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Nelson Bach Box Set of 10ml Original Flower Remedies

Nelson Bach Box Set of 10ml Original Flower Remedies

Each remedy has a different sell by date Most are 2021 or 2022 The 10ml complete set of Bach Flower Remedies. Inside this lovely, high quality cardboard box are the 38 single flower, Flower Remedies and two Rescue Remedies, all in the 10ml size. The 10ml box set is ideal for professional practitioners and students alike. Beautifully presented in an attractive cardboard box, this kit is portable and light the essences wont get knocked around thanks to the foam insert and essence stand which will keep them in place. Finding the essences is quick and easy thanks to the product locator in the lid. The box bears the Bach signature so you (and your clients) can be confident that the essences are authentic Bach Original Flower Remedies. The item “Nelson Bach Box Set of 10ml Original Flower Remedies” is in sale since Friday, June 1, 2018. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Other Natural Remedies”. The seller is “sanky215″ and is located in Barking. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Treatment: Stress & Mood
  • Suitable For: Vegetarians
  • Expiration Date: 02/2021
  • Product: Complete 10ml Set
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United Kingdom
  • Formulation: Liquid Form
  • EAN: 5000488105308
  • Type: Homeopathic & Herbal Remedies
  • Sub-Type: Flower Remedies
  • MPN: 2001805
  • Brand: Bach Original Flower Remedies

Rescue Remedy Bach Flower Homeopathic Medicine Rescue Remedy Explain

Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität

Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität

Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität

Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität

Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität

Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität

Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität

Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität

Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität

Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität

Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität

Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität

Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität

Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität. Das Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns. Der komplette Satz von Original Bach-Blüten-Essenzen. Box, brandneue & versiegelt. In einer benutzerdefinierten Lösung Box enthalten. Seit 75 Jahren Blütenessenzen verwendet wurden, um sanft helfen Adresse transiente emotionale Probleme – natürlich. Unser komplette Sortiment an alle 38 Bach-Blüten-Essenzen werden gebildet, um die traditionelle & vertrauenswürdigen Methoden von Dr. Bach (der Mann entdeckt die Heilmittel in den 1930er Jahren). Jede Flasche wird gemischt direkt aus der Urtinktur Wesen -sind somit eine Premium-Qualität Produkt. Dieses Set enthält 40 Flaschen – eine 10ml Lager Flasche jeder: Odermennig : inneren quälen, “Ein tapferes Gesicht aufsetzen” Espe : unbegründete Ängste / Phobien / ängstlich Buche : Intoleranz / Perfektionismus / Arroganz / wertend Centaury : devote / dominiert / unterwürfig / konform / gemobbt Cerato : Unsicherheit / sucht Rat / schwache Identität / ausgenutzt / nicht eigenen Intuition zu Vertrauen Cherry Plum : Angst vor dem Kontrollverlust / Irrational / Explosive Chestnut Bud : Unobservant / Ausfall aus Erfahrungen lernen Chicoree : Smothering / Besitzgier / egoistisch / anhänglich / (sehnt sich nach Liebe) Klematis : Inattentive / “Tagträumen” / geistesabwesend / ungeschickt Holzapfel : Selbsthass / Obsessive zwanghaften / “Kontaminierten” Ulme : überwältigt von Verantwortlichkeiten / Niedergeschlagenheit Enzian : pessimistisch / skeptisch / Negative Haltung / (genervt) Stechginster : Hoffnungslosigkeit / Stagnation / verzagt /’ die Hoffnung aufgegeben oder Streben nach Hilfe oder Veränderung ” Heidekraut : mit sich selbst beschäftigt / einsam / bedürftige / (besessen durch eigene Probleme) Holly : Wut / Neid / Rache / Abwehr / Feindseligkeit Geißblatt : wehmütige / Sehnsucht / bedauern / nostalgisch / Hinterbliebenen / “stecken in der Vergangenheit Hainbuche : geistige Ermüdung / Apathie / über belastet Impatiens : Ungeduld / Reizbarkeit / Frustration / (Schmerz) Lärche : mangelndem Vertrauen / Gefühl der Unzulänglichkeit / erwarten Scheitern Mimulus : bekannt, Ängste z. Angst vor: Dunkelheit, Krankheit, klein/groß Räume etc. / Schüchternheit Senf : Zeitschrift Trübsinn / “fühlt sich an wie eine dunkle Wolke absteigend, dann heben” Oak : überarbeitet / müde / Ernst / “Mutigen Kampf” Olive : extreme Erschöpfung z. Nach: Krankheit; emotionale Trauma etc.. Kiefer : Schuld / übermäßig gewissenhaft / selbst-Schuld / unwürdig Red Chestnut : extreme Sorge für die Sicherheit anderer (der geliebten) / ängstlich Vorhersagen Rock Rose : Terror / Alarm bei Unfall, Krankheit, Panik etc. Rock Water : Steifigkeit / Staid / Martyrium / Selbstverleugnung z. “Der Vergnügen” Scleranthus : unentschlossen / unsicher / wankelmütig / unsymmetrisch / “Schwindelig” Stern von Bethlehem : tiefe emotionale Trauma (Vergangenheit oder Gegenwart) / not Sweet Chestnut : verzweifeln / Verwüstung / Angst des Herzens Eisenkraut : gestresst / fanatisch / intensiv / hoch aufgereiht WEINSTOCK : tyrannischen / eigenwillig / rücksichtslos / hartherzig. Nussbaum : Umbruch (Schwierigkeit mit Übergängen) / anfällig Water Violet : isoliert / freistehend / Trauer / fern / unabhängig White Chestnut : unaufhörlichen, aufdringlich und unerwünschte Gedanken / Mental “chatter” Wild Oat : richtungslos / unzufrieden mit Karriere, “Lebensweg” etc. / unsicher / ziellos HECKENROSE : zurückgetreten… “Zu Ihrem Los im Leben” / langweilig / apathisch (noch stoisch und klaglose) Weide : Ressentiments / Verbitterung / Sulky / Schuld / Selbstmitleid / verletzt Plus zwei 10ml Flaschen Tröster-Essenz Enthält die traditionellen fünf Blume-Kombination von Clematis, Cherry Plum, Impatiens, Rock Rose und Star of Bethlehem. Dies dient die gleichen 5 Heilmittel, dass Dr. Bach zu seiner ursprünglichen Rettung Remedy. Diesem Bach Flower Set enthält eine Heilmittel für viele menschliche Emotionen. Jede Essenz vor, können Sie machen mehr als 100 Dosierung Flaschen. Sie sind Lager Flaschen – hergestellt aus der Urtinktur und kann daher für den Gebrauch verdünnt werden, indem Sie hinzufügen eine Flasche Dosierung für Beispiel. Gewusst wie: Verwenden Sie unsere Essenzen (A) füllen eine Dosierung Pipette Flasche mit Quellwasser und fügen Sie einen Teelöffel Ihre gewählten Konservierungsmittel z. Fügen Sie hinzu, dass 2 bis 4 Tropfen von jedem Ihrer gewählten Mischung von Flower Remedies und Essenzen. Nehmen Sie 7 Tropfen 3-mal täglich (zum Beispiel morgens, mittags und abends) bis Flasche fertig ist. Lagern Sie die Dosierung Flasche an einem kühlen, trockenen Ort. Oder B 2 Tropfen in einem kleinen Glas Wasser und trinken. Oder C 2 Tropfen unter die Zunge. Siehe Anleitung auf Etikett oder verwendet wie von Ihren qualifizierten Arzt beraten. Was macht unsere Essenzen so besonders? Dieser Satz von echt Bachblüten erfolgen nach der natürliche, traditionelle & vertrauenswürdige Methoden entwickelt von Dr. Edward Bach in der 1930er Jahre. Daher wird jeder zu einer traditionellen Konzentration-gemischt allem – direkt aus der Urtinktur Essenz hergestellt der Solar-Methode der Infusion, wo anwendbar. Jede Flasche wird sorgfältig vorbereitet, indem ein engagiertes Team, haben mehr als 35 jahrelange Erfahrung in der Arbeit mit Blütenessenzen; als qualifizierte Praktiker, Produzenten und Autoren. Unsere Heilmittel sind wie Dr. Bach hergestellt und sind von der Geburtsort von Bachs Heilmittel. Fünf gute Gründe für unsere echten Bach Blüten-Essenzen. Jedes Lager Flasche potenziert direkt aus dem eigentlichen Wesen der Mutter Tinktur. Urtinkturen Wesen treu versucht Dr. Bachs traditionelle der 1930er Jahre Methoden. (3) jede Essenz gemischt zu einer Konzentration Lager – genau so, wie hat Dr. (4) jede Mutter Essenz gemacht – und Lager-Essenz abgefüllt – einzeln von Hand, ohne den Einsatz von Maschinen. Gemacht von erfahrenen und engagierten Mitarbeiter für die letzten 35 Jahre. (5) einigermaßen günstig und Premium-Qualität. Wenn Sie über Dr. Bach wissen und die wahren Weise er seine machte Heilmittel Sie werde verstehen, warum uns die vernünftige Wahl. Für die oben genannten 5 Gründe in der Tat sind echt Bach-Blüten-Essenzen. Unser Bach-Essenzen wurden liebevoll gemacht durch ein engagiertes und erfahrene Mitarbeiter seit über 35 Jahren – Lieferanten auf der ganzen Welt Blüten-Essenz Fachleute und Liebhaber der Bach-Blüten-Essenzen, die sind traditionell hergestellte. Sie sind das perfekte Geschenk. Kreatur-Bettdecken ® Ltd The English Flower Essence Company. Wenn Sie irgendwelche Fragen mailen Sie uns bitte. Flower Essence Literatur legt nahe, dass diese Produkte neben anderen Behandlungen genommen werden können und haben keine bekannten Nebenwirkungen. Bach-Blüten-Essenzen enthalten Schnaps, die rein als ein natürliches dient Konservierungsmittel. Wie bei allen Heilmitteln und Medikamenten: außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Speichern Sie in einem kühlen, trockenen Ort ohne direkte Sonneneinstrahlung. Blüten-Essenzen sind eine komplementäre Therapie, sie sind kein Ersatz für medizinische oder tierärztliche Betreuung durch einen qualifizierten Fachmann. Jede Flasche hat eine + 7 Jahre haltbar. Die Schlüsselwörter sind ein Leitfaden für die Symptome und Gefühle, die durch die Einnahme des Produkts gelindert werden können; sie sind keine Garantie für eine Heilung für diese genauen Symptome. Bachblüten wurden in den 1930er Jahren von Dr. Edward Bach entdeckt und verwendet worden weltweit seit über 75 Jahren als einen etablierten und angesehenen komplementäre Therapie für Menschen und Tiere. Inhalte nicht separat erworben werden. Blüten-Essenzen sind nicht ätherische Öle, sie sind ein nicht duftend Produkt, das innerlich genommen ist bitte (siehe Anleitung auf der Flasche). Alle Informationen in diesem Angebot werden zu Informationszwecken nur und nicht als Ersatz für die Ihre bestehende Kommunikation mit Ihrem Arzt. Wir empfehlen, dass Sie nicht allein Vertrauen auf Angaben auf dieser Liste, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Arzt. Blume Wesen und Flower Remedy Produkte aus diesem Angebot sollen nicht zu diagnostizieren, zu behandeln, zu heilen oder jede Krankheit zu verhindern. Bitte lesen Sie immer die Produktinformationen auf dem Etikett vor Einnahme von allen Arzneimitteln, Heilmittel oder andere ergänzen. Sie verpflichten sich, die Bedingungen und Bedingungen für die Verwendung dieses Produkts. Daher keine Mehrwertsteuer hinzugefügt. Set of Bach Flower Remedies kit. Made using Bach’s traditional & trusted methods. Flower Remedies, Flower Essence Remedy. Homeopathic & Herbal Remedies. The item “Bach Blütenessenz Set 40 echt traditionell Lager Heilmittel verpackt Qualität” is in sale since Tuesday, August 15, 2017. This item is in the category “Beauty & Gesundheit\Natur- & Alternativheilmittel\Sonstige”. The seller is “creature_comforters” and is located in Cromer, Norfolk. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Marke: Creature Bettdecken
  • EAN: 5060347960677
  • Unterart: Blumen Heilmittel, Blütenessenz Heilung
  • Traditionell hergestellt:: Hergestellt mit Bachs traditionell & vertrauenswürdige methoden
  • Metall: Ohne metall
  • Einheit Typ: 10 ml
  • Herstellernummer: Set of Bach Flower Remedies kit
  • Herstellungsland und -region: Großbritannien
  • Produktart: Homeopatisch & Pflanzliche Heilmittel
  • Einheit Menge: 40

Bach Original Flower Remedies Leather Wallet Set

Bach Original Flower Remedies Leather Wallet Set

Bach Original Flower Remedies Leather Wallet Set

Bach Original Flower Remedies – Leather Wallet Set. An exclusive set made by. BachT Original Flower Remedies. This set makes it easier to have BachT Original Flower Remedies with you all the time. The portable Wallet Remedy Set is beautifully crafted and easy to carry with you. Made of faux black leather, it is durable and light and holds 20ml essences. 38 x 20ml Essences. 2 x RESCUE Remedy® 20ml droppers. 1 x Mixing bottle with labels. Individual elastic bands hold 20ml bottles in place securely so essences can be transported safely. Bottles are alphabetically organized and easy to find when in consultations. Allocated section on leather flap to contain your business cards. Embossed in gold on the front with Edward Bach’s signature ensuring authenticity and quality. Side handle ensures that the user can hold the kit as well as place it in a bag. We may try to assess the fault before allowing you to return the item, please be patient. Special Requests at Checkout. We may not notice this if it does not come through on our system. If you have any questions. Items can however take up to 3 weeks if there are delays with the post. Additionally, when ordering from us, you are considered the importer of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the country in which you are receiving the goods. DHL express chosen at checkout most likely arrive next day depending on country location and custom. We will use one of our selected couriers. Depending on your country location and custom goods. Goods are subject to availability. The price you pay is the price displayed on this website at the time we receive your order. Health Plus Living was established in January 2014 out of a desire to provide our customers the highest quality and widest range of healthcare, household and organic foods. Our mission is to promote health in the community, as well as bring a sense of discovery and adventure into health food shopping. We aim to deliver all products with unrivalled customer service. Over the last few years, from only a handful of quality products, Health Plus Living has grown to warehouse thousands of premium quality products. Our team of friendly staff have a reputation for their knowledge and excellent customer service. Every day we strive to make sure each and every customer has the best shopping experience possible. We are certified by the Soil Association, registered with the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency and have attained Authorised Reseller Status for a number of premium Brands. With our ever increasing busy lifestyles, finding the time to shop for the best healthcare products has never been so time consuming. So, whether youre battling the crowds on that rush hour train, bossing a mid-morning meeting or powering through your cross fit session, our portfolio of products will help maintain your energy levels, increase your protein intake and enjoy some guilt-free snacking. We are dedicated to your good health and well-being. We strive on providing the best possible experience while shopping with us. Sign up to our newsletter for special deals. The item “Bach Original Flower Remedies Leather Wallet Set” is in sale since Friday, September 9, 2016. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Other Natural Remedies”. The seller is “healthplusliving” and is located in Harrow. This item can be shipped to North, South, or Latin America, all countries in Europe, all countries in continental Asia, Australia.
  • Brand: Nelsons
  • MPN: Does Not Apply
  • EAN: 5000488109030

Komplettset of 10ml Bach Flower Remedies in einem hölzernen Box

Komplettset of 10ml Bach Flower Remedies in einem hölzernen Box

Komplettset of 10ml Bach Flower Remedies in einem hölzernen Box. Das Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprünglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns. Brand New Boxed Set 10ml Bachblüten. Hergestellt nach Originalbetriebsanleitung von Dr. Bach von Crystal Herbs, einem führenden britischen Hersteller von Bachblüten. Ein kompletter Satz von 38 10ml Bachblüten plus 2 10ml Flaschen Revival Heilmittel (eine spezielle Kombination von 5 Heilmittel) in einer hölzernen Geschenkbox geliefert. Diese Heilmittel werden in versiegelten Flaschen geliefert und haben eine 8 Jahre Lebensdauer. Bach war ein Arzt in England in den frühen 1900er Jahren arbeiten. Der Schwerpunkt seines Lebenswerkes war sein großer Wunsch, eine einfache und effektive Form der Behandlung zu finden, das wäre für alle zu verstehen und zu verwenden. Durch seine Arbeit erkannte er, dass, um eine echte Heilung es notwendig, die Ursache der Krankheit und nicht die Symptome zu behandeln, war zu bringen. Er glaubte, dass die wahre Ursache der Krankheit und Krankheit liegt in der Persönlichkeit – in der geistigen und emotionalen Muster, durch die wir uns selbst und die Welt um uns herum zu sehen. Um diese Persönlichkeitsmuster zu behandeln entwickelte er 38 Heilmittel, wie die Bachblüten, die heute von vielen Menschen auf der ganzen Welt verwendet werden, bekannt. Jedes Mittel ist ein Korrektur Vibrationen für einen Zustand des Geistes oder Emotion, die ausgewogen sein muss. Da der Körper ist ein direktes Spiegelbild der Seele und verwandeln negative Schwingungen in positive Schwingungen kann der Körper auf natürliche Weise zu reagieren, damit die Wiederherstellung einer besseren Gesundheit. Diese Mittel können von jedem, ohne Angst vor Nebenwirkungen eingenommen werden, eine Überdosierung oder Sucht. Sie können in Verbindung mit anderen Therapieformen jedoch sind sie nicht dazu gedacht, die medizinische Versorgung zu ersetzen. Agrimony – Agrimonia Eupatoria. Agrimony wieder in der Lage, diejenigen, die wahren Gefühle und Emotionen, egal was diese sein könnten auszudrücken. Menschen in Not Agrimony viel innere Angst und Unruhe, die sie zu vertuschen mit einem Lächeln und einem Lachen, wenn in der Gesellschaft anderer. Sie sind so erfolgreich, dass sie diese scheinbar das Leben und die Seele der Partei sein, ohne Sorge in der Welt. Ihre Empfindlichkeit und Abneigung gegen Zwietracht führt sie zu versuchen, den Frieden um jeden Preis zu halten. Wenn jedoch der Druck dieser Flaschen bis Emotionen zu groß wird sie in Wut explodieren und häufig Alkohol oder Drogen als eine Möglichkeit der Schneiden selbst von ihren unausgesprochenen inneren Sorgen. Weitere Indikationen für dieses Mittel sind Unruhe und eine Notwendigkeit für konstante äußere Stimulation. Agrimony fördert Leichtigkeit des Ausdrucks, was zu Gefühlen der realen körperliches und seelisches Gleichgewicht. Bach Group – Überempfindlichkeit. Aspen hilft denen, die Angst, für den scheint es keinen logischen Grund, zu erleben. Dies kann in Form von vagen, aber starke Furcht vor unbekannten zukünftiges Ereignis oder einen unruhigen nehmen’erschreckt aus Gefühl in der Dunkelheit oder in fremden Orten. Die gruselig, shivery Gefühl, dass manchmal beschrieben wird als jemand ging einfach über mein Grab’drückt die Aspen Angst vor den Geist / psychischen Bereichen sehr gut. Schütteln, Zittern, oder vage Gefühle Flattern im Bauch zusammen mit Kälte, Blässe und Alpträume sind Indikationen, für die Notwendigkeit von Aspen. Bach Group – Angst. Buche – Fagus sylvatica. Buche hilft denen, die um eine liebevolle, milde und flexible Beziehung mit sich selbst und ihrer Umgebung zu etablieren müssen. Die Kritik, Urteil und Intoleranz sind sehr häufig Persönlichkeitsmerkmale in der heutigen Welt, wo sie oft als akzeptable Wege Einträufeln Disziplin bei Kindern, wie sie aufwachsen zu sehen. Allerdings, wenn diese Eigenschaften nicht mit genug Liebe ausgeglichen das Ergebnis ist eine Person, die immer kritisch, intolerant und wertend von sich selbst und andere ist. Von anderen Gewohnheiten leicht gereizt, mit einer sehr festen Einstellung zum Leben oder so empfindlich auf Kritik von anderen, dass es schwierig ist, aus dem Leben der Unterricht profitieren, sind alle Hinweise auf die Notwendigkeit dieser Mittel. Bach Group – Overcare & Concern. CENTAURY – Centaurium Erythracea. Tausendgüldenkraut wieder die Qualitäten der inneren Stärke und Selbstbestimmung. Menschen in Not Tausendgüldenkraut eine unangebrachte Sinn für Service und glauben, dass sie andere Bedürfnisse, bevor ihre eigenen zu stellen. Sie erscheinen, um die Willenskraft, um “Nein” sagen, fehlen und sind leicht dominiert und offen ausgenutzt, indem die mit stärkeren Persönlichkeiten übernommen. Als Folge tragen sie oft selbst im Dienst an anderen und haben ihre eigene Individualität und Kreativität entwickeln. Diejenigen, die in der negativen Tausendgüldenkraut Zustand oft als “eine Fußmatte für andere” zu sehen. CERATO – Cerato Willmotiana. Cerato wieder die Qualitäten der inneren Sicherheit und der Weisheit. Menschen in Not Cerato Schwierigkeiten haben im Vertrauen auf ihre eigene Intuition oder “innere Stimme”. Sie scheinen eine Atmosphäre von Unsicherheit um sich haben und neigen dazu, die Meinung anderer zu suchen, wenn die Entscheidungen in ihrem Leben konfrontiert sind, und nicht vertrauen ihr eigenes Urteil. Selbst wenn sie mit Freunden und Kollegen konsultiert haben sie immer noch große Schwierigkeiten, eine feste Richtungswahl verursacht selbst viel Verwirrung. Die Aussage “Ich weiß nicht, ” oft von den Lippen der den in der negativen Cerato Zustand zu hören. Cerato hilft, eine Brücke zwischen der Persönlichkeit und der Seele der Wiederherstellung der Fähigkeit zu wissen und Vertrauen in die eigenen angeborenen inneren Weisheit zu schaffen. Bach Group – Unsicherheit. Cherry Plum – Prunus Cerasifera. Cherry Plum wieder die Qualitäten der Balance, Ruhe und positive Kontrolle des Geistes. Der negative Cherry Plum Zustand kann eine sehr extreme und unbequem, in dem die Persönlichkeit erlebt leistungsfähige und irrationale Ängste sein. Menschen in Not dieses Mittels oft das Gefühl, dass sie verlieren die Kontrolle über ihre Gedanken, verrückt, oder vielleicht mit einer Durchbruch. Sie können bissig sein, auf der Kante, will schreien oder Angst, dass sie ungewöhnlich gewalttätig sein könnte, entweder sich selbst oder andere. In einer sehr extremen Zustand sie breit möglicherweise starren Augen und nicht in der Lage, sich selbst zu sagen oder Dinge, die völlig aus ihrer normalen Charakter tun zu stoppen. Viele Frauen erleben Variationen dieser irrationale Gefühle, ihre monatlichen Zyklus stehen. In all diesen Situationen Cherry Plum bringt Ruhe, Vernunft und Frieden. Chestnut Bud – Aesculus Hippocastanum. Chestnut Bud hilft denen, die sich stärker auf ihre aktuellen Lebenserfahrung, um sich vorwärts zu bewegen konzentrieren müssen. Menschen in Not Chestnut Bud scheinen die gleichen alten Lebenssituationen Immer wieder wiederholen, scheinbar nicht in der Lage, um die Lektion in der Erfahrung, die es ihnen ermöglichen, weiterziehen zu assimilieren. Ein Beispiel könnte jemand, der sich in einem Zyklus von destruktiven Beziehungen findet aber kann nicht scheinen, um die inneren Veränderungen, die es ihnen ermöglichen, sich zu entwirren zu machen. Chestnut Bud ist eine in der Regel hilfreich Heilmittel für alle, die es schwierig, in der Informationen in irgendeiner Form übernehmen findet. Bach Group – Mangel an Interesse. ZICHORIE – Cichorium intybus. Wegwarte hilft, die Prinzipien der ungebunden und selbstlose Liebe wiederherzustellen. Menschen in Not von Chicorée neigen besitzergreifend von denen, die sie interessieren, wollen sie in der Nähe zu halten, um auf festhalten und die Liebe zu sein. Sie können scheinen emotional bedürftig, manipulativ zu sein, übermäßig zu stören oder sich einfach in Selbstmitleid und Groll fallen, wenn ihre Bemühungen um “zu helfen” andere werden nicht geschätzt. Hinter der negativen Chicorée Staat legt eine innere Leere und Gefühl, unerwünschte oder nicht geliebt, dass unbewusst treibt die Persönlichkeit, um diese eher selbstsüchtig und manipulativ Möglichkeiten nutzen, um ihre Bedürfnisse erfüllt. Wegwarte hilft, diese Persönlichkeitsmerkmale zu lösen und die ausgeglichenere Energie des universellen Mutter, die ihre Liebe bedingungslos gibt zu fördern, zu wissen, dass die Liebe ewig reichen. CLEMATIS – Gewöhnliche Waldrebe. Clematis hilft denen, die nur allzu leicht abdriften in Tagträume und Fantasien über die Zukunft Gefühl, dass das Leben wird besser da, als es derzeit ist. Menschen in Not von diesem Mittel scheinen im Allgemeinen unaufmerksam oder schläfrig zu sein und könnte der Vergesslichkeit oder Konzentrationsmangel beklagen. Sie haben oft kalte Füße und Hände, und brauchen oft viel Schlaf. Ihr Mangel an Wunsch, völlig präsent bedeutet, dass sie ihr “Kopf in den Wolken” die meiste Zeit und sind in der Regel nicht geerdeten was sie anfällig für ungeschickt oder unfallträchtigen erscheinen lässt. Hellseher und diejenigen, die eine Menge in ihre Phantasie wie Künstler und Schriftsteller brauchen oft die “Reality-Check”, dass dieses Mittel bringt. Bach Group – Mangel an Intetrest. Crab Apple Aids Reinigung auf allen Ebenen. Menschen in Not Holzapfel wurde vorübergehend aus den Augen ihrer eigenen angeborenen Reinheit und tragen zugrunde liegenden Gefühle der Unreinheit, Schmutz oder Mangel an Reinheit, die in extreme Zustände als Obsessionen, die im Zusammenhang mit Hausarbeit oder körperliche Sauberkeit manifestieren kann. Sie können problemlos pingelig, aufgeregt und haben eine Tendenz zu Bergen aus Maulwurfshügel im negativen Zustand. Weitere Indikationen für dieses Heilmittel sind Hautausschläge oder zwanghaft, zwanghaften Verhalten jeglicher Art. Crab Apple kann sinnvollerweise als Lotion in ein wenig Wasser auf die Haut aufgetragen oder zusätzlich zu einem Bad (10-12 Tropfen) eingenommen werden. Bach-Gruppe Verzweiflung und Niedergeschlagenheit. ELM – Ulmus Campestris. Elm hilft diese normalerweise sehr fähige Leute, vielleicht mit verantwortungsvolle Aufgaben, große Familien oder Familienangehörigen, für die sich plötzlich das Gefühl überlastet, überfordert und untypisch nicht mit ihrer Verantwortung gerecht zu kümmern. Der letzte Tropfen, der das Fass zum Über brach’fasst die negativen Zustand des Mittels sehr gut. Taken kurzfristig Elm wird sehr schnell helfen, die Kraft des Geistes und der Fähigkeit zu bewältigen wiederherzustellen. Taken mehr langfristig wird es die Elm Persönlichkeit helfen zu bestimmen, welche Aufgaben wirklich ihre eigenen sind und diese mit dem Bedürfnis nach persönlicher Pflege auszugleichen. Bach Group – Verzweiflung und Niedergeschlagenheit. ENZIAN – Gentiana Amarella. Gentian ist das Heilmittel für diejenigen, die Hilfe brauchen, um die Seelenqualitäten von Vertrauen und Glauben in einem Persönlichkeitsniveau wiederherzustellen. Diejenigen, die dieses Mittel brauchen, sind unsicher über ihre Beziehung zu ihrem Schöpfer und finden es schwierig, sich als Teil eines größeren Ganzen, in dem alle sich nach einem höheren Plan geordnet angezeigt. Sie werden leicht durch selbst kleine Rückschläge im Leben entmutigt und pessimistisch und zynisch erscheinen, weil sie es sehr schwierig, eine positive Lösung für jedes Problem finden. Die Formulierung “ungläubigen Thomas”, resümiert der negativen Gentian Zustand sehr gut. GORSE – Ulex Europoeus. Gorse ist das Heilmittel für alle, die große Unsicherheit in den Prozess des Lebens zu leiden, wodurch sie Gefühle der Hoffnungslosigkeit und Verzweiflung erleben. Dies ist ein Zustand manchmal bei Patienten mit einer langfristigen Krankheit, die alle Hoffnung für eine Erholung oder in deren Erfahrungen habe sie dazu gebracht, das Leben’, wie eine verlorene Sache ansehen verloren gefunden. Wenn dieser Zustand sehr tief verwurzelt ist eine Person dunkle Ringe unter den Augen haben oder anfällig für viel seufzen. Taken in einem Zeitraum von Zeit Gorse wird dazu beitragen, diese dunklen Gefühle zu zerstreuen und zu fördern neue Hoffnung und Vision für die Zukunft. HEATHER – Calluna Vulgaris. Heather ist das Heilmittel für diejenigen, deren innere Gefühl der Isolation und Einsamkeit manifestiert sich als zwanghaftes Bedürfnis, über sich selbst und zwar für jedermann zu sprechen – auch einem Fremden. Wenn im akuten Stadium, Menschen in Not zu dieser Arznei zu haben scheinen ihre Gedanken ganz auf sich selbst konzentrieren und kann dazu führen, ahnungslosen Zuhörer das Gefühl, dass sie nicht durch die sehr Kraft des Gesprächs entkommen sind. Sie machen sehr schlechte Zuhörer und leider können die Menschen durch die sehr Stärke der eigenen Bedürftigkeit entfernt. Heather wird dazu beitragen, diesen Zustand zu entlasten, so dass sie mehr in Kontakt mit der Notwendigkeit, als auch zu geben empfangen. Bach Group – Einsamkeit. HOLLY – Ilex aquifolium. Bach sagt Holly, dass es;’Öffnet das Herz und verbindet uns mit der Göttlichen Liebe. Unbedingte, die göttliche Liebe ist die höchste Form der Liebe und eine, die im Herz-Chakra eines jeden Menschen vorhanden ist. Allerdings, wenn diese Liebe nicht erkannt und gefördert das Herzchakra allmählich schließt nach unten und Verteidigungsmuster der Persönlichkeit wie Wut, Rache, Eifersucht und Hass Wurzeln. Diejenigen, die in diesem Zustand kann auch erscheinen, misstrauisch, misstrauisch oder hochempfindliche, um reale oder eingebildete Kränkungen zu sein. Die kraftvolle Energie der Holly Heilmittel überschwemmt das Herz-Chakra mit den Schwingungen der göttlichen, bedingungslose Liebe hilft, zu verwandeln und zu transformieren diese negativen Zustände. Honeysuckle hilft denen, die nicht in der Lage zu gehen in der Vergangenheit in irgendeiner Weise zu lassen sind. Menschen in Not von diesem Mittel werden oft in vergangenen glücklicheren Zeiten, die sie fühlen können nie wieder gesperrt, so dass sie mit dem Gefühl der Nostalgie, Traurigkeit oder Bedauern. Dies ist ein ausgezeichnetes Mittel für alle, die Schwierigkeiten mit Heimweh, Trauerfall, Scheidung oder nicht akzeptierte Änderung aller Art. Honeysuckle hilft, diese schwierigen Gefühlen bringen größere Akzeptanz der Vergangenheit und Hoffnung für die Zukunft zu lösen. Honeysuckle, Stern von Bethlehem und Nussbaum in Kombination verwendet werden, sind eine besonders wertvolle Hilfe für alle, die Begriffe kommen mit Verlust jeglicher Art. HORNBEAM – Carpinus betulus. Hornbeam hilft denen, die glauben, dass sie die mentale Stärke für die Durchführung der täglichen Aufgaben in ihrem Leben fehlt. Menschen in Not dieses Mittels erleben oft einen Zustand der Verschleppung auf durch eine Art geistige Müdigkeit oder Schalheit gebracht. Allerdings, wenn sie irgendwann zu tun bekommen werde sie in der Regel feststellen, dass sie durchaus in der Lage Abschluss ihr Tagewerk sind. IMPATIENS – Impatiens Royalei. Impatiens hilft denen, die von einem inneren Gefühl der Dringlichkeit angetrieben werden, ein Gefühl, das sie benötigen, um Dinge’gestern’ zu bekommen. Menschen in Not von Impatiens kann sehr ungeduldig und reizbar mit anderen, die von Natur aus langsamer sind als sie sein, ein Zustand, der oft schafft innere Unbehagen und Dichtheit. Sie ziehen es in der Regel, die Dinge selbst zu tun, weil es ist; Schneller, es selbst zu tun. Die Impatiens Persönlichkeit wartet nicht lange für alles, selbst bis zur Beendigung anderer Sätze und kann leicht aufbrausen in Wut, wenn gedrückt, obwohl dies in der Regel schnell vorbei und vergessen zu sein. Sie sind sehr aufgeschlossen und kann unabhängig isoliert und nicht in der Lage sein, sich mit anderen in der extremen Zustand zu verbinden. Lärche – Larix Europea. Larch hilft, das Vertrauen in die eigenen Fähigkeiten wieder herzustellen. Die mangels der Lärche haben eine solche eingebaut bewusstlos Gewissheit des Scheiterns, die sie nie versuchen neue Dinge im Leben und so nie entdecken ihre wahre Potenzial. Sie fühlen sich automatisch schlechter als andere, und wieder stehen, so dass diejenigen, die sie fühlen sich besser in der Lage, als sich auf das Leben Möglichkeiten zu übernehmen. Larch hilft, die mit diesen Eigenschaften, die tief unten sie haben die Fähigkeit und stellt ihr Vertrauen zum Leben in Fülle zu leben erinnern. Bach Group – Niedergeschlagenheit und Verzweiflung. Mimulus – Gelbe Gauklerblume. Mimulus hilft denen, die sie brauchen mehr Mut, sich den täglichen Ereignisse des Lebens fühlen. Menschen in Not von Mimulus leiden unnötige Angst und Sorgen über alltägliche Situationen, wie zum Beispiel den Besuch beim Zahnarzt, fliegen, schwimmen, Spinnen oder vielleicht, die ihre Fahrprüfung. Sie können nervös, schüchtern oder ängstlich erscheinen und kann zögern oder erröten leicht, wenn sie in Situationen, wo sie verwundbar fühlen. Die Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Menschenmassen, laute Geräusche oder helle Lichter sind weitere Beispiele für Staaten, für die Mimulus wäre von Vorteil. Wie Mimulus löst ihre Ängste und Sorgen, die mit diesem Persönlichkeitsmerkmal sehen sich in der Lage, eine positive mentale Einstellung zum Leben zu schaffen. SENF – Sinapsis Arvensis. Senf hilft denen, die von Zeit zu Zeit erleben eine schwarze Wolke der Finsternis, die kommt und geht ohne Grund, die offensichtlich ist. Diejenigen, die in diesem Zustand fühlen verzweifelt und nicht darüber, wie sie sich fühlen zu decken. Sie ziehen sich in sich selbst, das Gefühl getrennt und isoliert vom Rest der Welt. Senf hilft, die Dunkelheit zu zerstreuen, bringt wieder Licht und Freude. OAK – Quercus Robur. Oak hilft denen, die Hilfe brauchen, um die Qualitäten von Kraft und Ausdauer wieder her. Die mangels der Eiche sind in der Regel auf langanhalt alles nach anderen würden aufgegeben zu kämpfen. Sie besitzen große Kraft und Mut und wie die mächtige Eiche selbst bieten oft Schlupf und Nahrung für die anderen. Allerdings ist dies oft mit großem Aufwand, um sich fertig und kann auf die verzweifelte Gefühl, plötzlich und völlig fehlt in der Kraft, weiterzumachen führen. Oft ist eine große Müdigkeit überkommt sie. Taken kurzfristig Oak hilft, Kraft und Stärke wieder her, so dass sie weitermachen. Taken mehr langfristig wird es die Eiche Persönlichkeit helfen, neue Balance zu finden, damit sie lernen, um etwas Energie und Reserven für sich selbst zu erhalten. OLIVE – Olea Europea. Olive hilft denen, die ihre Energiereserven völlig erschöpft fühlen und dass sie nichts mehr, um weiter mit. Dies könnte auf jeder Ebene sein. Im akuten Zustand die mangels der Olive klagen oft zu müde, um noch etwas zu tun oder das Gefühl, vollständig ausgewaschen. Dieser ist in der Regel das Ergebnis von Situationen, in denen ein hohes Maß an Energie aufgebraucht ist – über Arbeits, eine Fest Bann der Graben in den Garten oder Erschöpfung zu einer langfristigen Krankheit verwandt sind alles Situationen, die mit Olive geholfen werden kann. PINE – Pinus sylvestris. Pine hilft, eine positive Gefühl der inneren Selbstwert oder Selbstwertgefühl wiederherzustellen. Menschen in Not von Pine leiden unter Schuldgefühlen, Scham, Selbstvorwürfen und Selbst Vorwurf und wird oft die Verantwortung für oder sogar entschuldigen uns für etwas, das nichts mit ihnen zu tun hat. Sie sind nie wirklich mit sich selbst zufrieden und sind in der Regel das Gefühl, dass andere besser sind als sie. Es ist schwierig für die, in diesem Zustand, um eine wirkliche Erfolgserlebnis und Freude im Leben zu finden. Red Chestnut – Aesculus Carnea. Red Chestnut hilft denen, die Angst um die Sicherheit anderer sind. Menschen in Not Red Chestnut Sorge für die Sicherheit anderer, insbesondere diejenigen, die ihnen nahe. Wenn die Dinge nicht wie erwartet sie sofort das Schlimmste befürchten, sich vorzustellen, dass einige Schäden hat ihre Lieben betroffen passieren; “Müssen sie einen Unfall gehabt haben”. Eine Mutter, die Angst um ihre Kinder ist, wenn sie auch ein wenig zu spät zu Hause sind, ist ein gutes Beispiel für diese Art von Angst, eine Angst, die sofort verschwinden wird, wenn die Familienangehörigen zurückkehren unverletzt. Red Chestnut hilft, Optimismus und Vertrauen in den göttlichen Plan bringt die Erkenntnis, dass jeder seinen eigenen Weg und ist göttlich betreut, egal was passiert, um sie wiederherzustellen. ROCK ROSE – Gelbes Sonnenröschen. Rock Rose ist hilfreich, in jeder Situation, wo es die Notwendigkeit, die Schwingungen der extreme Angst oder Schrecken verwandeln. Im akuten Stadium die mangels der Rock Rose kann starr, Schütteln oder durch akute Angst versteinert. Sie können durch Angst gelähmt oder erleben Sie die Art blinder Angst, die den Drang entsteht, sich überall, aber wo sie derzeit ausgeführt werden. Die Tendenz, die in Notfällen in Panik oder zur schrecklichsten Alpträume haben auch Anzeichen für eine notwendige Rock Rose. ROCK WATER – Aqua Petra. Rock Water hilft, die Fähigkeit, im eigenen Glauben offen und flexibel sein wiederherzustellen. Menschen in Not von Rock Water setzten sich sehr hohe Standards und stellen sehr strenge Disziplinen auf sich in dem Bemühen, ihre hohe minded, idealistischen Prinzipien halten. Sie hoffen, ein Beispiel für andere, für sich zu zwingen, Heilige oder Märtyrer folgen gesetzt. Als Ergebnis sie leben eine sehr steife Lebensstil, sich selbst die kleinste Luxus oft leugnen. Diese Selbst bestrafen Haltung schafft tief unterdrückt physischen und emotionalen Bedürfnisse. Die Phrase ein Sack cloth & Asche Typ’fasst die akuten Zustand des Mittels sehr gut. Rock Water hilft, diese Persönlichkeitsmerkmale zu bringen, das Verständnis, dass es liebevolle Akzeptanz aller Aspekte des Selbst und die Freiheit von Dogmen, die uns echte und dauerhafte innere Änderung vornehmen können aufzulösen. Scleranthus – Einjähriger Knäuel. Scleranthus hilft, die Eigenschaften der Waage und Entschiedenheit in der Persönlichkeit wieder herzustellen. Menschen in Not Scleranthus kann durch lähmende Unentschiedenheit gegriffen werden, wenn die Wahl zwischen zwei Dingen konfrontiert. In dieser Situation wird sie in der Regel Dinge abwägen und’um & ah für eine lange Zeit. Emotional sie von einem Extrem zum anderen sehr leicht schwingen kann und darf schnell weinerlich geworden. Psychisch können sie eine Tendenz, außerhalb Reiz eher wie eine Heuschrecke zu reagieren, so dass es schwierig für sie, im negativen Zustand zu konzentrieren. Scleranthus hilft, die innere Gleichgewichtspunkt die Schaffung einer größeren Zusammenhang mit der Seele und der eigenen inneren Richtung wiederherzustellen. Stern von Bethlehem – Dolden-Milchstern. Stern von Bethlehem ist hilfreich in jeder Situation, in Schock oder Trauma jeglicher Art hat erfahren, ob sofort oder in der Vergangenheit. Wenn dieses Wesen wird sofort in Situationen des Schocks und Traumata gegeben es wird helfen, die betäubende Wirkung rauben und zu unterstützen Erholung. Dies sollte natürlich nicht ersetzen, medizinische Betreuung, aber könnte es zu verbessern. Dieses Mittel kann sehr vorteilhaft für diejenigen, die Schock oder Trauma zu einem gewissen Grad von der Vergangenheit Situationen und Ereignisse zu behalten. Situationen wie Trauer, Unfall, plötzliche Verlust des Arbeitsplatzes, Scheidung, “schlechte” Nachrichten etc sind alles Situationen, die für die Hilfe der Stern von Bethlehem stellen könnten. Edelkastanie – Castanea Sativa. Sweet Chestnut Geschenk ist seine Fähigkeit, unsere Verbindung mit Licht und Liebe unserer Seele wieder herzustellen. In diesem Extremzustand fühlen sie eine absolute und Verzweiflung oder Hoffnungslosigkeit – einen Zustand der Verzweiflung, in der sie das Gefühl, isoliert vom Rest der Menschheit. Oft als “die dunkle Nacht der Seele” dieser Zustand erlebt werden kann, wenn die Persönlichkeit mit der Herausforderung konfrontiert selbst konfrontiert beschrieben. Der “Rücken zur Wand” Gefühl ist das Ergebnis der Widerstand der Persönlichkeit der innere Wandel notwendig ist, auf die nächste Ebene des Bewusstseins zu bewegen, um zu machen, so dass dies unangenehm Zustand kann manchmal eine große Bewegung nach vorne vorausgehen. Sweet Chestnut bringt wieder das Licht und die Freude des Lebens, Auflösung der Dunkelheit. VERVAIN – Verbena officinalis. Eisenkraut hilft denen, die um das Gleichgewicht des unbewussten Glauben wiederherzustellen, dass es in ihrer Verantwortung, sich um alles um sie herum zu nehmen brauchen. Menschen in Not von Eisenkraut sehr hohe Prinzipien und Ideale, die sie versuchen, andere zu konvertieren, von der schieren Kraft ihres Willens und Begeisterung. Sie sind Perfektionisten, die zu überarbeiten neigen, fahren selbst vorbei, was vernünftig ist, oft zu abgewickelt und hoch infolge aufgereiht. Im akuten Zustand sie fanatisch, übereifrigen und Ungerechtigkeit empört sein kann. Eisenkraut wirkt ausgleichend auf diesen Staaten erlauben die Persönlichkeit, um eine realistischere Perspektive in ihrer Haltung, Verantwortung zu übernehmen und die Notwendigkeit erkennen, dass andere die Freiheit, ihren eigenen Weg im Leben zu folgen. VINE – Vitis Vinifera. Vine hilft, den Grundsatz der ausgewogenen Führung durch den rechten Gebrauch der Macht und Willen wiederherzustellen. Menschen in Not für Rebe haben eine Tendenz, über sein Lager, dominiert, sicher, dass sie richtig sind und müssen die Kontrolle in jeder Situation zu nehmen. Sie finden es sehr schwer, eine andere Sicht hören und andere einzuschüchtern schwächer ist als sie selbst, oft ohne zu wissen, was sie tun. Extreme Beispiele für diesen Persönlichkeitstyp sind die rücksichtslosen Tyrannen oder schikanieren. Vine hilft, das Herz zu öffnen und die Persönlichkeit, die positive Führung ist das Ergebnis einer Partnerschaft zwischen dem Herzen und dem Verstand zu erinnern. NUSSBAUM – Juglans Regia. Walnut fördert Anpassungsfähigkeit, emotionale Flexibilität und Schutz in Zeiten der Veränderung. Wir alle stehen vor der Herausforderung des Wandels oft in unserem Leben und Walnut hilft uns, offen, flexibel und anpassungsfähig in solchen Zeiten zu sein. Dies kann vorkommen, dass wir durch die verschiedenen Phasen des Lebens, oder Lebensstil Änderungen wie Trauer, Scheidung, neues Haus oder Job bewegen auftreten. In solchen Situationen wirkt Walnut als Bindeglied Brecher hilft uns, lassen Sie die alten und entschlossen umarmen die neuen. Es kann auch eine Deckmantel des Schutzes für Personen über sensibel auf ihre Umwelt oder auf den Einfluss der anderen. WATER VIOLET – Wasserfeder. Water Violet hilft, die seelischen Eigenschaften der Demut und Weisheit wieder herzustellen. Menschen in Not Water Violet haben oft viele wertvolle Weisheit und Einsicht, um zu teilen, aber aufgrund ihrer sanften, sensiblen Naturen finden es schwer, dies anderen mitzuteilen. Sie haben eine Tendenz, in ihren eigenen Raum zurückzuziehen und kann manchmal erscheinen zurückhaltend und unnahbar oder vielleicht etwas besser oder stolz, alle Aspekte der Persönlichkeit, die ihr Gefühl der Isolation von anderen tragen zu können. Water Violet hilft ihnen, die Einheit aller Dinge zu erinnern und die Barrieren um das Herz-Chakra zu lösen, dass dieser Zustand erzeugt, die Förderung der Fähigkeit, leicht zu knüpfen und ihre Integrität, Weisheit und Wissen zu teilen. White Chestnut – Aesculus Hippocastanum. White Chestnut bringt die Gabe einer ruhigen, friedvollen Geist von unnötigen Gedanken ordentlich. Die mangels der White Chestnut leiden unter einer ständig beschäftigt Geist, in dem es keine Atempause von Dreh Gedanken, die um und um wie ein Hamster im Rad zu zirkulieren. Sie erleben oft wiederkehrende innere geistige Argumente und Gespräche, alle Staaten, die effektiv sie ausrotten den gegenwärtigen Moment und manchmal ist es schwierig zu schlafen. White Chestnut bringt Ruhe und Klarheit des Denkens. WILD OAT – Bromus Asper. Wild Oat fördert eine innere Gewissheit über die berufliche Richtung der eigenen Lebens. Menschen in Not Wild Oat noch nicht mit der inneren Richtung ihrer Seele, die sie Klarheit über die Richtung des von ihnen gewählten Lebensweg geben würde, verbunden. Ein Zustand der Unsicherheit, das heißt, sie sind endlos Suche in der äußeren Welt für die “richtige” Richtung, wenn die Antwort ist eigentlich in sich. Wild Oat hilft, ihre innere Verbindung zu stärken und zu fördern Klarheit der Richtung. WILD ROSE – Rosa Canina. Wild Rose hilft, die Qualitäten der Begeisterung und Freude in den Prozess des Lebens wiederherzustellen. Menschen in Not von Wild Rose erleben einen Zustand der Apathie Resignation, die mit ihm Gefühle der Langeweile oder Müdigkeit bringen kann. Im akuten Stadium erscheinen sie auf, aufgegeben zu haben völlig fehlt die Motivation und Begeisterung notwendig, in der Regel im Leben funktionieren. Manche Menschen erleben dies während einer langfristigen Krankheit, nachdem er aufgefordert, sich zu der Tatsache, dass sie nie vollständig wieder gesund zurücktreten. Wild Rose hilft, die Begeisterung zurück zu bringen, um Freude im Leben unter allen Umständen zu finden. WILLOW – Salix Vitellina. Willow wieder die Qualitäten der Eigenverantwortung und der Vergebung. Menschen in Not von Willow haben eine Tendenz, ein Opfer der Umstände zu fühlen und andere für ihre Lebenssituation schuld. Sie können leicht bitter oder ärgerlich zu werden, tragen Groll oder das Gefühl, dass “das Leben ist nicht fair”, wenn die Dinge nicht ihren Weg zu gehen. Willow hilft, diese schwierige Persönlichkeitsmerkmale zu lösen und die Anerkennung der Notwendigkeit für Selbstverantwortung, Vergebung der sich selbst und andere zu fördern und Optimismus in ihrer Fähigkeit, das Leben sie wollen zu erstellen wiederherzustellen. Revival Remedy ist eine Kombination von Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose und Stern von Bethlehem. Diese Kombination von Essenzen wurde ursprünglich von Dr. Bach selbst für den Einsatz in Situationen “Notfallrettung” erfordern formuliert. Es wirkt wie ein sehr schnell emotional Stabilisator in Situationen großer Angst, Panik, Trauma oder schwere Belastung wie schwere Unfälle oder unerwartete Trauerfall. Es ist auch sehr nützlich in Situationen mit geringerem Trauma wie Prüfungen, Fahrprüfungen, Besuche beim Zahnarzt usw. Nehmen Sie 4 Tropfen in ein Getränk und genießen Sie, Auffüllen, wie gebraucht. In Notfällen nehmen Sie 4 Tropfen auf die Zunge direkt aus der Flasche, zu wiederholen, bis stabilisierte und ruhig. In Fällen von Ohnmacht, reiben Sie die Tropfen auf den Lippen, Tempel, Innen Handgelenke und andere Puls Flecken, wiederholen, bis das Bewusstsein wiedererlangt. Revival Abhilfe ersetzt in keiner Weise ärztliche Behandlung, die immer in Notfällen gerufen werden sollte; sondern es löst und löst sich die Auswirkungen der Schock, Angst oder Trauma, so dass die körpereigenen Selbstheilungskräfte wirksam schneller zu nehmen. WIE MAN DIE HEILMITTEL ZU VERWENDEN. Überprüfen Sie Ihren Zustand nach 6-8 Wochen, um zu schauen, welche Staaten bleiben und wenn neuen Staaten erschienen sind. Alternativ können Sie eine Flasche Dosierung zu schaffen, die eine wirtschaftlichere Nutzung der Essenzen darstellen kann… Geben Sie 2 Tropfen aller Ihrer gewählten Essenzen in ein sauberes Glas Tropfflasche mit bis zu 30ml Mineralwasser und fügen Sie einen Teelöffel Brandy oder Apfelessig als Konservierungsmittel. Auf einer täglichen Basis Sie dann fügen Sie 2 Tropfen aus Ihrer Dosierung Flasche in ein Glas Wasser und trinken Sie langsam täglich für 6-8 Wochen vor der Überprüfung zu wiederholen. The item “Komplettset of 10ml Bach Flower Remedies in einem hölzernen Box” is in sale since Monday, January 30, 2017. This item is in the category “Beauty & Gesundheit\Natur- & Alternativheilmittel\Sonstige”. The seller is “gaea_crystals” and is located in Somerset. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Herstellernummer: Tut Nicht Anwenden
  • Marke: Crystal Herbs
  • EAN: Nicht zutreffend

Complete set of 25ml Bach Flower Remedies in a Wooden Box

Complete set of 25ml Bach Flower Remedies in a Wooden Box

Brand New Boxed Set of 25ml Bach Flower Remedies. Prepared according to the original instructions of Dr Bach by Crystal Herbs, a leading UK producer of Bach Flower Remedies. A complete set of 38 25ml Bach Flower Remedies plus 2 25ml bottles of Revival Remedy (a special combination of 5 remedies) supplied in a wooden presentation box. These Remedies are supplied in sealed bottles and have an 8-year life. Dr Bach was a medical doctor working in England during the early 1900s. The focus of his lifes work was his great desire to find a simple and effective form of treatment that would be available for all to understand and use. Through his work he recognised that to bring about real healing it was necessary to treat the cause of illness rather than the symptoms. He believed that the true cause of illness and disease lies in the personality in the mental and emotional patterns through which we view ourselves and the world around us. To treat these personality patterns he developed 38 remedies, known as the Bach Flower Remedies that are now used by many people around the world. Each remedy is a correcting vibration for a state of mind or emotion that needs to be balanced. Since the body is a direct reflection of the mind, transforming negative vibrations into positive vibrations allows the body to respond naturally, thus restoring better health. These remedies can be taken by anyone without fear of side effects, overdosing or addiction. They can be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment however they are not intended to replace medical care. Agrimony restores the ability to express ones true feelings and emotions no matter what these might be. Those in need of Agrimony have much inner anxiety and turmoil that they cover up with a smile and a laugh when in the company of others. They are so successful at this that they appear to be the life & soul of the party without a care in the world. Their sensitivity and dislike of discord leads them to try to keep the peace at any cost. However, when the pressure of these bottled up emotions becomes too great they may explode in anger and often use alcohol or drugs as a way of cutting themselves off from their unexpressed inner worries. Other indications for this remedy are restlessness and a need for constant outer stimulation. Agrimony promotes ease of expression, leading to feelings of real inner harmony and peace. Bach Group – Oversensitivity. Aspen helps those who experience apprehension for which there appears to be no logical reason. This can take the form of vague but potent apprehension of some unknown future event or an uneasy spooked out feeling in the dark or in strange places. The creepy, shivery feeling that is sometimes described as someone just walked over my grave expresses the Aspen fear of the spirit / psychic realms very well. Shaking, trembling, or vague fluttering feelings in the tummy together with coldness, paleness & nightmares are all indications of the need for Aspen. Bach Group – Fear. Beech helps those who need to establish a more loving, lenient and flexible relationship with themselves and with those around them. Criticism, judgement and intolerance are very common personality traits in todays world where they are often seen as acceptable ways of instilling discipline in children as they grow up. However when these traits are not balanced with enough love the result is an individual who is constantly critical, intolerant and judgemental of themselves and others. Being easily irritated by others habits, having a very fixed outlook on life or so sensitive to criticism from others that it is difficult to benefit from lifes lessons, are all indications of the need for this remedy. Bach Group – Overcare & Concern. Centaury restores the qualities of inner strength & self-determination. Those in need of Centaury have a misplaced sense of service and believe that they must put others needs before their own. They appear to lack the will power to say no and are easily dominated and open to being taken advantage of by those with stronger personalities. As a consequence they often wear themselves out in service to others and do not develop their own individuality or creativity. Those in the negative Centaury state are often seen as being a doormat for others. Cerato restores the qualities of inner certainty and wisdom. Those in need of Cerato have difficulty trusting in their own intuition or inner voice. They appear to have an air of uncertainty around them and tend to seek the opinions of others when faced with decisions in their lives, rather than trust their own judgement. Even when they have consulted with friends & colleagues they will still have great difficulty making a firm choice of direction causing themselves much confusion. The statement I dont know can often be heard from the lips of those in the negative Cerato state. Cerato helps to create a bridge between the personality and the Soul restoring the ability to know and trust ones own innate inner wisdom. Bach Group – Uncertainty. CHERRY PLUM – Prunus Cerasifera. Cherry Plum restores the qualities of balance, calmness and positive control of the mind. The negative Cherry Plum state can be a very extreme and uncomfortable one in which the personality experiences powerful and irrational fears. Those in need of this remedy often feel that they are loosing control of their mind, going insane, or perhaps having a breakdown. They can be snappy, on edge, want to scream or fear that they could be uncharacteristically violent, either to themselves or others. In a very extreme state they may have wide staring eyes and be unable to stop themselves from saying or doing things that are completely out of their normal character. Many women experience variations of these irrational feelings related to their monthly cycle. In all these situations Cherry Plum brings calmness, rationality and peace. CHESTNUT BUD Aesculus Hippocastanum. Chestnut Bud helps those who need to focus more fully on their current life experiences in order to move forward. Those in need of Chestnut Bud appear to repeat the same old life situations over & over again, seemingly unable to assimilate the lesson in the experience that would allow them to move on. An example might be someone who finds themselves in a cycle of destructive relationships but cannot seem to make the inner changes that would allow them to disentangle themselves. Chestnut Bud is a generally helpful remedy for anyone who finds it difficult to take in information in any form. Bach Group – Lack of Interest. Chicory helps to restore the principles of unattached and selfless love. Those in need of Chicory tend to be possessive of those they care about, wanting to keep them nearby to cling onto and to love. They can appear to be emotionally needy, manipulative, excessively interfering or easily fall into self-pity and resentment if their efforts at helping others are not appreciated. Behind the negative chicory state lays an inner emptiness and feeling of being unwanted or unloved that unconsciously drives the personality to use these rather selfish and manipulative ways to get its needs met. Chicory helps to dissolve these personality traits and to promote the more balanced energy of the universal mother who gives her love unconditionally, knowing that love is everlastingly abundant. CLEMATIS – Clematis Vitalba. Clematis helps those who all too easily drift off into daydreams and fantasies about the future feeling that life will be better there, than it currently is. People in need of this remedy seem to be generally inattentive or sleepy and might complain of forgetfulness or a lack of concentration. They often have cold feet and hands, and often need lots of sleep. Their lack of desire to be fully present means that they have their head in the clouds most of the time and are generally ungrounded which makes them prone to appearing clumsy or accident-prone. Psychics and those working a lot in their imagination like artists and writers often need the reality check that this remedy brings. Bach Group Lack of Intetrest. CRAB APPLE Malus Sylvestris. Crab Apple aids purification at all levels. Those in need of Crab Apple have temporarily lost sight of their own innate purity and carry underlying feelings of uncleanness, dirtiness or lack of purity, which in extreme states can manifest as obsessions related to housework or bodily cleanliness. They can be fussy, easily upset and have a tendency to make mountains out of molehills when in the negative state. Other indications for this remedy are skin eruptions or compulsive, obsessional behaviour of any sort. Crab Apple can usefully be applied to the skin as a lotion in a little water or added to a bath (10-12 drops), in addition to being ingested. Bach Group Despair and Despondency. Elm helps those normally very capable people, perhaps with responsible jobs, large families or dependants to care for who suddenly find themselves feeling overburdened, overwhelmed and uncharacteristically unable to cope with their responsibilities. The last straw that broke the camels back sums up the negative state of this remedy very well. Taken short term Elm will very quickly help to restore the strength of mind and ability to cope. Taken more long term it will help the Elm personality to determine which responsibilities are truly their own and to balance these with the need for personal nurturing. Bach Group – Despair & Despondency. Gentian is the remedy for those who need help to restore the soul qualities of trust and faith at a personality level. Those who need this remedy are uncertain about their relationship with their Creator and find it difficult to see themselves as part of a greater whole in which all is ordered according to a higher plan. They are easily discouraged by even small setbacks in life and can appear pessimistic and cynical because they find it very difficult to see a positive resolution to any problem. The phrase doubting Thomas sums up the negative Gentian state very well. Gorse is the remedy for those who suffer great uncertainty in the process of life, causing them to experience feelings of hopelessness and despair. This is a state sometimes found in those with a long-term illness who have lost all hope of recovery or in those whose experiences have caused them to view life as a lost cause. When this state is very deep rooted a person may have dark rings under the eyes or be prone to sigh a lot. Taken over a period of time Gorse will help to dispel these dark feelings and promote new hope and vision for the future. Heather is the remedy for those whose inner sense of isolation and loneliness manifests as a compulsive need to talk about themselves to anyone and everyone – even a complete stranger. When in an acute state, those in need of this remedy appear to have their thoughts entirely focussed on themselves and can cause unsuspecting listeners to feel as though they are unable to escape by the very force of their conversation. They make very poor listeners and sadly can drive people away by the very strength of their own neediness. Heather will help to relieve this state so that they are more in touch with the need to give as well as receive. Bach Group – Loneliness. Dr Bach says of Holly that it; opens the heart and unites us with Divine Love. Unconditional, Divine Love is the highest form of love and one that is present within the heart chakra of every human being. However when this love is not recognised and nurtured the heart chakra gradually closes down and defence patterns of the personality such as anger, revenge, jealousy & hatred take root. Those in this state can also appear to be suspicious, distrustful or supersensitive to real or imagined slights. The powerful energy of the Holly remedy floods the heart chakra with the vibrations of Divine, unconditional love helping to transmute and transform these negative states. Honeysuckle helps those who are unable to let go of the past in some way. Those in need of this remedy are often locked into past happier times which they feel can never return, leaving them with feelings of nostalgia, sadness or regret. This is an excellent remedy for anyone experiencing difficulty with homesickness, bereavement, divorce, or unaccepted change of all kinds. Honeysuckle helps to dissolve these difficult feelings bringing greater acceptance of the past and hope for the future. Honeysuckle, Star of Bethlehem and Walnut used in combination are a particularly valuable support for anyone coming to terms with loss of any kind. Hornbeam helps those who feel that they lack the mental strength to carry out the everyday tasks of their lives. Those in need of this remedy often experience a state of procrastination brought on by a kind of mental weariness or staleness. They feel tired even after a good nights sleep and find it very difficult to get going in the morning, maybe needing several cups of coffee in order to be ready to face the day. However once they eventually do get going they usually discover that they are perfectly capable of completing their days work. IMPATIENS – Impatiens Royalei. Impatiens helps those who are driven by an inner sense of urgency, a feeling that they need to get things done yesterday. Those in need of Impatiens can become very impatient and irritable with others who are naturally slower than they are, a state that often creates inner discomfort and tightness. They usually prefer to do things by themselves because it is; quicker to do it myself. The Impatiens personality does not wait for long for anything, even to the point of finishing others sentences and can easily flare up in anger if pushed, although this will normally be quickly over and forgotten. They are very independent minded and can become isolated and unable to connect with others in the extreme state. Larch helps to restore confidence in ones own abilities. Those in need of Larch have such an in built unconscious certainty of failure that they never attempt new things in life and so never discover their true potential. They automatically feel inferior to others and will stand back, allowing those that they feel are better able than themselves to take up lifes opportunities. Larch helps to remind those with these traits that deep down they do have the ability and restores their confidence to live life to the full. Bach Group – Despondency & Despair. Mimulus helps those who feel they need greater courage to face up to the everyday events of life. Those in need of Mimulus suffer unnecessary fear and worry about everyday situations, such as visiting the dentist, flying, swimming, spiders or perhaps taking their driving test. They can appear nervous, shy or timid and may hesitate or blush easily when in situations where they feel vulnerable. Sensitivity to crowds, loud noises, or bright lights are other examples of states for which Mimulus would be beneficial. As Mimulus dissolves their fears and worries those with this personality trait find themselves able to create a more positive mental approach to life. Mustard helps those who from time to time experience a black cloud of gloom that comes and goes for no reason that is obvious. Those in this state feel despairing and unable to cover over how they feel. They withdraw into themselves, feeling separate and isolated from the rest of the world. Mustard helps to dispel the blackness, bringing back light and joy. Oak helps those who need help to restore the qualities of strength and endurance. Those in need of Oak tend to struggle on enduring all things long after others would have given up. They possess great strength and courage and like the mighty Oak tree itself often provide shelter and nourishment for others. However this is often done at great cost to themselves and can lead to the despairing feeling of being suddenly and completely lacking in the strength to carry on. Often a great weariness comes over them. Taken short term Oak will help to restore strength and fortitude so that they can carry on. Taken more long term it will help the Oak personality to find new balance so that they learn to conserve some energy and reserves for themselves. Olive helps those who feel that their reserves of energy are completely depleted and that they have nothing left to carry on with. This could be at any level. In the acute state those in need of Olive often complain of being too tired to do another thing or feeling completely washed out. This is usually the result of situations where a great deal of energy has been used up – over working, a hard spell of digging in the garden or exhaustion related to a long term illness are all situations that can be helped with Olive. Pine helps to restore a positive sense of inner self-value or self worth. Those in need of Pine suffer from feelings of guilt, shame, self-blame or self reproach and will often take responsibility for, or even apologize for, something that has nothing to do with them at all. They are never truly satisfied with themselves and tend to feel that others are better than they are. It is difficult for those in this state to find any real sense of achievement or joy in life. RED CHESTNUT Aesculus Carnea. Red Chestnut helps those who are fearful for the safety of others. Those in need of Red Chestnut worry for the safety of others, particularly those close to them. When things do not happen as anticipated they will immediately fear the worst, imagining that some harm has befallen their loved ones; they must have had an accident. A mother who is afraid for her children when they are even a little late home is a good example of this kind of fear, a fear that will immediately vanish when the family members return unharmed. Red Chestnut helps to restore optimism and trust in the Divine Plan bringing the recognition that everyone has their own path and is divinely looked after no matter what happens to them. ROCK ROSE – Helianthemum Nummularium. Rock Rose is helpful in any situation where there is the need to transmute the vibrations of extreme fear or terror. In an acute state those in need of Rock Rose may become rigid, shaking or petrified by acute fear. They can paralysed by fear or experience the kind of blind fear that creates the urge to run away to anywhere but where they currently are. The tendency to panic in emergencies or to have terrifying nightmares also indicates a need for Rock Rose. ROCK WATER Aqua Petra. Rock Water helps to restore the ability to be open minded and flexible in ones beliefs. Those in need of Rock Water set themselves very high standards and impose very strict disciplines upon themselves in an effort to adhere to their high minded, idealistic principles. They hope to set an example for others to follow by forcing themselves to be saints or martyrs. As a result they live a very rigid lifestyle, often denying themselves even the smallest luxury. This self-punishing attitude creates deeply suppressed physical & emotional needs. The phrase a sack cloth & ashes type sums up the acute state of this remedy very well. Rock Water helps to dissolve these personality traits bringing the understanding that it is loving acceptance of all aspects of self and freedom from dogma that allows us to make real and lasting inner change. Scleranthus helps to restore the qualities of balance and decisiveness in the personality. Those in need of Scleranthus can be gripped by crippling indecision when faced with a choice between two things. In this situation they will usually weigh things up and um & ah for a long time. Emotionally they can swing from one extreme to another very easily and may become quickly tearful. Mentally they can have a tendency to respond to outside stimulus rather like a grasshopper, making it hard for them to concentrate in the negative state. Scleranthus helps to restore ones inner point of balance creating a greater connection with the Soul and ones own inner direction. STAR OF BETHLEHEM – Ornithogalum Umbellatum. Star of Bethlehem is helpful in any situation where shock or trauma of any kind has been experienced, whether immediate or in the past. If this essence is given immediately in situations of shock and trauma it will help to take away the numbing effect and assist recovery. This should obviously not replace medical assistance, but could enhance it. This remedy can be very beneficial for those who retain shock or trauma at some level from past situations and events. Situations such as bereavement, accident, sudden loss of job, divorce, bad news etc are all situations that might call for the help of Star of Bethlehem. Bach Group – Despair and Despondency. SWEET CHESTNUT Castanea Sativa. Sweet Chestnuts gift is its ability to restore our connection to our Souls light and love. In the acute state those in need of Sweet Chestnut feel that they have reached the limits of their endurance and are at the end of the road. In this extreme state they feel an absolute and utter despair or hopelessness a state of desolation in which they feel isolated from the rest of mankind. Often described as the dark night of the soul this state can be experienced when the personality is faced with the challenge of confronting itself. The back to the wall feeling is the result of the personalitys resistance to make the inner change necessary to move to the next level of consciousness, so this uncomfortable state can sometimes precede a big movement forward. Sweet Chestnut brings back the light and joy to life, dissolving the darkness. Vervain helps those who need to restore balance to the unconscious belief that it is their responsibility to take care of everything around them. Those in need of Vervain have very high principles and ideals that they seek to convert others to, by the sheer force of their will and enthusiasm. They are perfectionists who tend to overwork, driving themselves way past what is reasonable, often becoming wound up & highly strung as a result. In the acute state they can be fanatical, over zealous and incensed by injustice. Vervain restores balance to these states allowing the personality to take a more realistic perspective in its attitude to responsibility and to recognise the need for others to have the freedom to follow their own path in life. Vine helps to restore the principle of balanced leadership through the right use of power and will. Those in need of Vine have a tendency to be over bearing, dominating, certain that they are right and need to take control in every situation. They can find it very hard to hear anothers point of view and will intimidate others weaker than themselves, often without realising what they are doing. Extreme examples of this personality type are the ruthless tyrant or bully. Vine helps to open the heart and to remind the personality that positive leadership is the result of a partnership between the heart and the mind. Walnut promotes adaptability, emotional flexibility and protection during times of change. We all face the challenge of change many times in our lives and Walnut helps us to be open, flexible and adaptable at such times. This might be changes that occur as we move through the various stages of life, or life style changes such as bereavement, divorce, new house or job. In such situations Walnut acts as a link breaker helping us to release the old and decisively embrace the new. It can also provide a cloak of protection for those over sensitive to their environment or to the influence of others. WATER VIOLET Hottonia Palustris. Water Violet helps to restore the soul qualities of humility and wisdom. Those in need of Water Violet often have much valuable wisdom and insight to share but due to their gentle, sensitive natures find it hard to communicate this to others. They have a tendency to withdraw into their own space and can sometimes appear to be aloof and unapproachable or perhaps slightly superior or proud, all aspects of personality that contribute to their sense of isolation from others. Water Violet helps them to remember the oneness of all things and to dissolve the barriers around the heart chakra that this state creates, promoting the ability to socialise easily and to share their integrity, wisdom and knowledge. WHITE CHESTNUT Aesculus Hippocastanum. White Chestnut brings the gift of a calm, peaceful mind uncluttered by unnecessary thoughts. Those in need of White Chestnut suffer from a constantly busy mind in which there is no reprieve from revolving thoughts that circulate round and round like a hamster on a wheel. They often experience recurring internal mental arguments and conversations, all states that effectively cut them off from the present moment and can sometimes make it difficult to sleep. White Chestnut brings tranquillity and clarity of thought. WILD OAT Bromus Asper. Wild Oat promotes an inner certainty about the vocational direction of ones life. Those in need of Wild Oat have not yet connected with the inner direction of their Soul that would give them clarity on the direction of their chosen life path. They are often strongly ambitious people with many talents and gifts but as they lack a strong inner sense of how to use them tend to end up flitting from one thing to another. A state of uncertainty that means they are endlessly searching in the outer world for the right direction when the answer is actually within themselves. Wild Oat helps to strengthen their inner connection and promote clarity of direction. WILD ROSE Rosa Canina. Wild Rose helps to restore the qualities of enthusiasm and joy in the process of life. Those in need of Wild Rose experience a state of apathetic resignation, which can bring with it feelings of boredom or tiredness. In an acute state they appear to have given up, completely lacking the motivation and enthusiasm necessary to function normally in life. Some people experience this during a long-term illness, having been told to resign themselves to the fact they may never be fully well again. Wild Rose helps to bring back the enthusiasm to find joy in life whatever the circumstances. Willow restores the qualities of self-responsibility and forgiveness. Those in need of Willow have a tendency to feel a victim of circumstance and to blame others for their life situation. They may become easily bitter or resentful, bear grudges or feel that lifes not fair when things do not go their way. Willow helps to dissolve these difficult personality traits and to promote the recognition of the need for selfresponsibility, forgiveness of self and others and to restore optimism in their ability to create the life they want. Revival Remedy is a combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose & Star of Bethlehem. This combination of essences was originally formulated by Dr Bach himself for use in situations requiring emergency rescue. It acts as a very swift emotional stabiliser in situations of great fear, panic, trauma, or severe stress such as serious accidents or unexpected bereavement. It is also very useful in situations of lesser trauma such as exams, driving tests, visits to the dentist, etc. Take 4 drops in a drink and sip, replenishing as needed. In emergency situations take 4 drops on the tongue directly from the stock bottle, repeat until stabilised and calm. In cases of fainting, rub the drops on lips, temple, inner wrists and other pulse spots, repeating until consciousness is regained. Also available in a spray. Revival Remedy in no way replaces medical attention, which should always be summoned in emergency; rather it releases and dissolves the effects of shock, fear or trauma, thus enabling the bodys own self healing process to take effect quicker. HOW TO USE THE REMEDIES. The essences are easy to use simply select the essences most appropriate to the way you feel and on a daily basis put 2 drops of each into a glass of water and sip slowly. Review your condition after 6-8 weeks, looking to see which states remain and if any new states have appeared. Alternatively you may wish to create a dosage bottle which can represent a more economical use of the essences.. Put 2 drops of each of your chosen essences into a clean glass dropper bottle containing up to 30ml of mineral water and add a teaspoon of brandy or cider vinegar as a preservative. On a daily basis you then put 2 drops from your dosage bottle into a glass of water and sip slowly repeating daily for 6-8 week before review. The item “Complete set of 25ml Bach Flower Remedies in a Wooden Box” is in sale since Sunday, January 29, 2012. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Other Natural Remedies”. The seller is “gaea_crystals” and is located in Somerset. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Crystal Herbs
  • MPN: Does Not Apply
  • Expiration Date: 8 years from purchase
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United Kingdom

Complete set of 25ml Bach Flower Remedies in a Card Box

Complete set of 25ml Bach Flower Remedies in a Card Box

Brand New Boxed Set of 25 ml Bach Flower Remedies. Prepared according to the original instructions of Dr Bach by Crystal Herbs, a leading UK producer of Bach Flower Remedies. A complete set of 38 25ml Bach Flower Remedies plus 2 25ml bottles of Revival Remedy (a special combination of 5 remedies) supplied in a card presentation box. These Remedies are supplied in sealed bottles and have an 8-year life. Dr Bach was a medical doctor working in England during the early 1900s. The focus of his lifes work was his great desire to find a simple and effective form of treatment that would be available for all to understand and use. Through his work he recognised that to bring about real healing it was necessary to treat the cause of illness rather than the symptoms. He believed that the true cause of illness and disease lies in the personality in the mental and emotional patterns through which we view ourselves and the world around us. To treat these personality patterns he developed 38 remedies, known as the Bach Flower Remedies that are now used by many people around the world. Each remedy is a correcting vibration for a state of mind or emotion that needs to be balanced. Since the body is a direct reflection of the mind, transforming negative vibrations into positive vibrations allows the body to respond naturally, thus restoring better health. These remedies can be taken by anyone without fear of side effects, overdosing or addiction. They can be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment however they are not intended to replace medical care. Agrimony restores the ability to express ones true feelings and emotions no matter what these might be. Those in need of Agrimony have much inner anxiety and turmoil that they cover up with a smile and a laugh when in the company of others. They are so successful at this that they appear to be the life & soul of the party without a care in the world. Their sensitivity and dislike of discord leads them to try to keep the peace at any cost. However, when the pressure of these bottled up emotions becomes too great they may explode in anger and often use alcohol or drugs as a way of cutting themselves off from their unexpressed inner worries. Other indications for this remedy are restlessness and a need for constant outer stimulation. Agrimony promotes ease of expression, leading to feelings of real inner harmony and peace. Bach Group – Oversensitivity. Aspen helps those who experience apprehension for which there appears to be no logical reason. This can take the form of vague but potent apprehension of some unknown future event or an uneasy spooked out feeling in the dark or in strange places. The creepy, shivery feeling that is sometimes described as someone just walked over my grave expresses the Aspen fear of the spirit / psychic realms very well. Shaking, trembling, or vague fluttering feelings in the tummy together with coldness, paleness & nightmares are all indications of the need for Aspen. Bach Group – Fear. Beech helps those who need to establish a more loving, lenient and flexible relationship with themselves and with those around them. Criticism, judgement and intolerance are very common personality traits in todays world where they are often seen as acceptable ways of instilling discipline in children as they grow up. However when these traits are not balanced with enough love the result is an individual who is constantly critical, intolerant and judgemental of themselves and others. Being easily irritated by others habits, having a very fixed outlook on life or so sensitive to criticism from others that it is difficult to benefit from lifes lessons, are all indications of the need for this remedy. Bach Group – Overcare & Concern. Centaury restores the qualities of inner strength & self-determination. Those in need of Centaury have a misplaced sense of service and believe that they must put others needs before their own. They appear to lack the will power to say no and are easily dominated and open to being taken advantage of by those with stronger personalities. As a consequence they often wear themselves out in service to others and do not develop their own individuality or creativity. Those in the negative Centaury state are often seen as being a doormat for others. Cerato restores the qualities of inner certainty and wisdom. Those in need of Cerato have difficulty trusting in their own intuition or inner voice. They appear to have an air of uncertainty around them and tend to seek the opinions of others when faced with decisions in their lives, rather than trust their own judgement. Even when they have consulted with friends & colleagues they will still have great difficulty making a firm choice of direction causing themselves much confusion. The statement I dont know can often be heard from the lips of those in the negative Cerato state. Cerato helps to create a bridge between the personality and the Soul restoring the ability to know and trust ones own innate inner wisdom. Bach Group – Uncertainty. CHERRY PLUM – Prunus Cerasifera. Cherry Plum restores the qualities of balance, calmness and positive control of the mind. The negative Cherry Plum state can be a very extreme and uncomfortable one in which the personality experiences powerful and irrational fears. Those in need of this remedy often feel that they are loosing control of their mind, going insane, or perhaps having a breakdown. They can be snappy, on edge, want to scream or fear that they could be uncharacteristically violent, either to themselves or others. In a very extreme state they may have wide staring eyes and be unable to stop themselves from saying or doing things that are completely out of their normal character. Many women experience variations of these irrational feelings related to their monthly cycle. In all these situations Cherry Plum brings calmness, rationality and peace. CHESTNUT BUD Aesculus Hippocastanum. Chestnut Bud helps those who need to focus more fully on their current life experiences in order to move forward. Those in need of Chestnut Bud appear to repeat the same old life situations over & over again, seemingly unable to assimilate the lesson in the experience that would allow them to move on. An example might be someone who finds themselves in a cycle of destructive relationships but cannot seem to make the inner changes that would allow them to disentangle themselves. Chestnut Bud is a generally helpful remedy for anyone who finds it difficult to take in information in any form. Bach Group – Lack of Interest. Chicory helps to restore the principles of unattached and selfless love. Those in need of Chicory tend to be possessive of those they care about, wanting to keep them nearby to cling onto and to love. They can appear to be emotionally needy, manipulative, excessively interfering or easily fall into self-pity and resentment if their efforts at helping others are not appreciated. Behind the negative chicory state lays an inner emptiness and feeling of being unwanted or unloved that unconsciously drives the personality to use these rather selfish and manipulative ways to get its needs met. Chicory helps to dissolve these personality traits and to promote the more balanced energy of the universal mother who gives her love unconditionally, knowing that love is everlastingly abundant. CLEMATIS – Clematis Vitalba. Clematis helps those who all too easily drift off into daydreams and fantasies about the future feeling that life will be better there, than it currently is. People in need of this remedy seem to be generally inattentive or sleepy and might complain of forgetfulness or a lack of concentration. They often have cold feet and hands, and often need lots of sleep. Their lack of desire to be fully present means that they have their head in the clouds most of the time and are generally ungrounded which makes them prone to appearing clumsy or accident-prone. Psychics and those working a lot in their imagination like artists and writers often need the reality check that this remedy brings. Bach Group Lack of Intetrest. CRAB APPLE Malus Sylvestris. Crab Apple aids purification at all levels. Those in need of Crab Apple have temporarily lost sight of their own innate purity and carry underlying feelings of uncleanness, dirtiness or lack of purity, which in extreme states can manifest as obsessions related to housework or bodily cleanliness. They can be fussy, easily upset and have a tendency to make mountains out of molehills when in the negative state. Other indications for this remedy are skin eruptions or compulsive, obsessional behaviour of any sort. Crab Apple can usefully be applied to the skin as a lotion in a little water or added to a bath (10-12 drops), in addition to being ingested. Bach Group Despair and Despondency. Elm helps those normally very capable people, perhaps with responsible jobs, large families or dependants to care for who suddenly find themselves feeling overburdened, overwhelmed and uncharacteristically unable to cope with their responsibilities. The last straw that broke the camels back sums up the negative state of this remedy very well. Taken short term Elm will very quickly help to restore the strength of mind and ability to cope. Taken more long term it will help the Elm personality to determine which responsibilities are truly their own and to balance these with the need for personal nurturing. Bach Group – Despair & Despondency. Gentian is the remedy for those who need help to restore the soul qualities of trust and faith at a personality level. Those who need this remedy are uncertain about their relationship with their Creator and find it difficult to see themselves as part of a greater whole in which all is ordered according to a higher plan. They are easily discouraged by even small setbacks in life and can appear pessimistic and cynical because they find it very difficult to see a positive resolution to any problem. The phrase doubting Thomas sums up the negative Gentian state very well. Gorse is the remedy for those who suffer great uncertainty in the process of life, causing them to experience feelings of hopelessness and despair. This is a state sometimes found in those with a long-term illness who have lost all hope of recovery or in those whose experiences have caused them to view life as a lost cause. When this state is very deep rooted a person may have dark rings under the eyes or be prone to sigh a lot. Taken over a period of time Gorse will help to dispel these dark feelings and promote new hope and vision for the future. Heather is the remedy for those whose inner sense of isolation and loneliness manifests as a compulsive need to talk about themselves to anyone and everyone – even a complete stranger. When in an acute state, those in need of this remedy appear to have their thoughts entirely focussed on themselves and can cause unsuspecting listeners to feel as though they are unable to escape by the very force of their conversation. They make very poor listeners and sadly can drive people away by the very strength of their own neediness. Heather will help to relieve this state so that they are more in touch with the need to give as well as receive. Bach Group – Loneliness. Dr Bach says of Holly that it; opens the heart and unites us with Divine Love. Unconditional, Divine Love is the highest form of love and one that is present within the heart chakra of every human being. However when this love is not recognised and nurtured the heart chakra gradually closes down and defence patterns of the personality such as anger, revenge, jealousy & hatred take root. Those in this state can also appear to be suspicious, distrustful or supersensitive to real or imagined slights. The powerful energy of the Holly remedy floods the heart chakra with the vibrations of Divine, unconditional love helping to transmute and transform these negative states. Honeysuckle helps those who are unable to let go of the past in some way. Those in need of this remedy are often locked into past happier times which they feel can never return, leaving them with feelings of nostalgia, sadness or regret. This is an excellent remedy for anyone experiencing difficulty with homesickness, bereavement, divorce, or unaccepted change of all kinds. Honeysuckle helps to dissolve these difficult feelings bringing greater acceptance of the past and hope for the future. Honeysuckle, Star of Bethlehem and Walnut used in combination are a particularly valuable support for anyone coming to terms with loss of any kind. Hornbeam helps those who feel that they lack the mental strength to carry out the everyday tasks of their lives. Those in need of this remedy often experience a state of procrastination brought on by a kind of mental weariness or staleness. They feel tired even after a good nights sleep and find it very difficult to get going in the morning, maybe needing several cups of coffee in order to be ready to face the day. However once they eventually do get going they usually discover that they are perfectly capable of completing their days work. IMPATIENS – Impatiens Royalei. Impatiens helps those who are driven by an inner sense of urgency, a feeling that they need to get things done yesterday. Those in need of Impatiens can become very impatient and irritable with others who are naturally slower than they are, a state that often creates inner discomfort and tightness. They usually prefer to do things by themselves because it is; quicker to do it myself. The Impatiens personality does not wait for long for anything, even to the point of finishing others sentences and can easily flare up in anger if pushed, although this will normally be quickly over and forgotten. They are very independent minded and can become isolated and unable to connect with others in the extreme state. Larch helps to restore confidence in ones own abilities. Those in need of Larch have such an in built unconscious certainty of failure that they never attempt new things in life and so never discover their true potential. They automatically feel inferior to others and will stand back, allowing those that they feel are better able than themselves to take up lifes opportunities. Larch helps to remind those with these traits that deep down they do have the ability and restores their confidence to live life to the full. Bach Group – Despondency & Despair. Mimulus helps those who feel they need greater courage to face up to the everyday events of life. Those in need of Mimulus suffer unnecessary fear and worry about everyday situations, such as visiting the dentist, flying, swimming, spiders or perhaps taking their driving test. They can appear nervous, shy or timid and may hesitate or blush easily when in situations where they feel vulnerable. Sensitivity to crowds, loud noises, or bright lights are other examples of states for which Mimulus would be beneficial. As Mimulus dissolves their fears and worries those with this personality trait find themselves able to create a more positive mental approach to life. Mustard helps those who from time to time experience a black cloud of gloom that comes and goes for no reason that is obvious. Those in this state feel despairing and unable to cover over how they feel. They withdraw into themselves, feeling separate and isolated from the rest of the world. Mustard helps to dispel the blackness, bringing back light and joy. Oak helps those who need help to restore the qualities of strength and endurance. Those in need of Oak tend to struggle on enduring all things long after others would have given up. They possess great strength and courage and like the mighty Oak tree itself often provide shelter and nourishment for others. However this is often done at great cost to themselves and can lead to the despairing feeling of being suddenly and completely lacking in the strength to carry on. Often a great weariness comes over them. Taken short term Oak will help to restore strength and fortitude so that they can carry on. Taken more long term it will help the Oak personality to find new balance so that they learn to conserve some energy and reserves for themselves. Olive helps those who feel that their reserves of energy are completely depleted and that they have nothing left to carry on with. This could be at any level. In the acute state those in need of Olive often complain of being too tired to do another thing or feeling completely washed out. This is usually the result of situations where a great deal of energy has been used up – over working, a hard spell of digging in the garden or exhaustion related to a long term illness are all situations that can be helped with Olive. Pine helps to restore a positive sense of inner self-value or self worth. Those in need of Pine suffer from feelings of guilt, shame, self-blame or self reproach and will often take responsibility for, or even apologize for, something that has nothing to do with them at all. They are never truly satisfied with themselves and tend to feel that others are better than they are. It is difficult for those in this state to find any real sense of achievement or joy in life. RED CHESTNUT Aesculus Carnea. Red Chestnut helps those who are fearful for the safety of others. Those in need of Red Chestnut worry for the safety of others, particularly those close to them. When things do not happen as anticipated they will immediately fear the worst, imagining that some harm has befallen their loved ones; they must have had an accident. A mother who is afraid for her children when they are even a little late home is a good example of this kind of fear, a fear that will immediately vanish when the family members return unharmed. Red Chestnut helps to restore optimism and trust in the Divine Plan bringing the recognition that everyone has their own path and is divinely looked after no matter what happens to them. ROCK ROSE – Helianthemum Nummularium. Rock Rose is helpful in any situation where there is the need to transmute the vibrations of extreme fear or terror. In an acute state those in need of Rock Rose may become rigid, shaking or petrified by acute fear. They can paralysed by fear or experience the kind of blind fear that creates the urge to run away to anywhere but where they currently are. The tendency to panic in emergencies or to have terrifying nightmares also indicates a need for Rock Rose. ROCK WATER Aqua Petra. Rock Water helps to restore the ability to be open minded and flexible in ones beliefs. Those in need of Rock Water set themselves very high standards and impose very strict disciplines upon themselves in an effort to adhere to their high minded, idealistic principles. They hope to set an example for others to follow by forcing themselves to be saints or martyrs. As a result they live a very rigid lifestyle, often denying themselves even the smallest luxury. This self-punishing attitude creates deeply suppressed physical & emotional needs. The phrase a sack cloth & ashes type sums up the acute state of this remedy very well. Rock Water helps to dissolve these personality traits bringing the understanding that it is loving acceptance of all aspects of self and freedom from dogma that allows us to make real and lasting inner change. Scleranthus helps to restore the qualities of balance and decisiveness in the personality. Those in need of Scleranthus can be gripped by crippling indecision when faced with a choice between two things. In this situation they will usually weigh things up and um & ah for a long time. Emotionally they can swing from one extreme to another very easily and may become quickly tearful. Mentally they can have a tendency to respond to outside stimulus rather like a grasshopper, making it hard for them to concentrate in the negative state. Scleranthus helps to restore ones inner point of balance creating a greater connection with the Soul and ones own inner direction. STAR OF BETHLEHEM – Ornithogalum Umbellatum. Star of Bethlehem is helpful in any situation where shock or trauma of any kind has been experienced, whether immediate or in the past. If this essence is given immediately in situations of shock and trauma it will help to take away the numbing effect and assist recovery. This should obviously not replace medical assistance, but could enhance it. This remedy can be very beneficial for those who retain shock or trauma at some level from past situations and events. Situations such as bereavement, accident, sudden loss of job, divorce, bad news etc are all situations that might call for the help of Star of Bethlehem. Bach Group – Despair and Despondency. SWEET CHESTNUT Castanea Sativa. Sweet Chestnuts gift is its ability to restore our connection to our Souls light and love. In the acute state those in need of Sweet Chestnut feel that they have reached the limits of their endurance and are at the end of the road. In this extreme state they feel an absolute and utter despair or hopelessness a state of desolation in which they feel isolated from the rest of mankind. Often described as the dark night of the soul this state can be experienced when the personality is faced with the challenge of confronting itself. The back to the wall feeling is the result of the personalitys resistance to make the inner change necessary to move to the next level of consciousness, so this uncomfortable state can sometimes precede a big movement forward. Sweet Chestnut brings back the light and joy to life, dissolving the darkness. Vervain helps those who need to restore balance to the unconscious belief that it is their responsibility to take care of everything around them. Those in need of Vervain have very high principles and ideals that they seek to convert others to, by the sheer force of their will and enthusiasm. They are perfectionists who tend to overwork, driving themselves way past what is reasonable, often becoming wound up & highly strung as a result. In the acute state they can be fanatical, over zealous and incensed by injustice. Vervain restores balance to these states allowing the personality to take a more realistic perspective in its attitude to responsibility and to recognise the need for others to have the freedom to follow their own path in life. Vine helps to restore the principle of balanced leadership through the right use of power and will. Those in need of Vine have a tendency to be over bearing, dominating, certain that they are right and need to take control in every situation. They can find it very hard to hear anothers point of view and will intimidate others weaker than themselves, often without realising what they are doing. Extreme examples of this personality type are the ruthless tyrant or bully. Vine helps to open the heart and to remind the personality that positive leadership is the result of a partnership between the heart and the mind. Walnut promotes adaptability, emotional flexibility and protection during times of change. We all face the challenge of change many times in our lives and Walnut helps us to be open, flexible and adaptable at such times. This might be changes that occur as we move through the various stages of life, or life style changes such as bereavement, divorce, new house or job. In such situations Walnut acts as a link breaker helping us to release the old and decisively embrace the new. It can also provide a cloak of protection for those over sensitive to their environment or to the influence of others. WATER VIOLET Hottonia Palustris. Water Violet helps to restore the soul qualities of humility and wisdom. Those in need of Water Violet often have much valuable wisdom and insight to share but due to their gentle, sensitive natures find it hard to communicate this to others. They have a tendency to withdraw into their own space and can sometimes appear to be aloof and unapproachable or perhaps slightly superior or proud, all aspects of personality that contribute to their sense of isolation from others. Water Violet helps them to remember the oneness of all things and to dissolve the barriers around the heart chakra that this state creates, promoting the ability to socialise easily and to share their integrity, wisdom and knowledge. WHITE CHESTNUT Aesculus Hippocastanum. White Chestnut brings the gift of a calm, peaceful mind uncluttered by unnecessary thoughts. Those in need of White Chestnut suffer from a constantly busy mind in which there is no reprieve from revolving thoughts that circulate round and round like a hamster on a wheel. They often experience recurring internal mental arguments and conversations, all states that effectively cut them off from the present moment and can sometimes make it difficult to sleep. White Chestnut brings tranquillity and clarity of thought. WILD OAT Bromus Asper. Wild Oat promotes an inner certainty about the vocational direction of ones life. Those in need of Wild Oat have not yet connected with the inner direction of their Soul that would give them clarity on the direction of their chosen life path. They are often strongly ambitious people with many talents and gifts but as they lack a strong inner sense of how to use them tend to end up flitting from one thing to another. A state of uncertainty that means they are endlessly searching in the outer world for the right direction when the answer is actually within themselves. Wild Oat helps to strengthen their inner connection and promote clarity of direction. WILD ROSE Rosa Canina. Wild Rose helps to restore the qualities of enthusiasm and joy in the process of life. Those in need of Wild Rose experience a state of apathetic resignation, which can bring with it feelings of boredom or tiredness. In an acute state they appear to have given up, completely lacking the motivation and enthusiasm necessary to function normally in life. Some people experience this during a long-term illness, having been told to resign themselves to the fact they may never be fully well again. Wild Rose helps to bring back the enthusiasm to find joy in life whatever the circumstances. Willow restores the qualities of self-responsibility and forgiveness. Those in need of Willow have a tendency to feel a victim of circumstance and to blame others for their life situation. They may become easily bitter or resentful, bear grudges or feel that lifes not fair when things do not go their way. Willow helps to dissolve these difficult personality traits and to promote the recognition of the need for selfresponsibility, forgiveness of self and others and to restore optimism in their ability to create the life they want. Revival Remedy is a combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose & Star of Bethlehem. This combination of essences was originally formulated by Dr Bach himself for use in situations requiring emergency rescue. It acts as a very swift emotional stabiliser in situations of great fear, panic, trauma, or severe stress such as serious accidents or unexpected bereavement. It is also very useful in situations of lesser trauma such as exams, driving tests, visits to the dentist, etc. Take 4 drops in a drink and sip, replenishing as needed. In emergency situations take 4 drops on the tongue directly from the stock bottle, repeat until stabilised and calm. In cases of fainting, rub the drops on lips, temple, inner wrists and other pulse spots, repeating until consciousness is regained. Also available in a spray. Revival Remedy in no way replaces medical attention, which should always be summoned in emergency; rather it releases and dissolves the effects of shock, fear or trauma, thus enabling the bodys own self healing process to take effect quicker. HOW TO USE THE REMEDIES. The essences are easy to use simply select the essences most appropriate to the way you feel and on a daily basis put 2 drops of each into a glass of water and sip slowly. Review your condition after 6-8 weeks, looking to see which states remain and if any new states have appeared. Alternatively you may wish to create a dosage bottle which can represent a more economical use of the essences.. Put 2 drops of each of your chosen essences into a clean glass dropper bottle containing up to 30ml of mineral water and add a teaspoon of brandy or cider vinegar as a preservative. On a daily basis you then put 2 drops from your dosage bottle into a glass of water and sip slowly repeating daily for 6-8 week before review. The item “Complete set of 25ml Bach Flower Remedies in a Card Box” is in sale since Sunday, January 29, 2012. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Other Natural Remedies”. The seller is “gaea_crystals” and is located in Somerset. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Crystal Herbs
  • Treatment: Women’s Health
  • Suitable For: Vegetarians
  • Expiration Date: 8 Years
  • MPN: Does Not Apply

Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit Wooden Case. Practitioner Gift Set Remedy Box

Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit Wooden Case. Practitioner Gift Set Remedy Box

Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit Wooden Case. Practitioner Gift Set Remedy Box

Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit Wooden Case. Practitioner Gift Set Remedy Box

Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit Wooden Case. Practitioner Gift Set Remedy Box

Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit Wooden Case. Practitioner Gift Set Remedy Box

Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit Wooden Case. Practitioner Gift Set Remedy Box

Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit Wooden Case. Practitioner Gift Set Remedy Box

Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit Wooden Case. Practitioner Gift Set Remedy Box

Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit Wooden Case. Practitioner Gift Set Remedy Box

Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit Wooden Case. Practitioner Gift Set Remedy Box

Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit Wooden Case. Practitioner Gift Set Remedy Box

Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit Wooden Case. Practitioner Gift Set Remedy Box

Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit in wooden box. Complete kit contains 40 stock Bach Flower Essences, a pack of 38 divination cards, 2 large dosage bottles, 38 beautiful posters – all contained in a superb wooden case. Quality Essences made the traditional way. From the Mother Essence. This stunning, premium-quality and exclusive kit contains everything a beginner, student or a professional Practitioner requires. The perfect gift for lovers of Genuine Bach Flower Essences. The Complete Set of 40 x 10ml Bach Flower Essences in a bespoke Remedy box, plus.. A Pack of 40 Bach Bach Flower Divination Cards, plus.. 2 large Practitioner bottles (30ml), plus.. A superb engraved, hand-made & lightweight wooden box, plus.. A set of 38 beautiful A4 posters in a free display book.. Plus more – enjoy browsing every detail in our 12 high-resolution product pictures! Product weight (including with the 38 posters): approx. Box size: 34 x 26 x 8.5cm. The Bach Flower Essences have been used around the world for over 80 years to gently help with transient emotional problems, naturally. We, at Creature Comforters®, passionately believe that Flower Essences should be made in the traditional way. Therefore, during the entire manufacturing process: flower collection,’infusion’ and bottling, all our products are hand-prepared with care, attention and sensitivity. We are also distinct in that we blend all our essences to a traditional stock concentration, direct from the Mother Essence – precisely as stipulated by Dr Bach (the man who discovered the Flower Essences in the 1930′s). This method is reported to give each remedy an extra potency. We remain resolutely faithful to Dr Edward Bach’s original instructions – using the natural, time-honoured’Solar’ method of infusion where applicable. Furthermore, our Bach Flower Remedies and Flower Essences are not homeopathic. The methods and manufacture of Homeopathic medicine and Flower Essences are entirely different to each other. Dr Bach (the man who discovered Bach Flower Remedies) did not make his traditional Flower Essences homoeopathically. His was a completely. Creature Comforters® is a relatively small, family run Flower Essence company, and our main focus is Flower Essences therefore, perhaps because of these two things, we are able to devote the time and effort needed to make each Essence in the traditional way – by hand, using the’Solar’ method, and to the correct concentration. We take no short cuts in the making of our Essences! Premium quality – made with love, care and dedication. Makes the perfect gift for lovers of Genuine Bach Flower Essences. Bach Flower Remedy Set is Outstanding. It is more than what I expected. Great quality and nice packaging. This to my Healing River Alliance Association. Thank you so much for the Bach Flower remedy set. The box, cards etc.. Oh my where to start.. Thankyou so so much for posting the Bach flowers blends to me in Australia. Arrived safe & sound. What a joy it was to open the smell was just divine & your packaging so inviting. Congratulations & well done the full kit is just amazing. I’m just so Extremely Impressed with the Bach Flower full set. Presented in the wooden box & when you open it the smell is just devine. Everything you need to get started & full explaination of what each blend is for its. So easy to use. I just love the Divination cards for a more indepth clarification of. What essence is needed. M Gasiner, NSW Australia. Received today beautiful gift set of bach flower remedies in good condition. The English Flower Essence Company. Suppliers of authentic Bach Flower Essences worldwide for over 35 years. Flower Essence literature suggests that these products can be taken along-side other treatments and have no known side-effects. Bach Flower Remedies contain brandy which is used purely as a natural preservative. As with all Remedies and medicines: keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. Flower Remedies are a complementary therapy, they are not a substitute for medical or veterinary care from a qualified professional. Each bottle has a +7 year shelf-life. The Key Words are a guide to the symptoms and emotions that may be eased by taking the product; they are not a guarantee of a cure for those exact symptoms. The Bach Flower Remedies were discovered in the 1930s by Dr Edward Bach and have been used worldwide for over 75 years as an established and respected complementary therapy for people and animals. All information on this listing is provided for information purposes only and not as a substitute to your existing communication with your healthcare provider. We recommend that you do not solely rely on the information presented on this listing, consult your healthcare professional. Flower Essence and Flower Remedy products on this listing are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please always read the product information contained on the label before taking any medicine, remedy or other supplement. You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions for using this product. VAT INCLUSIVE Therefore No Vat Added. The item “Bach Flower Essence Complete Kit Wooden Case. Practitioner Gift Set Remedy Box” is in sale since Tuesday, October 03, 2017. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Other Natural Remedies”. The seller is “creature_comforters” and is located in Cromer, Norfolk. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Creature Comforters
  • Type: Homeopathic & Herbal Remedies
  • MPN: Bach Flower Complete Kit
  • Sub-Type: Flower Remedies, Flower Essence Remedy
  • Scent: N/A
  • Metal: Non metal
  • Unit Quantity: 40
  • Unit Type: 10ml
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United Kingdom
  • Traditionally Made:: Made using Bach’s traditional & trusted methods
  • Formulation: Liquid drops
  • Purpose: Stress relief

Complete set of 10ml Bach Flower Remedies in a Card Box

Complete set of 10ml Bach Flower Remedies in a Card Box

Brand New Boxed Set of 10 ml Bach Flower Remedies. Prepared according to the original instructions of Dr Bach by Crystal Herbs, a leading UK producer of Bach Flower Remedies. A complete set of 38 10ml Bach Flower Remedies plus 2 10ml bottles of Revival Remedy (a special combination of 5 remedies) supplied in a card presentation box. These Remedies are supplied in sealed bottles and have an 8-year life. Dr Bach was a medical doctor working in England during the early 1900s. The focus of his lifes work was his great desire to find a simple and effective form of treatment that would be available for all to understand and use. Through his work he recognised that to bring about real healing it was necessary to treat the cause of illness rather than the symptoms. He believed that the true cause of illness and disease lies in the personality in the mental and emotional patterns through which we view ourselves and the world around us. To treat these personality patterns he developed 38 remedies, known as the Bach Flower Remedies that are now used by many people around the world. Each remedy is a correcting vibration for a state of mind or emotion that needs to be balanced. Since the body is a direct reflection of the mind, transforming negative vibrations into positive vibrations allows the body to respond naturally, thus restoring better health. These remedies can be taken by anyone without fear of side effects, overdosing or addiction. They can be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment however they are not intended to replace medical care. Agrimony restores the ability to express ones true feelings and emotions no matter what these might be. Those in need of Agrimony have much inner anxiety and turmoil that they cover up with a smile and a laugh when in the company of others. They are so successful at this that they appear to be the life & soul of the party without a care in the world. Their sensitivity and dislike of discord leads them to try to keep the peace at any cost. However, when the pressure of these bottled up emotions becomes too great they may explode in anger and often use alcohol or drugs as a way of cutting themselves off from their unexpressed inner worries. Other indications for this remedy are restlessness and a need for constant outer stimulation. Agrimony promotes ease of expression, leading to feelings of real inner harmony and peace. Bach Group – Oversensitivity. Aspen helps those who experience apprehension for which there appears to be no logical reason. This can take the form of vague but potent apprehension of some unknown future event or an uneasy spooked out feeling in the dark or in strange places. The creepy, shivery feeling that is sometimes described as someone just walked over my grave expresses the Aspen fear of the spirit / psychic realms very well. Shaking, trembling, or vague fluttering feelings in the tummy together with coldness, paleness & nightmares are all indications of the need for Aspen. Bach Group – Fear. Beech helps those who need to establish a more loving, lenient and flexible relationship with themselves and with those around them. Criticism, judgement and intolerance are very common personality traits in todays world where they are often seen as acceptable ways of instilling discipline in children as they grow up. However when these traits are not balanced with enough love the result is an individual who is constantly critical, intolerant and judgemental of themselves and others. Being easily irritated by others habits, having a very fixed outlook on life or so sensitive to criticism from others that it is difficult to benefit from lifes lessons, are all indications of the need for this remedy. Bach Group – Overcare & Concern. Centaury restores the qualities of inner strength & self-determination. Those in need of Centaury have a misplaced sense of service and believe that they must put others needs before their own. They appear to lack the will power to say no and are easily dominated and open to being taken advantage of by those with stronger personalities. As a consequence they often wear themselves out in service to others and do not develop their own individuality or creativity. Those in the negative Centaury state are often seen as being a doormat for others. Cerato restores the qualities of inner certainty and wisdom. Those in need of Cerato have difficulty trusting in their own intuition or inner voice. They appear to have an air of uncertainty around them and tend to seek the opinions of others when faced with decisions in their lives, rather than trust their own judgement. Even when they have consulted with friends & colleagues they will still have great difficulty making a firm choice of direction causing themselves much confusion. The statement I dont know can often be heard from the lips of those in the negative Cerato state. Cerato helps to create a bridge between the personality and the Soul restoring the ability to know and trust ones own innate inner wisdom. Bach Group – Uncertainty. CHERRY PLUM – Prunus Cerasifera. Cherry Plum restores the qualities of balance, calmness and positive control of the mind. The negative Cherry Plum state can be a very extreme and uncomfortable one in which the personality experiences powerful and irrational fears. Those in need of this remedy often feel that they are loosing control of their mind, going insane, or perhaps having a breakdown. They can be snappy, on edge, want to scream or fear that they could be uncharacteristically violent, either to themselves or others. In a very extreme state they may have wide staring eyes and be unable to stop themselves from saying or doing things that are completely out of their normal character. Many women experience variations of these irrational feelings related to their monthly cycle. In all these situations Cherry Plum brings calmness, rationality and peace. CHESTNUT BUD Aesculus Hippocastanum. Chestnut Bud helps those who need to focus more fully on their current life experiences in order to move forward. Those in need of Chestnut Bud appear to repeat the same old life situations over & over again, seemingly unable to assimilate the lesson in the experience that would allow them to move on. An example might be someone who finds themselves in a cycle of destructive relationships but cannot seem to make the inner changes that would allow them to disentangle themselves. Chestnut Bud is a generally helpful remedy for anyone who finds it difficult to take in information in any form. Bach Group – Lack of Interest. Chicory helps to restore the principles of unattached and selfless love. Those in need of Chicory tend to be possessive of those they care about, wanting to keep them nearby to cling onto and to love. They can appear to be emotionally needy, manipulative, excessively interfering or easily fall into self-pity and resentment if their efforts at helping others are not appreciated. Behind the negative chicory state lays an inner emptiness and feeling of being unwanted or unloved that unconsciously drives the personality to use these rather selfish and manipulative ways to get its needs met. Chicory helps to dissolve these personality traits and to promote the more balanced energy of the universal mother who gives her love unconditionally, knowing that love is everlastingly abundant. CLEMATIS – Clematis Vitalba. Clematis helps those who all too easily drift off into daydreams and fantasies about the future feeling that life will be better there, than it currently is. People in need of this remedy seem to be generally inattentive or sleepy and might complain of forgetfulness or a lack of concentration. They often have cold feet and hands, and often need lots of sleep. Their lack of desire to be fully present means that they have their head in the clouds most of the time and are generally ungrounded which makes them prone to appearing clumsy or accident-prone. Psychics and those working a lot in their imagination like artists and writers often need the reality check that this remedy brings. Bach Group Lack of Intetrest. CRAB APPLE Malus Sylvestris. Crab Apple aids purification at all levels. Those in need of Crab Apple have temporarily lost sight of their own innate purity and carry underlying feelings of uncleanness, dirtiness or lack of purity, which in extreme states can manifest as obsessions related to housework or bodily cleanliness. They can be fussy, easily upset and have a tendency to make mountains out of molehills when in the negative state. Other indications for this remedy are skin eruptions or compulsive, obsessional behaviour of any sort. Crab Apple can usefully be applied to the skin as a lotion in a little water or added to a bath (10-12 drops), in addition to being ingested. Bach Group Despair and Despondency. Elm helps those normally very capable people, perhaps with responsible jobs, large families or dependants to care for who suddenly find themselves feeling overburdened, overwhelmed and uncharacteristically unable to cope with their responsibilities. The last straw that broke the camels back sums up the negative state of this remedy very well. Taken short term Elm will very quickly help to restore the strength of mind and ability to cope. Taken more long term it will help the Elm personality to determine which responsibilities are truly their own and to balance these with the need for personal nurturing. Bach Group – Despair & Despondency. Gentian is the remedy for those who need help to restore the soul qualities of trust and faith at a personality level. Those who need this remedy are uncertain about their relationship with their Creator and find it difficult to see themselves as part of a greater whole in which all is ordered according to a higher plan. They are easily discouraged by even small setbacks in life and can appear pessimistic and cynical because they find it very difficult to see a positive resolution to any problem. The phrase doubting Thomas sums up the negative Gentian state very well. Gorse is the remedy for those who suffer great uncertainty in the process of life, causing them to experience feelings of hopelessness and despair. This is a state sometimes found in those with a long-term illness who have lost all hope of recovery or in those whose experiences have caused them to view life as a lost cause. When this state is very deep rooted a person may have dark rings under the eyes or be prone to sigh a lot. Taken over a period of time Gorse will help to dispel these dark feelings and promote new hope and vision for the future. Heather is the remedy for those whose inner sense of isolation and loneliness manifests as a compulsive need to talk about themselves to anyone and everyone – even a complete stranger. When in an acute state, those in need of this remedy appear to have their thoughts entirely focussed on themselves and can cause unsuspecting listeners to feel as though they are unable to escape by the very force of their conversation. They make very poor listeners and sadly can drive people away by the very strength of their own neediness. Heather will help to relieve this state so that they are more in touch with the need to give as well as receive. Bach Group – Loneliness. Dr Bach says of Holly that it; opens the heart and unites us with Divine Love. Unconditional, Divine Love is the highest form of love and one that is present within the heart chakra of every human being. However when this love is not recognised and nurtured the heart chakra gradually closes down and defence patterns of the personality such as anger, revenge, jealousy & hatred take root. Those in this state can also appear to be suspicious, distrustful or supersensitive to real or imagined slights. The powerful energy of the Holly remedy floods the heart chakra with the vibrations of Divine, unconditional love helping to transmute and transform these negative states. Honeysuckle helps those who are unable to let go of the past in some way. Those in need of this remedy are often locked into past happier times which they feel can never return, leaving them with feelings of nostalgia, sadness or regret. This is an excellent remedy for anyone experiencing difficulty with homesickness, bereavement, divorce, or unaccepted change of all kinds. Honeysuckle helps to dissolve these difficult feelings bringing greater acceptance of the past and hope for the future. Honeysuckle, Star of Bethlehem and Walnut used in combination are a particularly valuable support for anyone coming to terms with loss of any kind. Hornbeam helps those who feel that they lack the mental strength to carry out the everyday tasks of their lives. Those in need of this remedy often experience a state of procrastination brought on by a kind of mental weariness or staleness. They feel tired even after a good nights sleep and find it very difficult to get going in the morning, maybe needing several cups of coffee in order to be ready to face the day. However once they eventually do get going they usually discover that they are perfectly capable of completing their days work. IMPATIENS – Impatiens Royalei. Impatiens helps those who are driven by an inner sense of urgency, a feeling that they need to get things done yesterday. Those in need of Impatiens can become very impatient and irritable with others who are naturally slower than they are, a state that often creates inner discomfort and tightness. They usually prefer to do things by themselves because it is; quicker to do it myself. The Impatiens personality does not wait for long for anything, even to the point of finishing others sentences and can easily flare up in anger if pushed, although this will normally be quickly over and forgotten. They are very independent minded and can become isolated and unable to connect with others in the extreme state. Larch helps to restore confidence in ones own abilities. Those in need of Larch have such an in built unconscious certainty of failure that they never attempt new things in life and so never discover their true potential. They automatically feel inferior to others and will stand back, allowing those that they feel are better able than themselves to take up lifes opportunities. Larch helps to remind those with these traits that deep down they do have the ability and restores their confidence to live life to the full. Bach Group – Despondency & Despair. Mimulus helps those who feel they need greater courage to face up to the everyday events of life. Those in need of Mimulus suffer unnecessary fear and worry about everyday situations, such as visiting the dentist, flying, swimming, spiders or perhaps taking their driving test. They can appear nervous, shy or timid and may hesitate or blush easily when in situations where they feel vulnerable. Sensitivity to crowds, loud noises, or bright lights are other examples of states for which Mimulus would be beneficial. As Mimulus dissolves their fears and worries those with this personality trait find themselves able to create a more positive mental approach to life. Mustard helps those who from time to time experience a black cloud of gloom that comes and goes for no reason that is obvious. Those in this state feel despairing and unable to cover over how they feel. They withdraw into themselves, feeling separate and isolated from the rest of the world. Mustard helps to dispel the blackness, bringing back light and joy. Oak helps those who need help to restore the qualities of strength and endurance. Those in need of Oak tend to struggle on enduring all things long after others would have given up. They possess great strength and courage and like the mighty Oak tree itself often provide shelter and nourishment for others. However this is often done at great cost to themselves and can lead to the despairing feeling of being suddenly and completely lacking in the strength to carry on. Often a great weariness comes over them. Taken short term Oak will help to restore strength and fortitude so that they can carry on. Taken more long term it will help the Oak personality to find new balance so that they learn to conserve some energy and reserves for themselves. Olive helps those who feel that their reserves of energy are completely depleted and that they have nothing left to carry on with. This could be at any level. In the acute state those in need of Olive often complain of being too tired to do another thing or feeling completely washed out. This is usually the result of situations where a great deal of energy has been used up – over working, a hard spell of digging in the garden or exhaustion related to a long term illness are all situations that can be helped with Olive. Pine helps to restore a positive sense of inner self-value or self worth. Those in need of Pine suffer from feelings of guilt, shame, self-blame or self reproach and will often take responsibility for, or even apologize for, something that has nothing to do with them at all. They are never truly satisfied with themselves and tend to feel that others are better than they are. It is difficult for those in this state to find any real sense of achievement or joy in life. RED CHESTNUT Aesculus Carnea. Red Chestnut helps those who are fearful for the safety of others. Those in need of Red Chestnut worry for the safety of others, particularly those close to them. When things do not happen as anticipated they will immediately fear the worst, imagining that some harm has befallen their loved ones; they must have had an accident. A mother who is afraid for her children when they are even a little late home is a good example of this kind of fear, a fear that will immediately vanish when the family members return unharmed. Red Chestnut helps to restore optimism and trust in the Divine Plan bringing the recognition that everyone has their own path and is divinely looked after no matter what happens to them. ROCK ROSE – Helianthemum Nummularium. Rock Rose is helpful in any situation where there is the need to transmute the vibrations of extreme fear or terror. In an acute state those in need of Rock Rose may become rigid, shaking or petrified by acute fear. They can paralysed by fear or experience the kind of blind fear that creates the urge to run away to anywhere but where they currently are. The tendency to panic in emergencies or to have terrifying nightmares also indicates a need for Rock Rose. ROCK WATER Aqua Petra. Rock Water helps to restore the ability to be open minded and flexible in ones beliefs. Those in need of Rock Water set themselves very high standards and impose very strict disciplines upon themselves in an effort to adhere to their high minded, idealistic principles. They hope to set an example for others to follow by forcing themselves to be saints or martyrs. As a result they live a very rigid lifestyle, often denying themselves even the smallest luxury. This self-punishing attitude creates deeply suppressed physical & emotional needs. The phrase a sack cloth & ashes type sums up the acute state of this remedy very well. Rock Water helps to dissolve these personality traits bringing the understanding that it is loving acceptance of all aspects of self and freedom from dogma that allows us to make real and lasting inner change. Scleranthus helps to restore the qualities of balance and decisiveness in the personality. Those in need of Scleranthus can be gripped by crippling indecision when faced with a choice between two things. In this situation they will usually weigh things up and um & ah for a long time. Emotionally they can swing from one extreme to another very easily and may become quickly tearful. Mentally they can have a tendency to respond to outside stimulus rather like a grasshopper, making it hard for them to concentrate in the negative state. Scleranthus helps to restore ones inner point of balance creating a greater connection with the Soul and ones own inner direction. STAR OF BETHLEHEM – Ornithogalum Umbellatum. Star of Bethlehem is helpful in any situation where shock or trauma of any kind has been experienced, whether immediate or in the past. If this essence is given immediately in situations of shock and trauma it will help to take away the numbing effect and assist recovery. This should obviously not replace medical assistance, but could enhance it. This remedy can be very beneficial for those who retain shock or trauma at some level from past situations and events. Situations such as bereavement, accident, sudden loss of job, divorce, bad news etc are all situations that might call for the help of Star of Bethlehem. Bach Group – Despair and Despondency. SWEET CHESTNUT Castanea Sativa. Sweet Chestnuts gift is its ability to restore our connection to our Souls light and love. In the acute state those in need of Sweet Chestnut feel that they have reached the limits of their endurance and are at the end of the road. In this extreme state they feel an absolute and utter despair or hopelessness a state of desolation in which they feel isolated from the rest of mankind. Often described as the dark night of the soul this state can be experienced when the personality is faced with the challenge of confronting itself. The back to the wall feeling is the result of the personalitys resistance to make the inner change necessary to move to the next level of consciousness, so this uncomfortable state can sometimes precede a big movement forward. Sweet Chestnut brings back the light and joy to life, dissolving the darkness. Vervain helps those who need to restore balance to the unconscious belief that it is their responsibility to take care of everything around them. Those in need of Vervain have very high principles and ideals that they seek to convert others to, by the sheer force of their will and enthusiasm. They are perfectionists who tend to overwork, driving themselves way past what is reasonable, often becoming wound up & highly strung as a result. In the acute state they can be fanatical, over zealous and incensed by injustice. Vervain restores balance to these states allowing the personality to take a more realistic perspective in its attitude to responsibility and to recognise the need for others to have the freedom to follow their own path in life. Vine helps to restore the principle of balanced leadership through the right use of power and will. Those in need of Vine have a tendency to be over bearing, dominating, certain that they are right and need to take control in every situation. They can find it very hard to hear anothers point of view and will intimidate others weaker than themselves, often without realising what they are doing. Extreme examples of this personality type are the ruthless tyrant or bully. Vine helps to open the heart and to remind the personality that positive leadership is the result of a partnership between the heart and the mind. Walnut promotes adaptability, emotional flexibility and protection during times of change. We all face the challenge of change many times in our lives and Walnut helps us to be open, flexible and adaptable at such times. This might be changes that occur as we move through the various stages of life, or life style changes such as bereavement, divorce, new house or job. In such situations Walnut acts as a link breaker helping us to release the old and decisively embrace the new. It can also provide a cloak of protection for those over sensitive to their environment or to the influence of others. WATER VIOLET Hottonia Palustris. Water Violet helps to restore the soul qualities of humility and wisdom. Those in need of Water Violet often have much valuable wisdom and insight to share but due to their gentle, sensitive natures find it hard to communicate this to others. They have a tendency to withdraw into their own space and can sometimes appear to be aloof and unapproachable or perhaps slightly superior or proud, all aspects of personality that contribute to their sense of isolation from others. Water Violet helps them to remember the oneness of all things and to dissolve the barriers around the heart chakra that this state creates, promoting the ability to socialise easily and to share their integrity, wisdom and knowledge. WHITE CHESTNUT Aesculus Hippocastanum. White Chestnut brings the gift of a calm, peaceful mind uncluttered by unnecessary thoughts. Those in need of White Chestnut suffer from a constantly busy mind in which there is no reprieve from revolving thoughts that circulate round and round like a hamster on a wheel. They often experience recurring internal mental arguments and conversations, all states that effectively cut them off from the present moment and can sometimes make it difficult to sleep. White Chestnut brings tranquillity and clarity of thought. WILD OAT Bromus Asper. Wild Oat promotes an inner certainty about the vocational direction of ones life. Those in need of Wild Oat have not yet connected with the inner direction of their Soul that would give them clarity on the direction of their chosen life path. They are often strongly ambitious people with many talents and gifts but as they lack a strong inner sense of how to use them tend to end up flitting from one thing to another. A state of uncertainty that means they are endlessly searching in the outer world for the right direction when the answer is actually within themselves. Wild Oat helps to strengthen their inner connection and promote clarity of direction. WILD ROSE Rosa Canina. Wild Rose helps to restore the qualities of enthusiasm and joy in the process of life. Those in need of Wild Rose experience a state of apathetic resignation, which can bring with it feelings of boredom or tiredness. In an acute state they appear to have given up, completely lacking the motivation and enthusiasm necessary to function normally in life. Some people experience this during a long-term illness, having been told to resign themselves to the fact they may never be fully well again. Wild Rose helps to bring back the enthusiasm to find joy in life whatever the circumstances. Willow restores the qualities of self-responsibility and forgiveness. Those in need of Willow have a tendency to feel a victim of circumstance and to blame others for their life situation. They may become easily bitter or resentful, bear grudges or feel that lifes not fair when things do not go their way. Willow helps to dissolve these difficult personality traits and to promote the recognition of the need for selfresponsibility, forgiveness of self and others and to restore optimism in their ability to create the life they want. Revival Remedy is a combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose & Star of Bethlehem. This combination of essences was originally formulated by Dr Bach himself for use in situations requiring emergency rescue. It acts as a very swift emotional stabiliser in situations of great fear, panic, trauma, or severe stress such as serious accidents or unexpected bereavement. It is also very useful in situations of lesser trauma such as exams, driving tests, visits to the dentist, etc. Take 4 drops in a drink and sip, replenishing as needed. In emergency situations take 4 drops on the tongue directly from the stock bottle, repeat until stabilised and calm. In cases of fainting, rub the drops on lips, temple, inner wrists and other pulse spots, repeating until consciousness is regained. Also available in a spray. Revival Remedy in no way replaces medical attention, which should always be summoned in emergency; rather it releases and dissolves the effects of shock, fear or trauma, thus enabling the bodys own self healing process to take effect quicker. HOW TO USE THE REMEDIES. The essences are easy to use simply select the essences most appropriate to the way you feel and on a daily basis put 2 drops of each into a glass of water and sip slowly. Review your condition after 6-8 weeks, looking to see which states remain and if any new states have appeared. Alternatively you may wish to create a dosage bottle which can represent a more economical use of the essences.. Put 2 drops of each of your chosen essences into a clean glass dropper bottle containing up to 30ml of mineral water and add a teaspoon of brandy or cider vinegar as a preservative. On a daily basis you then put 2 drops from your dosage bottle into a glass of water and sip slowly repeating daily for 6-8 week before review. The item “Complete set of 10ml Bach Flower Remedies in a Card Box” is in sale since Wednesday, September 06, 2017. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Other Natural Remedies”. The seller is “gaea_crystals” and is located in Somerset. This item can be shipped worldwide.
  • Brand: Crystal Herbs
  • Expiration Date: 8 years
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United Kingdom

Nelson Bach Box Set of 10ml Original Flower Remedies

Nelson Bach Box Set of 10ml Original Flower Remedies

ON SALE FOR A SHORT. AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE. The 10ml complete set of Bach Flower Remedies. Inside this lovely, high quality cardboard box. Are the 38 single flower, Flower Remedies and. Two Rescue Remedies, all in the 10ml size. The 10ml box set is. Beautifully presented in an attractive cardboard box. This kit is portable and light. The essences wont get knocked around thanks to the. Foam insert and essence stand which will keep them in place. Finding the essences is quick and easy thanks to the. Product locator in the lid. The box bears the Bach signature so you (and your clients). Can be confident that the essences are authentic Bach Original Flower Remedies. (this is the only way the remedies are available in the 10ml format). X2 RESCUE Remedy® 10ml bottles. Productor locator printed on the inside of the lid. All presented in a beautiful cardboard box set. Each Remedy is diluted, using a “Mother Tincture”. The best before date will vary. On the essences in these boxes. At the moment they are mostly. Between 10/2020 and 2021. Bach Original Flower Remedies. Homeopathic & Herbal Remedies. The item “Nelson Bach Box Set of 10ml Original Flower Remedies” is in sale since Tuesday, November 05, 2013. This item is in the category “Health & Beauty\Natural & Alternative Remedies\Other Natural Remedies”. The seller is “1thetreehouse” and is located in maidenhead. This item can be shipped to North, South, or Latin America, all countries in Europe, all countries in continental Asia, Australia.
  • Product: Complete 10ml Set
  • Suitable For: Vegetarians
  • EAN: 5000488105308
  • MPN: 2001805
  • Brand: Bach Original Flower Remedies
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: United Kingdom
  • Sub-Type: Flower Remedies
  • Treatment: Stress & Mood
  • Formulation: Liquid Form
  • Type: Homeopathic & Herbal Remedies
  • Expiration Date: 10/2020
  • UPC: Does not apply