20-30min, then the torus can also be treated. Throughout the body, use a flat coil for a week. Many problems with headaches are associated with improper blood supply. If the headaches do not go away: the kidneys for 10min a day are treated with a torus. Epilepsy (child 7 years old). Flat coil and generator for 20V to 30min in the evening… The child very quickly regenerates… Apply the standard – back / chest. It helped in many similar cases, but you should not expect a very fast rate of. 2-3 months or more. My friend diagnosed with thyroid cancer, a tumor of 28mm, how to treat? It is necessary to start with a neat and very gentle cleansing of the body. You can not touch the thyroid gland yet. Use a flat coil or a torus of 15min per day at the waist. Cancer is a sign that the body is heavily polluted. At an early stage it is necessary to fight not with tumors, their body itself can win if it comes back to normal. The item “BASIC SET Official Mishin’s Coil TGS-3A Vortex Medicine Device 220V Tesla Disk” is in sale since Monday, March 2, 2020. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Magnetic Therapy”. The seller is “mashawork2016″ and is located in Samara. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Model: -3
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Russian Federation
  • Main Purpose: Aches & Pains
  • Material: Copper
  • Gender: Unisex
  • Type: Vortex Medicine
  • Magnetic Product Type: Static field
  • Brand: .
  • Manufacturer Warranty: 1 year

ITorus 1 C60 Shungite Shield Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 1 C60 Shungite Shield Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 1 C60 Shungite Shield Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 1 C60 Shungite Shield Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 1 C60 Shungite Shield Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 1 C60 Shungite Shield Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 1 C60 Shungite Shield Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 1 C60 Shungite Shield Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 1 C60 Shungite Shield Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 1 C60 Shungite Shield Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 1 C60 Shungite Shield Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 1 C60 Shungite Shield Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 1 C60 Shungite Shield Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

Wearable 5G protection & energy healing iTorus. Be sure to check out all of our more than a dozen Gemstone Crystal Mix offerings! Comes with a FREE Ultra Hi-Def MP3 Player Pre-Loaded with 14 Biophotonic Therapeutic Frequencies installed. For the very first time you can now get silent and wearable quantum energy healing plus real-time 5G protectio n. Producing a 3 ft diameter ionic shield with our Vortex Pulsed Electromagnetic Field necklace! If youre going into the city, dont forget your iTorus Tesla Shield! Our cutting-edge VPEMF therapy devices come from decades of development of the Nicola Tesla (Bifilar) Coil to produce pulsing square-waves , then furthered yet for interstellar travel health by NASA to keep astronauts fit in zero gravity, perfected even further yet by Jason Stiles of iPyramids who has introduced the additional power of genuine orgone ion amplification producing a fully counterbalanced quantum Vortex field to this technology that entrains the body’s bioelectrical field into what is known as anionic quantum coherence that has been proven in independent cases to reverse time in the human DNA that allows it to revert back to its original genetic signature prior to the trauma (see section below on Jason’s journey back to health using Vortex PEMF therapy under Description below). The Micro iTorus 1 Pendant (1 5/8 diameter) comes in 5 different mineral/quartz options to choose from. See more about the player and the biophotonic frequency playlists under Additional Information below. THIS IS AN ORGONE GENERATOR. An orgone device uses a special ultra-hard resin that shrinks when it sets up under its own self-generated extreme heat, placing everything inside that area under at least 0.1% pressure which activates all species of SiO2 Silica Quartz Crystal, opening the flow of this energy that can readily be measured with a spectrometer or an air-ion counter as Life Force Meters and the like use to measure Orgone energy. Our devices are serious tools from Quantum Mechanics technology , not fictional or pseudoscientific gadgets. See our many videos online for demonstrations of how the iTorus is a fully-functioning VPEMF room-temperature superconductor that is able to suspend the laws of gravity with the press of a button and produces intense readings of Anion Ions (Positive Orgone energy) as measured by laboratory ion meters. Woowoo cant do that. This Crystal Mix iTorus functions as a stand-alone, self-energized orgone device producing anion ions that ionize the field, producing pure oxygen and cancelling harmful electromagnetic radiation within roughly an 36 radius that can be left on your nightstand or next to your wifi router to absorb harmful EMF waves anytime while not in use. While activated by sending in bioresonant signals, the pulsing electromagnetic coherent toroidal field (VPEMF) covers a similar range as well. Included 2.4 Ultra High Def Hi-Fi Theater Bluetooth MP3 Player Features. Play MP3, MP4 Files. 2.4 TFT Ultra-High Def 4000 Pixel (4x Higher Than 1080P) Theater Screen. Bluetooth Connectivity (wired connection to iTorus only). Built-in HiFi Speaker W/ 6 Channel Audio Equalizer. 7 Day Battery Life / 24 Hrs Continuous Therapy Use. Billet Aluminum Alloy Metal Frame. Compact: 1.8 Wide x 4.2 High x 3/8 Thick. 12 Preloaded Therapeutic Frequencies. Light Body Chakras PEMF 35 Mins. 432Hz (A) Crown Chakra 5 Mins. 456Hz (B) Root Chakra 5 Mins. 512Hz (C) Heart Chakra 5 Mins. 576Hz (D) 3rd Eye (Pineal Gland) Chakra 5 Mins. 606Hz (E) Sacral Chakra 5 Mins. 729Hz (F#) Solar Plexus Chakra 5 Mins. 768Hz (G) Throat Chakra 5 Mins. Earth Based PEMF 165 Mins. 2Hz Nervous System Support / Delta Wave 15 Mins. 4.5Hz Respiratory Support / Delta Wave 15 Mins. 7.83Hz Bones Support / Theta Wave 15 Mins. 10Hz Ligaments Support / Alpha Wave 15 Mins. 20.8Hz Circulatory System Support / Beta Wave 15 Mins. Audible Recording of the Sun As Taken By NASA 1 Hr. Binaural Beat of Tara Earth (Schumann Resonance) 30 Mins. Be sure to look for our Specialty Biophotonic Therapeutic Frequencies Preloaded to Micro SD Card that will slip right into this MP3 Player. C60 SHUNGITE SHIELD iTORUS. Gemstone Crystals Mix Orgone iTorus: Shungite Shield is constructed using ultra-premium green-technology high pressure UVPoxy (Ecopoxy) orgonite torus body infused with a scientific mixture of piezoelectric SIO2 semi-precious quartz crystals. The quantum science behind the Shungite Shield iTorus is a blend of a dozen different gemstones to create the full spectrum of light (the complete color of black) to create our most powerful Positive Orgone Radiation (POR) device in the lineup. In every size of iTorus we find the Shungite Shield produces a uniform 10% increase in power over all other iTorus devices. The term Orgone, as pioneered by Wilhelm Reich, better known today as Cooper Paired Electrons is also referred to simply as ANION IONS – the exact same energy processed by superconductors that is COLD FUSION. Our proprietary Shungite Shield mix that powers the Vortex Central Pedal Field Tesla/Rodin Coil technology of the iTorus includes C60 Buckminsterfullerene Shungite, Black Tourmaline, Magnetite, Sedona Fulgurite (Sedona red rock vortex sand activated by cloud-to-ground lightning strike), Purple Amethyst, Green Calcite, Yellow Calcite, Orange Calcite, Blue Calcite, Selenite, Red Jasper and Clear Quartz Crystals Gemstones. Found in only a single deposit throughout the world in Karelia, Russia, Shungite is famous within the quantum physics and superconductors arenas due to the fact they are rich in what are known as the illusive C60 Buckminsterfullerenes that possess the unique ability to absorb free electrons (EMF radiation Reich referred to as DOR, or Deadly Orgone Radiation) into its inner valence bands and magically pair them together, turning them into fully balanced ions through a quantum nuclear process called Cooper Pairing. In established scientific studies, Shungite has also been shown to alter water through genetic restructuring, enabling it to absorb beneficial minerals that now resonate with waters original DNA signature. The water it filters contains natural antioxidants that neutralize free radicals (you can also call free electrons), which makes it beneficial to our cells and tissues, along with our immune function. Black Tourmaline also aids in the removal of negative energies within a person or a space. Black Tourmaline will cleanse, purify, and transform dense energy into a lighter vibration. A popular metaphysical stone, Black Tourmaline is also great for grounding. It balances, harmonizes, and protects all of the Chakras. RARE EARTH MAGNETITE GEMSTONE. You are looking at the organic octahedral physical shape of the Magnetite crystal above that is the basis of all natural rare earth magnets that never run out or even low on magnetic energy. It is the only known source of non-mechanical force outside of the God Particle itself known as the Higgs Boson that literally makes its own decisions by fiat. It is known within the spiritual community to attract love and inspire commitment and loyalty. Magnetite alleviates negativity such as fear, anger and grief and brings positive qualities such as tenacity and endurance to those within its field. Further known as anti-inflammatory mineral it relieves muscle aches and pains, and is beneficial for asthma sufferers, assisting the blood and the circulatory system, skin, and hair. Is the same mineral that also gives the legendary Cathedral and Bell Rock mountains in this area such high vibration as to beckon shamans, Starseeds and energy healers from around the world to immerse themselves in the highly-prized frequency field of Sedona where legend persists down through the indigenous cultures that Sedona has been known as a sacred and holy place of healing and wellness since ancient times. The worlds most legendary magnetic vortices of Sedona are still the site of sacred Native ceremonies including special shamanic spiritual and energy healings and even weddings meant to bless the union in perpetuity. On a quantum level, Sedona Vortex Gemstone is made up of a vast wealth of minerals from copper, iron and jasper to obsidian and more held in a form we call red sand. But under a microscope, red sand is actually 100% SiO2 quartz crystal; each vibrating at different frequencies that can be measured and identified by an oscilloscope. In the unique combination of these naturally red quantum crystals, Sedona Vortex rock produces a strong magnetic attraction to free electrons, hence why Thunder Mountain has attracted its unfair share of lightning all along. The physical property of the color of red is known in science modeling as an indication of the highest energy signature. We recommend pairing Sedona Vortex to the Specialty Biophotonic long-play therapeutic healing frequencies of both the 12 Chakras Light Body and the Pineal and Cranial Nerves Biophotonic Signals Playlists to lower your Brainwave State incrementally from your Base Chakra Alpha State (396Hz), down to your Third Eye Brainwave Frequency of 144Hz, followed up by a series of lower range signals used in the Pineal and Cranial Nerves Specialty Biophotonic Signals further yet, down to 7.83Hz (this is the gateway frequency between a wakened state and that of meditation or the release of your spirit awareness from your physical 3D body). These Biophotonic tones resonate with your own bodys organic magnetic cells known as biogenic magnetite generated by your own pineal gland- that acts like a transducer to the Vortex Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies of the iTorus to induce a lower, Delta Brainwave State inducing the wavelengths associated with the ultimate neurosynaptic stasis of meditation. Since Sedona Vortex rock is naturally vibrating at the frequency of the Schumann Resonance, the long journey between slowing down your own frequency to reach Delta State as low as. 5 to 3Hz can be dramatically reduced, hence why we consider this iTorus the Gateway To Infinity. Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer. It relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, and dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. This species of silica gemstone is known to alleviate sadness and grief while dissolving negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. Calming Blue Calcite soothes frayed nerves and lessens anxieties. A good stone to use when recuperating, Blue Calcite facilitates physical healing by clearing negative emotions and encouraging rest and relaxation. Working with the Third Eye Chakra, Blue Calcite can enhance or activate the intuition and inner sight. Green Calcite brings a renewed sense of purpose and vitality and a desire to make positive change in ones life. It encourages forgiveness of oneself and others and brings softness to the heart, stimulating compassion. Yellow Calcite is associated with the solar plexus, self confidence and hope. It is said to be effective at clearing out old energy patterns and increasing personal motivation and drive. Yellow Calcite specifically is a clearer of accumulated self-doubt, giving you the opportunity for a clean emotional slate. Orange Calcite helps integrate the spiritual realm with the physical body, enhances creativity, and is helpful when working with emotional issues. Use Orange Calcite to energize and cleanse the lower chakras. Orange Calcite works especially well with the Sacral Chakra to enhance the will and remove depression. Red Jasper carries a strong spiritual grounding vibration, and resonates within the lower three chakras. It creates a strong connection to the earth. Selenite is a crystallized form of Gypsum, which is used for good luck and protection. The powerful vibration of Selenite can clear, open, and activate the Crown and Higher Chakras and is excellent for all types of spiritual work. Selenite can also be used to strengthen the memory. Clear Quartz Crystal is considered the penultimate, Master Healing gemstone. The ultra-high recording and amplification frequency of this crystal has made it indispensable in every walk of spiritual connection as well as within the world of technology. Every solid-state electronic device from LCD watches to radios, lasers, radar, smartphones and computers are fitted with as many as dozens or even hundreds of Clear Quartz crystals inside. The Clear Quartz living entity will not only amplify energetic healing intent, but can choose to bond to its partner (owner), pairing with or becoming one with you in your journey. THIS IS THE ONLY MINERAL KNOWN TO MANKIND THAT HAS NO HALF-LIFE – meaning that it is the only thing within manifestation considered eternal. Recognized in particle physics as the quantum source of all oxygen on the planet which is not only alive, but Quartz crystal is very much aware. Crystals are living beings at the beginning of creation– Nicola Tesla. WHAT IS THE iTORUS? Room Temperature PEMF Superconductor. By Nicola Tesla and perfected in iPyramids’ laboratories, the. State of the art. Scalar-balanced toroidal vortex wave generator known in particle science as a. That generates a large pulsing electromagnetic Central Pedal field (PEMF). In well-established and non-invasive PEMF biotherapy of the human body as well as in tests with both flora and fauna, the powerful, symmetrically-stabilized coherent energy field produced within such devices has been shown in clinical studies over decades of research to promote wellness for both the mind and body, as it mirrors the same pattern of energy as found within every living cell including the blood. Gold plated neodymium magnetic sphere suspended in zero point levitation trapped in a. Produced by the perfectly counterbalanced energy vector field of the iTorus. The iTorus is a. Mehmet Oz on a recently televised production, PEMFs work to: reduce pain and inflammation, the effects of stress on the body, and vascular platelet adhesion. Further stating it can improve energy, circulation, blood and tissue oxygenation, sleep quality, blood pressure and cholesterol levels; explaining it works to increase the uptake of nutrients, cellular detoxification and the ability to regenerate cells. Oz, it has also been shown to help balance the immune system and stimulate RNA which authors DNA cell commands to accelerate the repair of bone and soft tissue while relaxing the muscles see video of. Jason Stiles explaining how the. Arc 6 , which employs six. Generators , literally regrew his leg back to its original length in just one year during sleep that had been shortened more than ½ inch by a disastrous 60-ft fall from a helicopter while in the military service. Behind the iTorus is in the fact that a bifilar wave field generates a particle-spin (quantum rotation) known in science as. Where the energy is in. Perfect balance , whereas the normal spin state of atoms (fermions) in nature are in some varying degree of out-of-balance (always trying to get back to perfect form), known as. Like a tire that is out of balance that causes distortion while it is turning that only amplifies the faster it goes, half-spin or partial-spin particles are never really in perfect shape, or what we might call health. Bifilar torus fields on the other hand reach the ultimate? In the same way. That carry the highest energy of all particles- counter-rotate in perfect harmony with all of its nucleus energy waves. And what is commonly-known in quantum and particle science is the fact that any larger energy field (such as a high-energy bifilar Torus Field). Automatically assimilates , or turns the weaker paramagnetic field that? The same vector-spin signature of the stronger field. So when you place a perfect-spin energy field close to your cells, it causes the smaller cells to spin in like kind with the stronger field. Happens to be the spin-rate of the element science has nicknamed the. Higgs Boson , because that perfectly-harmonized particle is the carrier of the strongest and. Self-aware force of energy known within. All fields of science. The Higgs Boson is equated directly to. Itself in quantum mechanics. Is the visible representation of certain energy signatures. Vibrates within the upper end of the visible field in. Fission is another word for fire. It is a powerful, overwhelming energy, whereas the color of purple is on the opposite end of the scale which is a. Fusion (cool) reaction , representing calmness energetically-speaking. For eons of time spiritual healers and shamans have referred to certain colors of crystals as having certain effects on the human body and mind; now science understands that because crystals do in fact vibrate at the same color value we see with our eyes, this has not been a matter of spiritual woowoo, but a matter of scientific-fact. The crystals you choose to surround yourself with really will target different energy fields (emotional spectrums) within your. THE POWER OF VPEMF. It is now well-known within the field of medicine just how encompassing pulsed magnetic fields can be for the human body now endorsed by the FDA for further open use for general wellness and experimental development without direct oversight with evidence that not only did the father of medicine, Hippocrates, use magnetic fields to alleviate pain and help patients thousands of years ago, but Cleopatra herself wore magnetite (natural magnet) around her neck to keep herself from aging, so this is hardly. What is news are the advances made in the PEMF field within just the last few years, such as the breakthrough of. Natural orgone Vortex energy. To amplify the power of. For addressing symptoms as varied as headaches and lowering high blood pressure to blocking EMF radiation for overall wellness. Prompting the production of new stem cells. Reducing tension in the muscles. Improving red cell clotting. Strengthening the immune system. Increasing oxygen in the blood. Improving the uptake of nutrients. Balancing the acupuncture meridians. Increasing restorative REM sleep time. Adding plasticity to soft tissue. Is the inventor of iPyramids (Accelerated Biorejuvenation Chambers) , the iTorus (orgone VPEMF Therapy coils) and founder of a New Earth tech-based company called iPyramids which is devoted to developing and promoting personal growth and healing self-help tools that aid in accelerating the hidden health potential of every human. At the young age of 19 and just barely out of school, Jason began his adult journey by joining the United States Air Forces. Special Tactics Pararescue Team , the most highly advanced and well-trained Combat Search and Rescue unit in the world. After 12 years in this elite organization, yet still very much a young man, he was involved in a traumatic helicopter accident where he became permanently disabled due to extenuating injuries to three of his four limbs, including the permanent. Lengthening of his right leg by roughly ½ inch. Due to the placement of the steel rod reinforcement. Shortly after this his life changed forever after an abrupt spiritual awakening and light body activation in 2010. Soon afterward he dropped out of a full scholarship through medical school and began dedicating his life to developing alternative technologies that might assist the mind/body/spirit complex to heal itself at an optimized or accelerated rate in an effort to salvage his own future. Through a complex series of advancements in bioengineering breakthroughs, he spent 2015 sleeping each night inside of the prototype of the highly-advanced. ARC I Accelerated Bio-Rejuvenation Chamber. He had developed and noticed he no longer needed to visit his chiropractor each week and his badly deformed gate had disappeared. After a complete MRI medical imaging scan it was clear. His leg had simply regrown itself back down to its normal length. By combining both Vortex PEMF accelerated stem cell regrowth along with sacred pyramid vortex energy he had literally. To command the human DNA. To revert back to its original genetic template. Accelerated (Bio) Rejuvenation Chamber. Was designed following the sacred quantum geometry of the Great Pyramid of Cheops and coupling that to the pulsing electromagnetic. Vortex coils he calls the. Designer bioelectric magnetic fields. Devices are often referred to as time machines because participants having short 25 minute sessions have profound experiences, transformations, out of body experiences, time travel, multi-dimensional awareness, third eye activations, pain relief, and spontaneous remissions, just to name a few common reports. Own research showing PEMFs to. Regrow new stem cells. Within the human body, they truly can be called not just time machines, but quite literally something of the otherwise mythical. Sharing these never-before-seen healing technologies that gave him a second lease on life has now become the all-encompassing purpose in Jasons life. These are copies of the actual MRI reports generated over Jasons journey. Due to how badly mangled his right leg was after the accident, a stainless steel rod was screwed into place in order to reset the bone fragments. 7 years later when the rod was removed his leg bone was now massively fused together at the ½+ length longer than the left of the original set. But over the course of spending a year underneath his prototype vortex pyramid the molecules of his body retrained to adjust back to the length of both legs identical to each other. This is what a coherent vortex pulsed orgone signal can do within the bioelectrical field of living organisms. How To Use Your iTorus and Mini iTorus – YouTube. The information has not been evaluated by U. Food and Drug Administration. Worldwide, there are no governmental health agencies that recognize a need to supplement natural magnetic fields using pulsed electromagnetic fields. IPyramids LLC makes no medical claims, real or implied, as to benefit of our device and methods. Our product is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals relating to their health and well-being. Readers accept all responsibility for self-experimentation. The item “ITorus 1 C60 Shungite Shield Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator” is in sale since Thursday, July 30, 2020. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Magnetic Therapy”. The seller is “ipyramids” and is located in Sedona, Arizona. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Model: iTorus Micro: C60 Shungite Shield
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
  • Custom Bundle: Yes
  • Main Purpose: Pain relief/wellness
  • Material: Gold, silver, copper
  • Gender: Unisex
  • Type: Velcro versatility anywhere
  • Magnetic Product Type: Tesla coil pulsed magnetic Torus field
  • Modified Item: No
  • MPN: 177-1iT1SS
  • Brand: iPyramids
  • Manufacturer Warranty: 1 year
  • Bundle Description: Chakras and earth-based PEMF Therapy frequencies Adjustable fauna-friendly cotton lash Custom medical velcro strap 3.5 mm audio cable Sphere neodymium magnet 1 Year Warranty Free Shipping

ITorus 2Seraphim Shield (BEST) Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2Seraphim Shield (BEST) Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2Seraphim Shield (BEST) Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2Seraphim Shield (BEST) Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2Seraphim Shield (BEST) Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2Seraphim Shield (BEST) Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2Seraphim Shield (BEST) Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2Seraphim Shield (BEST) Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2Seraphim Shield (BEST) Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

ITorus 2Seraphim Shield (BEST) Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator

Portable 5G Protection Is Here! Be sure to check out all of our more than a dozen Gemstone Crystal Mix offerings! Comes with a FREE Ultra Hi-Def MP3 Player Pre-Loaded with Biophotonic Therapeutic Frequencies installed. Silent, portable and powerful; the iTorus 2 offers go-anywhere quantum energy healing with real-time 5G protection, producing a 6 ft diameter ionic shield for the car, office or wherever you travel! If youre heading into the city, dont forget your iTorus Tesla Shield! Our cutting-edge Vortex PEMF therapy devices come from decades of development of the Nicola Tesla (Bifilar) Coil to produce pulsing square-waves , then furthered yet for interstellar travel health by NASA to keep astronauts fit in zero gravity, perfected even further yet by Jason Stiles of iPyramids who has introduced the additional power of genuine orgone ion amplification producing a fully counter-rotational quantum Vortex field to this technology that entrains the body’s bioelectrical field into what is known as anionic quantum coherence that has been proven in independent studies to generate new stem cells , reversing time in the human DNA that allows it to revert back to its original genetic signature prior to the trauma (see section below on JASONS JOURNEY back to health using Vortex PEMF therapy). The iTorus 2 (2.8-inch diameter). Comes in a multitude of different mineral/quartz options to choose from. See more about the player and the biophotonic frequency playlists under Additional Information below. Seraphim Shield – Our No#1 Energy Healing iTorus. Gemstone Crystals Mix Orgone Seraphim Shield is constructed using ultra-premium green-technology high pressure UVPoxy (Ecopoxy) orgonite torus body infused with a scientific mixture of piezoelectric SIO2 semi-precious quartz crystals and supercharged with C60 Shungite at its core for accelerated WiFi and 5G shielding protection. No other iTorus can boast all of these same features. This unique blend of heart chakra stones and minerals is based on the legendary Seraphinite , bolstered by Malachite, Chrysoprase and Green Calcite hand-inlayed over a quantum geometric tetrahedron of C60 Shungite that focuses especially on the heart chakra to rejuvenate the blood, support healing and enables one to come closer into balance. Playing the Heart Neuroreceptors Specialty Biophotonic playlist through the Seraphim Shield iTorus will help support healing, stimulate and assist in removing blockages in combination with the stones natural resonant frequencies. In The Book of Stones , sometimes referred to as the Crystals Bible by Richard Simmons and Naisha Ahsian that lays out the alchemical and historical significance of 455 species of crystals, there is a certain passage where it was necessary to spell out exactly what this one crystal really was they were speaking about. After decades of spiritual and healing work with crystals, the passage goes like this. Seraphinite STANDS ALONE as the premier healing stone of this age. It is the tool most suited to bringing the body into line with Light energy. It is ideal for those who feel disconnected from their physical selves, allowing them to understand the nature of physicality. Seraphinite’s purpose is to bring Light into the body, expressing it through us as glowing health. Extensive studies have shown that aquifers heavy in Seraphinite in the clay sediment restore sewage, reversing even atomic pharmaceutical chemical concentrations that cannot be removed with even the most advanced and refined filtration systems. Similar to C60 Shungite, Seraphinite not only restores and structures water, but does so on a quantum level. Found in only one place in the world , Lake Baikal region of Eastern Siberia, among the many health restorative qualities that have been attributed by holistic and spiritual healers to Seraphinite include. Acclaimed to decrease growth and reproduction of all types of cancerous cells. Fortifies all functions of the heart, blood circulation and lungs. Activates the spinal cord linking it to the etheric body. Prevents liver-invading stomach/spleen symptoms: diaphragmatic constriction, alternating diarrhea and constipation, obsessive-compulsive disorder and eating disorders. Releases neck and stress tension. Regulates biofluid functions for sweat, digesting foods, nourishing the blood to prevent muscle spasms, chills, tightness, muscle aches and pains, tension along the spine. High in Lambda ions, it automatically clears heat such as stomach, liver, eye and heart fire especially warding off hyperthyroidism. Alleviates heart palpitations, insomnia, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (broken heart syndrome). Attracts people into your life who attend to others needs when in stress. Aids in detoxification and strengthens the liver and kidneys. Stimulates metabolism and helps in weight loss. Useful in overcoming chills. Found in only a single deposit throughout the world in Karelia, Russia, Shungite is famous within the quantum physics and superconductors arenas due to the fact they are rich in what are known as the illusive C60 Buckminsterfullerenes that possess the unique ability to absorb free electrons (EMF radiation Reich referred to as DOR, or Deadly Orgone Radiation) into its inner valence bands and magically pair them together, turning them into fully balanced ions through a quantum nuclear process called Cooper Pairing. In established scientific studies, Shungite has also been shown to alter water through genetic restructuring, enabling it to absorb beneficial minerals that now resonate with waters original DNA signature. The water it filters contains natural antioxidants that neutralize free radicals (you can also call free electrons), which makes it beneficial to our cells and tissues, along with our immune function. Malachite is a stone of balance, abundance, manifestation and intention. Malachite absorbs energy and draws emotions to the surface. It clears and activates all Chakras, and is especially helpful in the stimulation of the heart and throat chakras. Chrysoprase is a delightful stone of the green ray. It has metaphysical properties for healing as well as being a stone to attract new love, abundance and prosperity. It promotes joy and happiness and brings through the vibration of divine truth, while helping to heal the heart of the energy of depression and anxiety. Green Calcite brings a renewed sense of purpose and vitality and a desire to make positive change in ones life. It encourages forgiveness of oneself and others and brings softness to the heart, stimulating compassion. THIS IS AN ORGONE GENERATOR. An orgone device uses a special ultra-hard resin that shrinks when it sets up under its own self-generated extreme heat, placing everything inside that area under at least 0.1% pressure which activates all species of SiO2 Silica Quartz Crystal, opening the flow of this energy that can readily be measured with a spectrometer or an air-ion counter as Life Force Meters and the like use to measure Orgone energy. Our devices are serious tools from. Quantum Mechanics technology , not fictional or pseudoscientific gadgets. See our many videos online for demonstrations of how the iTorus is a fully-functioning VPEMF room-temperature superconductor that is able to suspend the laws of gravity with the press of a button and produces intense readings of Anion Ions (Positive Orgone energy) as measured by laboratory ion meters. Woowoo cant do that. This Crystal Mix iTorus functions as a stand-alone, self-energized orgone device producing anion ions that ionize the field, producing pure oxygen and cancelling harmful electromagnetic radiation that when amplified by switching on the device increases to roughly a 6 ft radius that can be left on your nightstand or next to your wifi router to absorb harmful EMF waves anytime (both while on or off). Included with each Mini iTorus Portable 5G Protection Tesla Coil. Chakras and earth-based PEMF Therapy frequencies. Custom medical velcro strap. 1/8-inch (3.5 mm) audio cable. Sphere neodymium magnet for testing field vibrations. Included 2.4-inch Ultra High Def Hi-Fi Theater Bluetooth MP3 Player Features. Play MP3, MP4 Files. 2.4-inch TFT Ultra-High Def 4000 Pixel (4x Higher Than 1080P) Theater Screen. Bluetooth Connectivity (wired connection to iTorus only). Built-in HiFi Speaker W/ 6 Channel Audio Equalizer. 7 Day Battery Life / 24 Hrs Continuous Therapy Use. Billet Aluminum Alloy Metal Frame. Compact: 1.8-inch Wide x 4.2-inch High x 3/8-inch Thick. Light Body Chakras PEMF 35 Mins. 512Hz (C) Heart Chakra. 3rd Eye (Pineal Gland) Chakra 5 Mins. Solar Plexus Chakra 5 Mins. Earth Based PEMF 165 Mins. 2Hz Nervous System Support / Delta Wave. Respiratory Support / Delta Wave. 7.83Hz Bones Support / Theta Wave. 10Hz Ligaments Support / Alpha Wave. 20.8Hz Circulatory System Support / Beta Wave. Audible Recording of the Sun As Taken By NASA 1 Hr. Binaural Beat of Tara Earth (Schumann Resonance) 30 Mins. Be sure to look for our Specialty Biophotonic Therapeutic Frequencies Preloaded to Micro SD Card that will slip right into this MP3 Player. WHAT IS THE iTORUS? Room Temperature PEMF Superconductor. Pioneered by Nicola Tesla and perfected in iPyramids laboratories, the. State of the art. Counter-rotational Tensor-wrapped and scalar-balanced toroidal vortex wave generator known in particle science as a. That generates a large pulsing electromagnetic Central Pedal field. In well-established and non-invasive PEMF biotherapy of the human body as well as in tests with both flora and fauna, the powerful, symmetrically-stabilized coherent energy field produced within such devices has been shown in clinical studies over decades of research to promote wellness for both the mind and body, as it mirrors the same pattern of energy as found within every living cell including the blood. Gold plated neodymium magnetic sphere suspended in zero point levitation trapped in a. Produced by the perfectly counterbalanced energy vector field of the iTorus. The iTorus is a. On a recently televised production, PEMFs work to: reduce pain and inflammation, the effects of stress on the body, and vascular platelet adhesion. PEMF can improve energy, circulation, blood and tissue oxygenation, sleep quality, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It works to increase the uptake of nutrients, cellular detoxification and the ability to regenerate cells. Oz, it has also been shown to help balance the immune system and stimulate RNA which authors DNA cell commands to accelerate the repair of bone and soft tissue while relaxing the muscles see video of iTorus inventor Jason Stiles explaining how. A copper pyramid fitted with an iTorus. Literally regrew his leg back to its original length in just one year during sleep that had been shortened more than ½ inch by a disastrous 60-ft fall from a helicopter while in the military service. The magic behind the iTorus is in the fact that a counter-woven double bifilar wave field generates a particle-spin (quantum rotation) known in science as. Where the energy is in perfect balance, whereas the normal spin state of atoms (fermions) in nature are in some varying degree of out-of-balance (always trying to get back to perfect form), known as. Like a tire that is out of balance that causes distortion while it is turning that only amplifies the faster it goes, half-spin or partial-spin particles are never really in perfect shape, or what we might call health. Rodin Coils (highly advanced Bifilar-based technology) can produce. Torus magnetic fields which on the other hand can reach the ultimate health in the same way. Do -that carry the highest energy of all particles. This field counter-rotates in. With all of its nucleus energy waves. And what is commonly-known in quantum and particle science is the fact that any larger magnetic energy field such as a. High-energy toroidal magnetic field automatically assimilates, or turns the weaker. Field (thats you) into the same vector-spin signature of the prevailing field. So when you place a perfect-spin energy field close to your cells, it causes the smaller cells to spin in the. Same pattern and direction. Triplet Spin happens to be the signature of the element science has nicknamed the God Particle. Higgs Boson , because that perfectly-harmonized particle is the carrier of the strongest (and self-aware) force of energy known within all fields of science. The Higgs Boson is equated directly to. Itself in quantum mechanics. Color is the visible representation of certain energy signatures. The color of red vibrates within the upper end of the visible field in electromagnetic oscillation which is a fission (hot) thermal reaction in particle science. Fission is another word for fire. It is a powerful, overwhelming energy, whereas the color of ultraviolet is on the opposite end of the scale which is a fusion (cool) reaction, representing calmness energetically-speaking. For eons of time spiritual healers and shamans have referred to certain colors of crystals as having clear effects on the human body and mind; now science understands that because crystals do in fact vibrate at the same color value we see with our eyes (and with scalar frequency-enhanced spectrography), this is no longer merely spiritual speculation but rather a matter of. The crystals you choose to surround yourself with really will target different energetic circuits and therefore emotional spectrums, within your. Cold Fusion Bioelectret field. A Vortex torus coil generates ultraviolet frequency, or the actual color of cold fusion. THE POWER OF VPEMF. It is now well-known within the field of medicine just how encompassing pulsed magnetic fields can be for the human body now endorsed by the FDA for further open use for general wellness and experimental development without direct oversight with evidence that not only did the father of medicine, Hippocrates, use magnetic fields to alleviate pain and help patients thousands of years ago, but Cleopatra herself wore magnetite (natural magnet) around her neck to keep herself from aging, so this is hardly. What is news are the advances made in the PEMF field within just the last few years, such as the breakthrough of. Natural orgone Vortex energy. To amplify the power of. For addressing symptoms as varied as headaches and lowering high blood pressure to blocking EMF radiation for overall wellness. Prompting the production of new stem cells. Reducing tension in the muscles. Improving red cell clotting. Strengthening the immune system. Increasing oxygen in the blood. Improving the uptake of nutrients. Balancing the acupuncture meridians. Increasing restorative REM sleep time. Adding plasticity to soft tissue. Is the inventor of iPyramids (Accelerated Biorejuvenation Chambers) , the iTorus (orgone VPEMF Therapy coils) and founder of a New Earth tech-based company called iPyramids which is devoted to developing and promoting personal growth and healing self-help tools that aid in accelerating the hidden health potential of every human. At the young age of 19 and just barely out of school, Jason began his adult journey by joining the United States Air Forces. Special Tactics Pararescue Team , the most highly advanced and well-trained Combat Search and Rescue unit in the world. After 12 years in this elite organization, yet still very much a young man, he was involved in a traumatic helicopter accident where he became permanently disabled due to extenuating injuries to three of his four limbs, including the permanent. Lengthening of his right leg by roughly ½ inch. Due to the placement of the steel rod reinforcement. Shortly after this his life changed forever after an abrupt spiritual awakening and light body activation in 2010. Soon afterward he dropped out of a full scholarship through medical school and began dedicating his life to developing alternative technologies that might assist the mind/body/spirit complex to heal itself at an optimized or accelerated rate in an effort to salvage his own future. Through a complex series of advancements in bioengineering breakthroughs, he spent 2015 sleeping each night inside of the prototype of the highly-advanced. ARC I Accelerated Bio-Rejuvenation Chamber. He had developed and noticed he no longer needed to visit his chiropractor each week and his badly deformed gate had disappeared. After a complete MRI medical imaging scan it was clear. His leg had simply regrown itself back down to its normal length. By combining both Vortex PEMF accelerated stem cell regrowth along with sacred pyramid vortex energy he had literally. To command the human DNA. To revert back to its original genetic template. Accelerated (Bio) Rejuvenation Chamber. Was designed following the sacred quantum geometry of the Great Pyramid of Cheops and coupling that to the pulsing electromagnetic. Vortex coils he calls the. Designer bioelectric magnetic fields. Devices are often referred to as time machines because participants having short 25 minute sessions have profound experiences, transformations, out of body experiences, time travel, multi-dimensional awareness, third eye activations, pain relief, and spontaneous remissions, just to name a few common reports. Own research showing PEMFs to. Regrow new stem cells. Within the human body, they truly can be called not just time machines, but quite literally something of the otherwise mythical. Sharing these never-before-seen healing technologies that gave him a second lease on life has now become the all-encompassing purpose in Jasons life. These are copies of the actual MRI reports generated over Jasons journey. Due to how badly mangled his right leg was after the accident, a stainless steel rod was screwed into place in order to reset the bone fragments. 7 years later when the rod was removed his leg bone was now massively fused together at the ½+ length longer than the left of the original set. But over the course of spending a year underneath his prototype vortex pyramid the molecules of his body retrained to adjust back to the length of both legs identical to each other. This is what a coherent vortex pulsed orgone signal can do within the bioelectrical field of living organisms. How To Use Your iTorus and Mini iTorus – YouTube. The information has not been evaluated by U. Food and Drug Administration. Worldwide, there are no governmental health agencies that recognize a need to supplement natural magnetic fields using pulsed electromagnetic fields. IPyramids LLC makes no medical claims, real or implied, as to benefit of our device and methods. Our product is not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals relating to their health and well-being. Readers accept all responsibility for self-experimentation. The item “ITorus 2Seraphim Shield (BEST) Therapeutic Vortex PEMF Tesla Healing Generator” is in sale since Thursday, July 30, 2020. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Magnetic Therapy”. The seller is “ipyramids” and is located in Sedona, Arizona. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Model: iTorus Mini: Seraphinite Shield
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
  • Custom Bundle: Yes
  • Main Purpose: Pain relief/wellness
  • Material: Gold, silver, copper
  • Gender: Unisex
  • Type: Velcro versatility anywhere
  • Magnetic Product Type: Tesla coil pulsed magnetic Torus field
  • Modified Item: No
  • MPN: 177iT2SES
  • Brand: iPyramids
  • Manufacturer Warranty: 1 year
  • Bundle Description: Chakras and earth based PEMF therapy frequencies. Lanyard, velcro strap, 3.5mm audio cable. Sphere neodymium magnet for testing field. Travel case. 1 Year Warranty Free Shipping