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BulkSupplements L-Glutamine Enhance Your Workout

BulkSupplements L-Glutamine Enhance Your Workout

L-Glutamine is a nonessential amino acid that plays an important role in metabolic function. It is used by the body to fuel the cells and is the most common amino acid found in the human body. L-Glutamine Benefits Often taken as part of a pre-workout regimen, L-Glutamine is most commonly used by athletes and bodybuilders to help boost exercise endurance and to aid in recovery. L-Glutamine may also supports immune function, contribute to healthy metabolic function, and benefit gut and digestive health. ? PROMOTES MUSCLE GROWTH – L-Glutamine supplement is often uséd in the bodybuilding community to promote muscle growth and prevent muscle loss. It has also been used as a cell volumizer, which may help muscles hold water, thought to be necessary for growth and repair. ? AIDS RECOVERY – Glutamine supplement is believed to help boost athletic endurance and aid exercise recovery. It may decrease muscle soreness and improve recovery after intense exercise. Glutamine have also been known to fortify immune function. ? SUPPORTS GUT HEALTH – Vegan Glutamine powder has been uséd to promote digestion and supports the gut. Glutamine supplement is believed to help create a strong intestinal surface for digestion and absorption. ? NON-GMO – No genetically modified ingredients. Also free of sugar, soy, dairy, yeast, gluten and additives. Our flavorless powder is easily mixable in shakes, smoothies, pre-workout drinks and more! These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. See our other items. Bulksupplements L-Glutamine Powder and Capsules – Enhance Your Workout What Is L-Glutamine? L-Glutamine BenefitsOften taken as part of a preworkout regimen, L-Glutamine is most commonlyused by athletes and bodybuildersto help boost exercise endurance and to aid in recovery. &####128170; PROMOTES MUSCLE GROWTH – L-Glutamine supplement is often used in the bodybuilding community to promote muscle growth and prevent muscle loss. &####129657; AIDS RECOVERY – Glutamine supplement is believed to help boost athletic endurance and aid exercise recovery. ? SUPPORTS GUT HEALTH – Vegan Glutamine powder has been used to promote digestion and supports the gut. &####128683; NON-GMO – No genetically modified ingredients. &####128170; PROMOTES MUSCLE GROWTH – L-Glutamine supplement is often uséd in the bodybuilding community to promote muscle growth and prevent muscle loss. Bulksupplements L-Glutamine Powder and Capsules – Enhance Your Workout. ? PROMOTES MUSCLE GROWTH – L-Glutamine supplement is often used in the bodybuilding community to promote muscle growth and prevent muscle loss.

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